My Journal

Thursday, July 31, 2003

Well it's another Thursday. I will be eating with Chiara and my grandma. Everyone loves Chiara in my family which makes me so happy that we all get along. Can't wait for Chiara to go to one of our parties and see how crazy we all are.

Yesterday I realized that in 4 days it will be a month since I got from Mexico City, OMG! It seems like if I went last year or something.

Today I still I'm thinking about the size about the rims I want. If I get 17" or 16". If I go 16" I will be buying the Mugen ones which will cost me three arms 2 and half legs and an eye ball, each rim costs like $550!!!!!! Oh well I will have to meditate and see what's the deal and what is that I want.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

I dreamed about Chiara last night. I dreamed about her and driving. Wow that was cool two of my favorite things in the world on one night, cool!

I don't like QM and yesterday they told me I have to do it tonight, from 3am to 8:30am! I was like WTF! But I talked to my mom and dad and they said I should talk to the Dir I&R. I hope this gets sorted out.

I now don't know if I should get the suspension, Mugen *starts to drool*, or with the wheels, OZ Racing *drools some more*, I guess I have to save some money first and then decide.

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

I love her laugh, makes me smile and have so much fun.

Yesterday I did a correction list on my cousin Charlie, it feels good that one is able to do all this things for the staff but help the family is even better.

All this people need their meter check on their O/Ws and I told them I would do it they just light up and were thinking that it was great. It feels great to be finally producing.

Now I'm saving for my wheels. Here is a picture of them. O.Z. Superleggera

Monday, July 28, 2003

Well last night I realized that I've lost a lot of my friends. Don't get me wrong I think I got a lot of friends but not like I have best friends or anything.

I think it has to do with growing thetanly wise. We grow apart in certain ways. You know sometimes I fear I will loose all my friends. I guess it's just the fact that the reality changes is the ARC and we are not as close as before. But if there is someone that I think this will never happen is my family and Chiara. I love to know people and hang out but sometimes the out reality really bothers me to the degree I can only stand seeing them in short bursts. I think this is also with the fact that I only have Sunday off so waisting my time isn't my idea of enjoying my only time off.

Anyways, I love all my friends we have good memories and I know I will be making more, I just wish I know people more in my R.

Well it was a very nice weekend.

Friday I watched Star Trek with Chiara, it's our favourite show now on Fridays ;)

On Saturday we all finally went to eat together! Jairo, Erika, Ricardo, Julie, Chiara and me. It was good, we went to Olive Garden, I hadn't been to it in like 10 years. Last time I went it was in El Paso. Then no body wanted to go to the movies so Chiara and I rented Como Agua Para Chocolate, and she liked it. I enjoyed it too.

On Sunday was the most versatile day ever! First I did my chores while watching Mexico beat the World Champion, Brazil, on the Gold Cup which the final was held in Mexico City. Very awesome game. Then I went to pick up Chiara and we hanged a little bit with Davicho which had been like 2 years since I've seen him. Then off to my Granma's house to fix the computer. Then out of the blue we decided to go to the movies and watched Jonny English, a one time watch kind of movie. Then we went picked up our favorite Pizza, Post Corner Pizza at the beach and went and eat it at her house while watching Everafter. Good movie, I thought I was going to turn all gay and stuff after it, but there is nothing like watching a love movie with your love. I can finally watch a movie like that and have someone besides me to love.

Friday, July 25, 2003

Friday! To me it means I get to spend time with my Pipistrella and to eat out with my friends at work, over all I like it.

Yesterday while writing some letters for the Org I realized that a lot of the time it rains down here. I used to hate it, I used to despise that it would rain specially on the weekends. Then yesterday it hits me that since I started to go out with Chiara it rains a lot but it doesn't matter to my anymore. So I realized that Chiara is my Sun, whether is raining out side or not it only matters if I'm with her. I know it sounds corny and all cutsy but it's true, she brings me sunshine. Also she makes my heart sing. Funny how love get you uh?

Oh, I got the bag for the Digital Camera yesterday so I'm happy that I can bring it anywhere :D

I lvoe my family, I think I'm very lucky to have chosen them as my family. When I have my family I want it to be like mine, united and loving and most important working towards the Bridge.

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Bueno pues ya se acabo esta semana, en el trabajo y en la Org. No estube tan mal. Pero casi no audite ya que mis PCs no estaban secionables :(

Ayer Chiara se veia hermosa con la camisa mexicana que le traje y con sus ojos pintados que le iban a la ropa, y con el pelo asi como medio chino, wow. Cada vez me doy cuenta de que soy mas y mas afortunado.

Tengo ganas de tomar fotos, muchas fotos, pero lo unico que me esta matando es que no tengo todavia la bolsa para la camara asi que como que me da medio cosa sacar la camara asi nomas. Solo me falta que me lleguen las baterias, LAS CORRECTAS, y la bolsa, asi tomo fotos a lo wey y pues enseñare mas de por aca. Me gustaria que fueramos mis papas, mi pipistrella y yo a Busch Gardens, porque me llevo muy bien con todos ellos y a mis papas le cae muy bien mi Pipistrella.

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Bueno pues estoy esperando que varias cosas me lleguen. Estoy esperando las baterias que pedi para la camara y una bolasa para guardarla y que este protegida. Tambien estoy esperando mi spoiler. Yo digo que se va a ver bien chido el carro, ahi lo llevo, poco a poco lo voy arreglando.

Lo que quiero hacer ahora es ahorrar para irme de vacas el año que entra, eso me gustaria, algo asi como no mas de $1500. Estoy entre eso y unos rines con llantas, me gustan los OZ racing, siempre me han gustado y como son italianos ahora mas que nunca me gustan mas :P

Bueno pues ahi vere cuando llegan estas madres y voy a tomar muchas fotos.

Tambien estoy viendo a donde vamos a ir el finde que entra. Tengo ganas de ir a algun lugar con Chiara ya que ella no conoce Orlando o Busch Gardens. Yo quiero ir a Busch ya que mis papas no han ido tan poco y pues me gustaria que fueramos todos.

Bueno, hoy voy a empezar con dos cosas. ME CAGA QUE LA GENTE ME DIGA QUE SEA MAS CALLADO! ROAR!!!! No hay nada que me haga que me suba el TA mas que esas palabritas, Alex, be quiet! No estoy callado 10 hrs del dia para que cuando es hora de limpiar y la unica manera que no me cague limpiar es chiflando y cantando, asi me subo de tono y hago las cosas mas rapido. Pero, coño, si son las 10:30pm y quiero cantar se chingaron, o pueden limpiar solitos. *Se baja el TA* Ah, ya estoy mejor.

Hoy voy a meter a un PC en una lista de reparacion, una LCRE, y pues me va a ir muy bien. Me siento muy padre ayudando al Staff subiendo por el puente y quitandoles el caso para que puedan producir mucho. Y todo lo que tengo que hacer es auditar. Este es el trabajo mas facil del mundo.

Ayer le escribi una notita a Chiara porque no me pude despedir :( Saludos al Rodro y a Chiara

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Pues hoy es martes. Ni te cases ni te enbarques :P

Nada nuevo a pasado, ayer estube muy cansado y pues me dormi un rato antes de ir a la Org.

Chiara cada dia se ve mas bonita, cada vez que platico con ella mi ARC se multiplica como por 1000. Me encanta escucharla hablar, aunque yo tambien hablo mucho. Debo de ponerme mas en mi beingness de Auditor y escuchar.

Tambien estoy preocupado que no he auditado mas que :33 esta semana y pues no tengo un PC en la noche aun, estoy haciendo los High Crimes y debo de drilear tambien.

Hoy estube pensando que pasaria si Chiara se va, me puse triste y le dije que no se puede ir, digo si necesita irse por un mes esta ok, pero algo asi como un año yo me muero y luego agarro otro cuerpo para morime otra vez.

Mi Pipistrella sera para siempre. Cuando tenga 80 años le diga Pipistrella y mis nietos me pregunten porque le digo pipistrella sera una muy buena historia que contar. Mis hijos diran, OH MY GOD! Not that story again dad! Pero ni modo, asi sera, yo auditando a mis nietos y de mas, me gusta la idea de una familia, me gusta la idea de una familia como la que tengo, que todos esten en fuente y subiendo por el puente.

Monday, July 21, 2003

Monday agian. Well this past week went by so fast that last Monday seems like it happend long time ago.

This was a cool weekend. On Friday I went to the Event at Flag and worked a bit after it. Then went to my Pipistrella's and hanged out. Nothing too fancy but nice.

On Saturday after the Org Chiara and I were supposed to eat with Jairo and Erika and unfortunatelly Erika was unable to make it, so it was just Jairo, Chiara and me, it was nice. I hadn't seen Jairo in a bit. Then we just went for a drive and walking in St Pete, where we ate some ice cream. I was very tired that day, I don't know why.

On Sunday I got to wake up early, which I don't like on Sunday, and went to the Org to say good bye to the missioners, it was very emotional, everyone teary eyed. Then went home and clean some of it. Got the car washed and I went to buy my Pipistrella some flowers, I didn't know if she liked them or not, but she let me know that she loved them. That made me very happy. We went to the house where she used to baby sit and met some people, they were very nice to me and it was fun. Vera is so beautiful and she was fun to be with. Later we went to the movies, one of my favorite things in the world after Chiara and my car, and we enjoyed Bad Boys II. Good movie, a bit long but good. I recognized a lot of places from South Beach, I even was there when they were shooting some scenes at the Versace house. Then we went to eat at Durangos and it was good, except some guy behind me kept looking at Chiara, I know that with such a beautiful girl I have to get used to people looking and stareing. I just have to get used to it. And later in the evening I found out we missed my parents by like 10 minutes, they were eating there too. Lol, pretty funny. We then went for a drive to the beach and saw some pretty nice houses and talked very nice. After that we went to Chiaras house and had a great time just relaxing at her house. I just love hanging out with her.

I hope every weekend is as fun as this one. We also have to go to Busch Gardens and to Orlando. That should be fun.

Friday, July 18, 2003

I have to confess that yesterday I raced agains some Puerto Rican piece of shit, the type that drives with the seat reclined all the way back and thinks he's a pimp with his wife beater and some silly net type thing on his head. Anyways, I was minding my own business and this guy thought he had like a Porsche because he kept going through all the traffic. So I stop at the light and the guy moves a bit foward and started to look at Chiara in a very disrespectful way, that just set me on fire. I wanted to kick his ass! So when the light turns green I go normally and I can see the guy was going a bit faster and I punched it, my car just took off like a pipistrello out of hell! and kicked his ass. I was all pumped in adrenaline, it had been a while since I've felt that way. I just don't like people that look at Chiara that way, it makes me sick. I don't mind when people complement me, because she is a beautiful girl and a more beautiful being but when people send this nasty flows I don't like it.

Well the point is I raced but I only did it until 65mph in a 55mph, so I justified it. Any ways keep it safe out there.

I finally understand this song that my mom used to sing when I was a kid...

Gracias a la vida,
que me ha dado tanto.
Me dio dos luceros para que te viera.

This reminds me of Chiara, she left me a very lovley note on the car last night. I can't wait to see her today. We have so much fun and enjoy being with each other.

On another note I didn't audit last nite either, the PC wasn't sessionable, oh well. I have to get ready to have at least 3 PCs so I can audit one PC a night no matter what.

Yesterday I was debatting whether to buy new tires for my car or a new spoiler. I'm leaning towards the spoiler, since this will defenetly set me aside from Scotty's car. I want to save $1600 for wheels next. I think this is going good. Not to fast but not too slow. It's a pretty creative game.

Chiara where ever you are, I'm always thinking of you.

Oh and today IS FRIDAY!!!!!! Which means I get to work tomorrow but I get out early so no problems mate!

Thursday, July 17, 2003

Well yesterday was very hot at the Org. I mean HOT! The AC didn't work in the 4th floor, that was like almost supressive!

I have been given some complements on the session that Mike got from me. It's nice to be producing something that I'm able to produce, happy PCs. Now my life is like going great! All I need is to win the lottery and my plan will be complete. I mean, I got money but with the Lottery I would just take an LOA from everything and just go up to OT VII so I can be auditing on that. Wouldn't that be nice? I certantly think so.

Oh and Chiara looked very very hot too. She was wearing a red top with a black skirt with red roses on it, very sexy. *French guy voice* OH oh oh oh!

I love you Chiara, mi Pipistrella.

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

I received a beautiful email from Chiara this morning. I loved it. I love Chiara so much, it just makes everything better. I guess good things do happen to those who wait. Chiara is everything that I need, a smart, italian, with the most beautiful eyes and some lips that are so sweet I want to kiss every moment. *sigh* I'm in love...

Well I finally audited yesterday. WOW! The guy was just blown away! A lot of charge blew in that 1 hr session. I'm happy that he is happy. I think I messed up though. Today I have to get other cylces done before going in session again.

I send my Love to mi Pipistrella.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

I took a very nice picture of mi Pipistrella yesterday. She says she doesn't come out good in the pictures but I think she looks great. I made a black and white picture of her and left the color of her eyes, beautiful, simply beautiful.

I also finally joined This place rocks! You can put all your pictures and videos you want. I think that's cool, specially since it's FREE!!!! I'll post the link later today.

Saludos a todos. Un baco para mi Pipistrella.

Monday, July 14, 2003

Today. One Month. The best Month ever. It's my one month aniversary with mi Pipistrella. It's been great. We laugh, watch movies and have lots of fun together. I'm glad that I found her.

Got a digital camare yesterday so I will be posting a lot more pictures more often.

Just got to save money for the wheels now.

Friday, July 11, 2003

Today on my way to work I realized I miss Rodrigo. I just miss my cousin, we bonded so good in so little time, it's like I've known him all my life, too bad I don't miss him as bad as I did Chiara. Two weeks without her voice was really killing me. Thank God I was on vacation and I was able to get out and do something.

And you ask your self, how did I come to this realization? Well the shirt that I'm wearing today was washed by my Aunt Christina and it smells like their house.


I also realized last night talking to mi Pipistrella that the most rewarding risk I've taken was kissing her on our date we had almost a month ago. When I kissed her it was the biggest adrenaline rush I've had ever. I just knew that I had to go for it, otherwise I would of always wonder what would of happened.

Sometimes I think you are able to travel to the past and change it. But how you ask? Well I think you just think into the future and see what would happend if I did or did not do something. Then you analyze that and you make your decision in present time, which is like traveling into the past since you were on the future... I don't know their just my thoughts.

Thursday, July 10, 2003

ROAR! de Ricardo Torres

Instantly, no waiting! de Diego Campos

Damn it! mio

Holly poop on a stick! No me acuerdo

No mames! (pronunciado en ingles suena meims) Mio

Not just no, HELLS NO! mio

No mametralles Rambo! del Davicho

Que pedos bitch!! del Davicho

Yo si le'tch! del Davicho

A que sabe el omellete? del Farol, ahora la frase mas celebre de mexico y usada por mi

Bueno hasta aqui es lo que me acuerdo.

Well, today is a new day and I will completely create it that way.

I need to start to get exercising again. I need to start running so I don't feel weak. My problem is getting up. Srew it I will get up from now on and run and run I will so I can be in shape. I'm doing good physicaly, I just need to keep it going and I just made the decision so I just need to put it in force.

I also will start l logging all my phrases, well I say mine because I use them but in truth I'm a conglomeration of phraces from everywhere. I see my cousins and I get a phrase and use it. I hear something from Ricardo S. and I use it. But I'm proud to say that I came up with a nickname for Chiara, and I did it all on my own. I call her mi Pipistrella... I know it means bat, as in the ones that fly, but to me I just love the way that words sounds and it reminds me when I first met her. We went to eat after the movies with our friends and I was talking about cars, what else is there to talk about :P, and I was talking about the new Lamborghini Murcielago and I explained what murcielago was and where it came from. So I asked her how to say murcielago in italian and bam!! I heard pipistrello, I think it's a cute word therefore I call my girl a pipstrella.

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

I want to learn italian so I can talk to Chiara in italian. I just love listening to her talk although I don't understand half of it.

Today I was reading about the movies that are coming soon and I tought about writting. All the suden I wanted to write, I don't know about what but I wanted to write. May be I should start to write again, you never know, maybe one of the stories I write can be a movie some day.

I just love movies. Movies and Chiara.

Spears Says She, Timberlake Were Lovers

The singer also discusses her rumored fling with Irish actor Colin Farrell, whom she accompanied to the premiere of his movie "The Recruit" in February.

"Yes, I kissed him. Of course I did! He's the cutest, hottest thing in the world — wooh! He's such a bad boy. But it was nothing serious," she says. "Seriously, I haven't had a boy in a really long time, and I'm really craving ... just a kiss, man. Just a kiss would be nice."

Despues de leer este articulo me acorde de Rodrigo. Wey la Britney quiere un beso, solo un beso. APLICATE KA!!!!

Como a mi no me gusta, ahi se las dejo. Yo solo tengo ojos para mi Mariposa Hermosa.

Buenos dias. Pues ayer Chiara empezo curso en la org y me da mucho gusto que este cerca de mi, mi queridisima pipistrella. Ahora la voy a ir a recojer a su casa despues del trabajo y nos vamos a mi casa a comer y luego a la org. Me gusta la idea. Asi despues de la org la llevo a su casa y pues ya nos podemos ver entre semana.

Extraño a los primos de por alla del otro lado del charco, me la pase bastante chido y pues siempre echar la hueva es mas rico que estar trabajando, pero si quiero seguir teniendo vacaciones hay que seguir trabajando.

Ya es miercoles y pues todo esta bien por aca. Anoche tuvimos guante blanco y pues fue divertido, yo siempre me quejo pero al fin siempre lo hago. Lo que si me esta dando hueva es tener que hacer otra vez el watch. Eso si que es hueva y no jaladas.

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Well today it's tuesday, another day to get into the normal routine of working. The last two weeks were very cool since I was on vacation.

I got the pictures from my trip to Mexico City now on Here.

Just getting back to my normal routine. Started running again this morning although it was only a mile, I know I'm a lazy SOB but I will work my way back to 2 miles. I'm still undecided if I should be weigh training to get bigger or just get leaner.

Anyways, that's all for today

Monday, July 07, 2003

This is my second blog today. I think this is pretty sexy. mmmmh, people will start to read this... I don't think so. Maybe one day it will be good.

Oh by the way, Chiara, mi pipistrella, I send you my love.

This is my first blog. I think it should be cool. Never had a diary or anything.