Well I'm still in CW. I'm waiting to see if I leave tonight or tomorrow morning. It was nice yesterday that I went to the Org and handeled the Red Tag I had because I ended on a personal win.
So I was all ready and stuff to go when I turn on my mobile phone and I have this message that I'm not leaving :( well imediately I thought I could spend the time with mi amore. I know I only think about her but that's what one does when you are in love.
We went to eat and had a good dinner, I ate too much:( got home and watched Star Trek, it was very nice. I liked yesterdays episode very much! It was certantly a special edition. It was something about the Captain finally finding that spot they have been looking for and then something about some raining and cleaning. Any ways it was the BEST!
.~´Chiara Section`~.
Well I love the fact that I spent this mini vacation with Chiara. It was certanly special I got to relax a lot and be with you all that time that otherwise I wouldn't be able to do. I love the fact that I'm with her and we talk and laugh. Like yesterday I kept singing the Danger Zone song, from Top Gun, and I don't know any lyrics to any song in the world so I'm like ni no ni no danger zooone!!! She just laughed and laughed. And listening to Chiara laugh is like the best feeling in the world. Chiara I know you are the woman for me and I can't wait to be together for the rest of our lives.