My Journal

Friday, October 31, 2003

Miles: 16,637

Well it's... FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!

I'm so happy that it's Friday. 1. I get to see Chiara and secondly, I get to see Chiara, yay!!!!!

Well the stats of the Org were not the greatest last week but that's in the past and now we are creating our new week and we are going Saint Hill size very soon. We are going to expand like crazy and make it!

I saw Chiara yesterday and it was very pleasing. Every time I don't see her for like 2 days and I see her I feel like Christmas. Like it's the happiest day of the year, that I get to be with the one I love.

Happy Halloween by the way

Chiara Section

Friday. My favorite day of the week. Not only do I get to see Chiara but actually spend more than 30 minutes with her. No more phone call. No more longing for her kisses and caresses. No more waiting to feel her soft silky skin. Seeing her and feeling I'm the happiest luckiest man in the world. I'm so happy to be with her. I can't wait until I see her and I just kiss and kiss her. Until I can have her in my arms and just hug her and feel her in my arms and never wanting to let go.

Friday is good day for me, it's the dawn of a great 3 days. The days I get to be with the one that I love. The one I care for, the love of my life. Friday, Saturday & Sunday are all I look foward to since it's the time I get to see Chiara and love her and kiss her. Her kisses are the sweetest most delicious things I can think of.

Chiara Ti Amo. Ti amo tanto tanto. You complete me in every way, shape and form.

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Mi manchi tanto amore.

Miles: 16,590

Well it sucked as that yesterday I was unable to get my stat up for my stat at the Org due to the fact that my PC was not sessionable. Oh well there is always next week.

Yesterday I got to see Chiara twice, yay!!!! She came over to my house when I was eating dinner and then I went to see her after the Org since it was a day I leave early, meaning at 10pm.

Chiara Section

Well I missed Chiara so much and yesterday I got to see her twice which made me very very happy. Sometimes I just wish she could be on my side so I can hold her hand and kiss it or just look at her. She is so much fun and a delight to be with. She is the air I breath. The sunlight that makes my flowers bloom. The engine in my body that makes me go up to 200mph when I'm with her.

Chiara ti amo tanto tanto. Mi Pipistrella sei la donna piu bella de tutto il Universo. I will always love you Chiara.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Miles: 16,536

Well yesteday was samo ol' thing. Just work and the Org nothing new or exciting happened.

Chiara Section

Well I haven't seen her for 2 days and I want to hold her in my arms and feel her soft silky skin. I miss her precense and her smile when we are together. I love her to the core that is me. She is in every thought in every sentence in every blink of an eye. My only wish is to be with her all the time so I could never stop seeing her beauty and that smile that can make me go crazy. Her precense makes me feel that everything will be alright and I know that no matter how crappy my day I can always count on her to be there and make all my troubles dissappear with her laughter and joy she has.

Chiara you are my sunshine. You are my brightest star that I look up in the sky to see every night. And altough sometimes it gets cloudy I know you are still there and that a day after that I can always see your shining beauty and stare at that beauty forever.

Chiara ti amo e ti manchi. You are my everything I've ever wanted.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

I realized that Chiara is like Hello Kitty. Whoever doesn't think that she's cute and beautiful has something seriously wrong with them.

I just thought I'd say that.

Miles: 16,474

Well yesterday it wasn't my best day but that day is gone. I was a bit out of it because of lack of sleep. But now I'm fully recuperated and I even went out and jogged for a bit and did some push ups and pull ups.

Chiara Section

Chiara. Mi amor. Mi donna piu bellisima. She is the best of the best. Yesterday I was happy because I was remembering of Sunday when we went to Wal-Mart and stared mocking up the house. I was mocking it up recently. I get to the house, the one next to MK, and since it's very close I get there super fast and easy. No traffic or anything like that. I get there and I get out of the car and I take a look at the house and it makes me happy that my dream has come true. I go in there and Chiara is setting up the table and she brings this delicious dinner out and I'm super hungry and eat her delicious feast she made for us. Then I wash the dishes and then we go to our room for solo bacini, ok? Solo bacini Then we get ready for course and since we are super close we get there and have great wins and go back home super fast since we are close. We get home get ready for bed and we just talk and talk and talk, not to late though so as to be sessionable and studentable. Then I wake up and I turn and see this beautiful being to which I'm in love with. She has the most beautiful smile and her eyes were taken from the sky since they are like the two brightest stars. I give her a kiss and we start our day again.

Chiara Ti amo per sempre. There are not enough lenguages in this galaxy or Universe to describe how much I appreciate and adore you for who you are and for being with me.

Ti amo Chiara.

Monday, October 27, 2003

Miles: 16,431

Well it was an awesome weekend. On Friday I got to see Chiara at night which is nice since I normally I don't see her through out the week and she gave me a mini S2000 car. It's really cute and fun.

On Saturday I worked at the Org and then I get the news that I have to do Night Watch! Damn it! So we had dinner at my house to celebrate Chiara's Birthday. My parents, Julie, Riccardo, Chiara and me. Then I went to Chiara's house and gave her lot's of baccini. Then we fell asleep. I woke up at 2am and I went to the Org. My shift was from 3am to 8am and I did it no problem. I watched Mission Impossible 2 and it was nice. The best part was when I went to sleep because I did that at Chiara's house got there at 8:30 and from that time until 12pm I was asleep.

When I woke up Chiara was cleaning her house and it gave me the impression that we were married. I liked that feeling. She gave me lunch, breaded chicken with salad. It was the first meal she cooked for me. I liked it. Then we each took a shower and got ready to go see a movie. We watched Scary Movie 3. That was funny. Not the best movie in the world but deffenitly funny. Then we ate at Pizza Hut and went home. I have her baccini and a good night kiss and I went to my house.

Today I woke up and I decided that I needed to work out since I've been gaining weight since I haven't exercised in a while. So I wake up and weigh myself and I'm about 6-7 lbs over to what I used to weigh. So I walked for a bit and I will do this everyday so I can start to run by next week and start geting in shape again. The best part was though that I put on my woking out shorts and in the pocket I found $10! That was cool!

Chiara Section

Well this was a great wonderful weekend. I loved it. I had so much fun and it was all about Chiara. We had lot's of fun. I loved that she's so dedicated to what she does and that she does things very professionally. We ate and the table was all set up and the food was delicious. It was fried chicken. It was very good. I also liked that we ate some salad. Then she was wearing a very very cute baseball shirt. It was pink and white. I realize that she is so so so beautiful and every time we go out she looks very sexy and hot. Like on Saturday she was wearing all black and the shirt she had was very very sexy. I gave her a Hello Kitty doll for her b-day and she liked it so what was very good.

Chiara I love being with you and I can't wait to be with you for ever and ever. I liked that we went to Wal-Mart and started to see stuff that we would like in our house. I like creating with you and I will always create with you. I love everything about you and of what you do.

Chiara ti amo per sempre e la eternita.

Friday, October 24, 2003

Miles: 16,258

IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!

Well yesterday was a fairly productive day at the Office and at the Org. The Staff meeting was a bit long. At one point I was daydreaming that it would be great to be able to appear and dissapear where ever I wanted. This way I could be with Chiara until the last second of whatever I have to do. Then at night I could say good night to everyone and go and sleep at her house and when I wake up go *puff* I'm at my house. I just thought that would be super cool.

Chiara Section

Well today is Friday which means my Chiara time is officially started. Tonight I get to see her until about 1am. Then I go to work tomorrow produce some more and then see her for the rest of the day. The best part is that Daylights savings ends which means I get an extra hour with Chiara! Then on Sunday we can do whatever we want. I just want to be with her and touch her soft skin and kiss her and kiss her again and again. I want to see her smile. That smile that makes me feel that nothing else in this world is worth more than her.

Chiara ti amo x sempre e la eternita. Baci a mi Donna piu bellissimisima.

PS Isn't this Hello Kitty the sweetest pic ever?!?

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Miles: 16,202

Well yesterday was a good day. I got to start the course room here at the office and it went well. Then in the Org I gave my Mom and assist and she felt much better. Watched a technical film that I needed to watch and that was pretty much it.

Chiara Section

Well yesterday I got to see my lovely fiance. I spoke to her on the phone and IM but I just wanted to see her so I paid a surprise visit at her house after the Org. She seemed very pleased so it was all worth it. I love that she and I can talk and talk and continue talking with no end. I love her so much. I could of stayed for hours and hours. But when I look at her that's all it takes to make me the happiest guy in the world. I just look at how beautiful and sexy she is and I melt and calm down and everything is wonderful.

Ti Amo Chiara. Ti amo per sempre e la eternita.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Miles: 16,149

Well it was good day yesterday because it was... CHIARA'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!

I got to see her and give her kisses. It's the best. I also got to speak to my Italian parents and ask them for Chiara's hand in marrige. At first I was very nervous but as soon as I started talking to them I felt much better and I was able to talk to them no problem. I'm gald they got to hear from me about the cycle since it's very important that they are in this cycle since they are in Italy.

At the Org I got a cramming and I'm doing that so I will be out of the chair for a day or two. But the good thing is that I'm giving assist to my Mom and she's doing much better.

Chiara Section

I was very happy it was Chiara's Birthday yesterday. I had been waiting for this for a long time. I was waiting for this day so I could give her the ring. I love that I talked to her so much yesterday and I was able to see her. It makes me happy to be with her. I love every moment and every single time I'm with her she takes me to this place where only her can take me. I feel so special and loved. I love her from the bottom of my heart and she completes me in every way, shape and form.

Ti Amo Chiara. Ti Amo per sempre e la eternita.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Miles: 16,101

Well first of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Chiara!!!!!!!

Well yesterday was an Ok day, nothing special except I got to tell everyone that I'm engaged to the most beautiful girl in the world.

Everyone has congratulated me and Chiara. It's the best being engaged. Now if she could only show the ring to that guy from the mission who wanted her to meet her son...

Special Edition Chiara Section


I wish you the happiest of the happiest birthdays you can have. I wish that all your postulates and all your goals you set your self come true and that you continue to do what you are doing when you are doing it since that is the definition of power by LRH.

I've never been happier with anybody else in this world and now that I've found you it makes me so happy and so complete. I love your from the bottom of my heart because you are everything and more I've ever wanted in a woman.

Ti Amo Chiara, per sempre e la infinita.

Monday, October 20, 2003

Miles: 16,057

Well I'm engaged to the most beautiful woman I could of possibly met.

We went out for dinner on Saturday to Macaroni Grill. She looked incredibly beautiful. I know it's hard to improve upon perfection but some how Chiara always manages to do so. We had a good dinner, and like always I ate too much. Then we went to the beach, the spot where we first kissed . Then we talked for a little bit and after we did that I got inspired and decided to pop the question. I said all the beautiful things that she is to me and how much I appreciate her and how important she is to me and how my search is over. THE SEARCH IS OVER!!!!! I got on one knee and I pulled out the ring and I asked if she would marry me. After a couple of seconds she responded yes. So we are now happyly engaged. Comporometidos! So this is the biggest news up to date. We got engaged on the 18 of Octubre of 2003.

Chiara Section

Well this was one of the most wonderful weekends of my life. I've finally showed to Chiara how much I love her and what she means to me and what is my inted with her, I want her to be my wife. I love her so much and she makes me the happiest man in the world and nothing else matters at that moment as long as I'm with her.

We ate yesterday with my parents at home and everyone was happy. I love that simle on her face that Chiara has. I've done a good thing. Now I just got to ask Vito for her hand in marriage so it's all ok with her parents too.

Chiara you are everything I've ever looked for in a woman and now you know how real I am about our love. Ti Amo Chiara, ti amo.

Friday, October 17, 2003

Miles: 15,884

Well it's Friday and today we are supposed to go out to eat and play Volleyball with everyone in the office so that will be nice.

Yesterday it was nice day at the Org. I did a 1hr session and I've been giving my Mom assist so that means that I'm doing good on my stats and stuff.

Chiara Section

Well today it's Friday which means the begining of the weekend. The weekend = the most fun because I get to see Chiara for continuous time periods.

Evrytime I speak with Chiara it makes me sooo happy. Yesterday I saw her twice and that was pure havingness to me. I saw her in the night when she was dropping of this beautifuly writen note to me to let me know she loves me and it meant a lot to me. I love her so much ther is nothing in this world that makes me feel as happy as when I'm with her. There is somthing that makes me smile in the inside and let me knows that she's the one and that I will be with her forever and I will enjoy every second of our eternal existence.

Ti amo x sempre e la eternita. You are my World. My Universe.
Ti Amo.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Miles: 15,827

Well yesterday sucked ass since I didn't see my Pipistrella and in the Org I didn't audit and that made my stats go down and now I feel like shit.

I was also writting O/W and it sucks ass. I feel all bad about what I did or have done. I hate this feeling. Damn it! Why did they have to wake up the sleeping giant! Oh well I guess I'll have to write and write until it goes away

Chiara Section

Well I talked to mi Amore yesterday and although I was not able to see her I'm always glad to talk to her. She makes me happy when sky is gray. She'll never know how much I lover her. Please don't take my sunshine away.

I'm very fortunate to have such a lovely and sexy girl and that she cares for me and that she's the best. I'm the happiest I've ever been in a couple of lifetimes. She completes me in everyway.

Ti Amo tanissimisimo. Ti Amo x sempre e la eternita.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Miles: 15,782

Well yesterday was very nice. I gave some flowers and some pictures to mi Pipistrella and she loved them. Then she came over to my house at dinner time. I like it when Chiara comes over because I don't eat alone and it's always a pleasure to see her.

The Org is fine, I got a cramming and I finished it so today I have to audit 1:30 to be up stat so it will be a bit tough but I think I can make it.

Chiara Section

Well, what can I say. I love her and our 4 month anniversary was great. I gave her some beautiful flowers and she loved them. Then I had ordered some pictures for her of her and I together. That was also nice. Chiara also translated the letter that her mom wrote to me, that was very nice. I could understand like 20% since my italian is not that great.

I love her with all my heart and I will make her happy every day we are together. I will strive for that every day, to make her happy or happier every day.

I love you Chiara. You are my true love and having found you makes this world a better place, in fact it makes it the best since you are with me.

Ti Amo Chiquita

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Miles: 15,730

Well today I have two very special things to celebrate. The most important one is that today is my 4 months anniversary with Chiara. I've been with her for the most lovely, wonderfully, amazing months with her. From this four months I've deduced that she's the One and that I will marry her. I feel every thing is going great with us. I love her more and more everyday. I look foward being with her for the rest of my life.

The second anniversary is my car, Hirotoshi San, he is now one year old. I loved my car since the day I bought it and I plan to keep it for ever and ever. He's been great he has now 15,730 miles which means I put excactly 15,700 miles in one year. He's strong, reliable, cute, sporty and Agile, just like the license plate says. I look foward to keep upgrading him until he's the ultimate car.

Chiara Section

Well what can I say, four months. I love every millisecond of it. I know that she's my other half and now I'm complete I can really live in peace and happiness for the rest of my life. This basically completed 50% of my goals in life, having the most wonderful 2D I ever wish for. This is but pure joy to me.

Chiara Ti amo tanto, you are everything to me. Everything.