My Journal

Wednesday, August 27, 2003


Well I'm still in CW. I'm waiting to see if I leave tonight or tomorrow morning. It was nice yesterday that I went to the Org and handeled the Red Tag I had because I ended on a personal win.

So I was all ready and stuff to go when I turn on my mobile phone and I have this message that I'm not leaving :( well imediately I thought I could spend the time with mi amore. I know I only think about her but that's what one does when you are in love.

We went to eat and had a good dinner, I ate too much:( got home and watched Star Trek, it was very nice. I liked yesterdays episode very much! It was certantly a special edition. It was something about the Captain finally finding that spot they have been looking for and then something about some raining and cleaning. Any ways it was the BEST!

.~´Chiara Section`~.

Well I love the fact that I spent this mini vacation with Chiara. It was certanly special I got to relax a lot and be with you all that time that otherwise I wouldn't be able to do. I love the fact that I'm with her and we talk and laugh. Like yesterday I kept singing the Danger Zone song, from Top Gun, and I don't know any lyrics to any song in the world so I'm like ni no ni no danger zooone!!! She just laughed and laughed. And listening to Chiara laugh is like the best feeling in the world. Chiara I know you are the woman for me and I can't wait to be together for the rest of our lives.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Well yesterday was one of those hectic days. I will be leaving today to Texas, Dallas to be exact, I will be working there for the next two weeks. It should be intresting. I will leave today, come back on Friday and then head out again on Monday to comeback again on Friday. Whew that's a lot of traveling!

I will be missing my Pipistrella but I got my cellphone and I should be ok. I will call her very day. It should be intresting. I'm a bit nervous, don't know why. It always happens when I do something new. It's the same feeling I got when I first started going out with Chiara. Excited, nervous, not hungry, not knowing what is going to be like... Well I know it's going to be fine. New experiences are always good. I always wanted to travel and what not so can't complain.

I will be trying to write my diary when I can. I think at night or something.

.~´Chiara Section`~.

Well it meant a lot to me that she came to say good bye yesterday. I know I'll be gone like as if I wasn't but I will miss her. I wish I could be with her all the time. Just holding her hand would make me happy. I love you Chiara and I'll always will. Ti Amo Pipistrella.

Monday, August 25, 2003

Miles: 12,812

Well very nice weekend. Friday was Start Trek like usual. Although it was very exiting and new. Never get bored of it :D

Staturday after like the longest day in history, I finally got to go home with my love and after cleaning and doing all that we got to go to swim in the pool. It had been a long time since I've swam in my pool but with Chiara it was definitevly nice. Then on Sunday we went to Epcot in Orlando. It was a nice trip, not too long not too short. We had lots of fun and saw a whole bunch of stuff. But most importantly I got me a Chiara ring. I now have a ring that says CHIARA and she has one that says ALEX, we are COOL!!!!

So in general this was a very cool weekend and we had lots of fun, and the drive back it was cool, because we got to talk the whole time. I'll post pics as soon as I remember to bring my camara into the office

Friday, August 22, 2003

Miles: 12,503

Well yesterday was the end of the week for both my jobs. Everything good. I audited more than I've done before, 1:34 mins, I know it's like what a session would be but that's all I did since I've been doing High Crimes so I can get in session.

Yesterday before I went to sleep I was thinking that it's been about 2 months since I went to Mexico and I wanted to rehab that whole experience and I thought that I should watch the video that I recorded while there. But I guess I didn't need to I just remember the great experiences with Rodrigo. OMG Rawdrigou! :P

.~´Chiara Section`~.

Well this is Friday which means I get to go to Chiara's house and just be with her. Just hanging with her and talking and kissing is so nice. We talk about so much stuff and we laugh and we laugh some more.

I love her laugh.

I remember the first time I heard her laugh. It was on July 6th, a beautiful warm July Sunday night. We were out side my house and I don't remember exactly what we were talking about but I just heard her laugh and how she smiled. At that moment I just completely fell in love with her, no more holding back. No more consideration about how much I should hold back and what not. This is the moment she we were ment to be together. And every time I hear her laughter and see her beautiful smile of her's with those piercing green esmeralds she has as eys, it inspires me to be a better man to be the best I can be so she can be proud of me and never stop loving me.

There are still millions of things I've still got to notice and love every single one of them. But to me my favorite is that smile and then a laugh. There is something in there that makes me feel like the luckiest man in the world. I wouldn't trade her for all the gold in the world...

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Miles: 12,456

Well yesterday was good. I did audit for a change, I did a 1:36hr HE on me on a week :D

Work is good, the Org is so close to SH size we are practically smelling the trophy.

I paid some bills yesterday and nothing out of the ordinary. Today I will be visiting my Abuelita Maria Elena. I always have lunch with her on Thursdays this way she gets to see me and we talk about anything. She really likes that I go visit her, I mean she's all alone on the house the whole week until 5:30pm when my Aunt Cata arrives and then she leaves to go with her boyfriend. Sandy is going to school so she again ends up alone. So by me going to see her once a week and grant her beingness and just listening to her it's like auditing. She goes up tone and we talk about anything, from Star Trek, no just kidding. From Books to the cousins and the latest news and what is going on around the Org.

.~´Chiara Section`~.


Well everytime I talk to her I just go uptone. Sometimes she asks me if I'm tired but it's just that when I'm with her or talk with her I get calm, it's like my safe zone. I'm usually very loud and hyperactive but with her is like I get calm my space desenturbulates and I just want to be with her. When she and I IM each other our ARC goes way high and we want to kiss and hold each other in our arms. I know what I'm going to be thankful this Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is such an American holiday, but I like it because one gets to really ack those things that one believes to be really special. The last years I've been thankful to be blessed with such a great family that are now my friends and we are able to communicate anything and help each other with Scn. But this year is very special, I have for the first time a girlfriend that I will be bringing, because everyone else always brings their 2D except me because I was such a looser. Well this time I get to bring my special one and be thankful for her. I know she's alone here without her parents but I feel she's getting along with my family great so that is great news for me. We already consider her part of the family of course, just like Ricardo.

Anyways this weekend should be different since we're going to go to Orlando to Epcot Center. I haven't been there like in 4 years but it should be fun.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Miles: 12,412

Ok so yesterday was good. I talked for a while with Chiara and as always our ARC just keeps increasing.

At the org I finally did the drills I wanted to do, the Rehab Tech, I finally know what to do.

My shoulder is better it can move a little better, it'll be another week before I can start to do weights again but not to worry I'll just run this 2 weeks.

.~´Chiara Section`~.

Well what can I say, i just love being with her. Basically she's the one that gets me through the day and all the shit that happens around me. She's like my recharger for my theta batteries. Every day I get some theta sucked out of me little by little with all the cycles and stuff I have to do. I see it like a movie. When I'm working either at the office or the org I feel like I'm in a battle zone, everything fast everyone moving in all direction trying to defeat the enemy. After a while it gets tireing. But then she comes and basically slows everything down to slow motion and I'm able to dodge bullets and move faster and it's all because of this great being that I have as a 2D. I know I did my homework since I've found the best lady, no doubt. And the best is that I know that whatever happens we are able to always handle whatever the situation might be with the application of Scn. I can see me now 60 years from now, 83 sitting out on the lawn of the house with all the grand children coming to visit and telling them stories of how it was "back in the day". They will question that the world wasn't Clear before. That there were only a few orgs in the country. That Freedom wasn't possible. And this is all an inspiration to me because Chiara is with me and I want her to be always be with me.

Yes, pronounced with a mexican Y, I know this is very long but so what I want to write about my girl, it's my every right.

Last night I realized I have the best things anybody could ask for and I wouldn't trade it for all the gold of the world. I have the best Family. Where my parents are my friends and we help each other out. My car, that is fast but not too fast yet sporty and is able to do the groceries and do anything I want to do. And mos importantly, my Chiara, mi Pipistrella. Mi estrella, mi princensa. She is the iceing of the cake. I was "happy" before she came into my life, now I don't know how I could live without her, I see the rest of my life with her. Thanks everyone for I am truly happy and I intend to keep creating upon this. I love you guys.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Miles: 12,358

Well yesterday was a bit rough and it finally got better because I spoke to my special one. Yeah, for those who like to read my diary and always think, man this guy only writes about her, well DON'T READ IT IF YOU DON'T WANT TO. Anyways it was great, I just love getting in comm with her, it makes me so happy, I could feel like crap and I get much better. She is what gets through my life.

Otherwise pretty simple day, work and the Org. The org is putting a lot of preassure to make me work full time and they want me there and what not, but I'm not doing that. I'm doing what I'm doing right now.

Monday, August 18, 2003

Nice weekend overall.

Friday was OK since I couldn't left the org until freaking 11:40pm. This seriously cut our Star Trek time, which is normally at 11:30 so we saw it but not like we usually like to.

Saturday was one of those Staurdays that won't end. Fortunately I was able to have some fun and relax at night and we went to the movies. Went to bed a little late and my pipistrella didn't sleep too much and she had to work on Sunday.

On Sunday I had to help my mom a lot since she and I were the only ones at home. So I did all grocery shopping and cleaning then I went and helped Chiara clean the purif. Then went home and ate and saw a movie. I like the weekend. To me it's all about chilling.

Friday, August 15, 2003

Miles: 12,112

Well another Friday is here. WOW! Weeks just go like nothing!

Not much to say here except that I'll be putting my Spoiler this week end. WOOOO HOOOO!!!! I'll post pics as soon as I can.

Yesterday I was anbushed by the whole staff to be full time. Sometimes I think about it and it doesn't seem real. I don't see me doing that forever as a job. I like it but as a help, not as a carreer. Anyways. They also interviewed me yesterday, Gold did, and when we go SH size I'll be there on the video. That should be intresting.

I'll post more random thoughts through out the day.

.~'`Chiara Section`'~.

Well it was very nice to talk to her last night. The first call wasn't the best since I had my attention units everywere the comm cycle did really take place. So I called her again and really talked to her and we understood each other. I love that about her we can always comm and the we just mend the ARC in a finger snap.

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Miles: 12,054

Well today is my 2 month aniversary with Chiara. It's great, we talked about it yesterday and we are very happy and we have the same goals so no complaints here. I gave her a small stuffed animal bat, since I call her Pipistrella I thought it would be cute and she seemed to really like it. I'm glad that I have Chiara, I finally feel that I'm complete.

Well I decided to put the miles I have on the car when I arrive to work. This way I can see how many miles I do a day and stuff.

I also gained a pound. I was scared at first I thought here we go again, I'm going to be a fat cow. But I really like the mock up I have now. Not skinni but not fat. I just want to be lean and strong. So I decided to cut on the bread and sugars. No more dessert for me or bread. Also I found out it was the f@#$@#$ granola I was putting on the yougurt. I thought it was good but it actually wasn't helping me. I was gaining weight so forget about that. I will start to eat more salads again and more protein this way I keep off the fat and keep the muscle.

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Well yesterday was definitely different. I had to do a lot of admin at work that I know I hadn't been doing too much and that really cause some troubles. But we set some new policies and we will make sure that doesn't happen again.

Can't wait to put my new spoiler. I also realized that I should be saving to pay my debt not for my wheels, or at least half and half. This way I get my cake and get to eat it too :D

.-~`Chiara Section`~-.

Well yesterday mi amore helped us doing White Glove and that really sped up the process and we got to go home a bit more early. She's just the best of the best. My only wish is that I could of met her before. No regrets here.


Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Not much to say about yesterday.

I got my spoiler which will be put in on Sunday. I will look great.

I got to see Chiara when I thought I wouldn't be able to see her.

I'm here at work and I know I haven't been the best worker. But I know I will make it go right and make sure that I'm trully producing.

Monday, August 11, 2003

Another weekend went by.

The Star Trek episodes were very nice, specially on Sunday. It was a brand new one.

We had fun at the aquarium and took lot's of pics. I will post later.

I'm a bit tired since I ran and did weights this morning. But I did good ;)

It's going to be different now that I won't be seeing Chiara all the time :( She is now 99.8% done with her course, she just needs to do one or two more practicals and she's done. I guess that I will be looking foward to see her even more.

Today my spoiler should arrive. I will be installing it on Sunday with my Dad. Should be a good project. Oh and I forgot to buy the Flights for my darts at the office, the ones I have are falling apart litterally.

Friday, August 08, 2003

Funny thing happen last night. I got home about 11:35pm and I was on the phone with Chiara until about 12:10am. I went to sleep and then at 1:00am I looked at the clock and I got up and felt very tired. I went to my Mom's room to tell her it was time, like I do in the morning and we can all get ready, and I just told her "It's time Mom, it's 1am". At this moment my mom wakes up like holly molly, and then I realized that it was 1 am and I should be sleeping and I woke up my mom. So I apoligized and went back to bed. Funny stuff no?

Anyway I decided today I will only work out 3-4 days a week other wise I will die because of lack of sleep. I'll be doing Monday, running and weight training. Tuesday, running. Wednesday, probably run but not sure since we have White Glove on tuesday. Thursday, running and weight training. Friday will probably sleep since Staff Meeting normally goes until 11:30pm.

I have to talk to my dad about my schedule becuase they decided to change it and I'm supposed to go both days of the weekend, which is not going to happen.

Any ways, can't wait until 9:30pm when I can see my pipistrella again.

Thursday, August 07, 2003 - Happiest Couple in the world? - Aug. 6, 2003

This is a pretty cool link. I made it and it looks very real. I thought my parents and other friends would enjoy it.

It's already thursday which means that friday is just around the corner which means saturday follows it in other words it's almost Sunday, my day off!!!!!

At the Org yesterday I translated the sessions from hell from Spanish to English. It was a tough cyle because it was very hard understanding this auditors handwriting. Normally when one translates one has the Auditor there so you can translate the session with the auditor instead of trying to decipher the damn thing. Any ways, I translated like 8 pages in 3 FUCKING HOURS!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!

Today I will finish my instruct so I can take Diego in session for his correction list and finish the never ending O/W write up. I like him, I just wish he was done with that whole cycle so he can get some Case gain. I think soon, a week or two, he should be done. I think of this journal as my auditing. I just type it away and then it's all good. I can assis most of the things that bother me.

*********************************************************************************~Chiara section~
* *
*Well yesterday we talked for like an hour like we never talked before. It was beautiful. We talked
*about how we met and it was a weird cycle but it worked. If I would of planed it, it wouldn't of
*Any ways that's what I like about Chiara I can talk about anything for hours and hours. I can tell *this is the most wonderful relationship ever. I can't think my life without her. It's that essential to *my life now. I love you Chiara... To infinity and beyond.

Oh and I got up and ran 2 miles, didn't do weights but I did 2 miles in about 21 minutes, not bad one of my fastes times.

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Well I got my instruct yesterday and I love the fact that I'm getting corrected. I feel it was what I needed. The only thing is that there is all this pressure to finish it like a week ago and start auditing again. Whatever, I'm doing it at my pace so I get it and never forget it.

Work is nice, we just set up a new way of testing so I trully become Qual. I test it and I either pass it or flunk it, like the examiner in an Org.

Chiara and I are doing great and our aniversary is coming soon.

Overall I'm happy with my life. The only thing that would make it better would be if I was getting some auditing, which will happen soon.

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Ok, so yesterday wasn't the best day at the Org. I had two pcs, on was Charlie and we went in session and got all handled and he was FNing and everything. Then I got another PC and it was like a nightmare. Any ways I'm gona get my cramming and make sure that never happens again, and if it does I will know how to handle it that's why correction exists.

Chiara and I talked yesterday and we got to various agreements which are very nice. I'm just glad that I have what I really want. A Scientologist who is doing something and I like the fact that we handle our comm with Scn which makes it so much easier. I love the fact that she can say anything and I can say anything.

Anyways, I didn't workout today, I was a lazy bastard. But tomorrow I will get up run and go to the gym, this way I'm cause over the body and not being effect. Besides since Chiara tomorrow she's going to the Org early I can just take a nap at home :)

Monday, August 04, 2003

Well the weekend is over. No more Star Trek. Oh well I'll have to wait until next week.

Sat I got a bit enturbulated in the Org but that's ok because reading so much entheta, I don't know how my mom does it, she gets to hear all the entheta in the world. Don't get me wrong, an auditor gets to hear entheta but you get to see it blow right in front of your eyes, you see the being change right in front of you.

The food was pretty good this weekend. The movie was OK, not the best but not sucky. What will be the next movie I go see?

Chiara looked very pretty this weekend, like always. We are full of hickies, it's funny, I've never had them before and I think the feel good when getting one but you have to be careful where you put it.

Went to Sam Ash and got to play with some music instruments. I wish I was super literate on Music and I could just play any instrument. Make songs from all over the world and make them known and people will get in comm with me through that music. I like that.

I love the fact that Chiara and I just talk about anything and we are in so high ARC. I really like that.
Ok I'll write some more tomorrow.

Friday, August 01, 2003

Ok so I come to the conclusion that my life goes around my car and Chiara. I don't know how I lived without her. I managed to live but I wasn't fully alive, now I'm like 90% happy at all times. Without my car it would suck since I was unable to do anything. But now with my Pipistrella and my car, Hirotoshi San, I'm the happiest guy in the world. I don't care what other people think, this is truly happiness. I feel like I'm in power and that is defined as doing what one is doing when one is doing it. Wow.

I also realized that now I include in my dreams my Pipistrella. It's nice, I see her and I like it alot. Sometimes they are weird, sometimes they are nice. But since they have Chiara in them it makes me happy. I love to dream, they feel so real that when I wake up and I had a good dream I wake up happy and ready to do whatever I need to do.

Last night I dreamed that I had dinner with her. It was nice. But the best part of my dream was when my dad walks into the house with a brand new problem... He needs vitamins and some books to get back on the Level. I was so happy, I was jumping with Joy! And since I dreamed about it, now I know that he will be doing it soon :D