Monday agian. Well this past week went by so fast that last Monday seems like it happend long time ago.
This was a cool weekend. On Friday I went to the Event at Flag and worked a bit after it. Then went to my Pipistrella's and hanged out. Nothing too fancy but nice.
On Saturday after the Org Chiara and I were supposed to eat with Jairo and Erika and unfortunatelly Erika was unable to make it, so it was just Jairo, Chiara and me, it was nice. I hadn't seen Jairo in a bit. Then we just went for a drive and walking in St Pete, where we ate some ice cream. I was very tired that day, I don't know why.
On Sunday I got to wake up early, which I don't like on Sunday, and went to the Org to say good bye to the missioners, it was very emotional, everyone teary eyed. Then went home and clean some of it. Got the car washed and I went to buy my Pipistrella some flowers, I didn't know if she liked them or not, but she let me know that she loved them. That made me very happy. We went to the house where she used to baby sit and met some people, they were very nice to me and it was fun. Vera is so beautiful and she was fun to be with. Later we went to the movies, one of my favorite things in the world after Chiara and my car, and we enjoyed Bad Boys II. Good movie, a bit long but good. I recognized a lot of places from South Beach, I even was there when they were shooting some scenes at the Versace house. Then we went to eat at Durangos and it was good, except some guy behind me kept looking at Chiara, I know that with such a beautiful girl I have to get used to people looking and stareing. I just have to get used to it. And later in the evening I found out we missed my parents by like 10 minutes, they were eating there too. Lol, pretty funny. We then went for a drive to the beach and saw some pretty nice houses and talked very nice. After that we went to Chiaras house and had a great time just relaxing at her house. I just love hanging out with her.
I hope every weekend is as fun as this one. We also have to go to Busch Gardens and to Orlando. That should be fun.