My Journal

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Miles: 18,007

Well today I woke up very happy thinking it's friday. It certantly feels like it doesn't it?

I realized that Christmas is in less then a month. I've been thinking what should I get Chiara, my Mom, my Dad, Julie and Riccardo. Well I think I got an idea but in all this I forgot me. I don't know what I want either. I really don't want anything too special. The only thing that makes this the best Christmas is that it will be the first one with my soon to be wife, Chiara. I feel very luck to have her and to have her here for such an important deal it certanly makes me happy. I've always wanted a girlfriend for Xmas. Now I have a fiancé which is like 20,000 times better. So to me Xmas came early this year, to be exact on the 14 on June. I got my greatest present I could ever want. A beautiful, intelligent, very able, determined, fun to be with, funny, sexy, sensual woman that has the most wonderful lips I could ever ask for. The eyes that are two stars that shine brighter and brighter every time I see them. She has soft, silk-like sensual skin that it's just begging me to touch it and caress it. She has the most amazing breast I've could ever want. They are exactly like I've always dreamed of. Beautifully shaped with the most amazing feeling. Her legs and butt are those of a true Dea Italiana, I could just caress them and touch them forever and never get bored. And what about that smile of hers, she makes me want to kiss her right there and there. She has the most sexy smile a man could ever hope for.

Santa, thank you very much for the early gift. I know that I've been a good boy and this time I got the best gift I could ever hope for. Chiara, mi Pipistrella per sempre.

Chiara Section

Well I want to say that I love you so much and that you bring me happiness and that you take me to this heaven in my head where nothing matters and where no body else can get me ther but you. You have the most special way of loving me.

I know that I haven't been too much my self lately but I'm in the middle of O/W and an ethics handeling and sometimes I can get a little restimulated specialy if I'm a little tired but I will make it up to you by kissing you and hugging you a lot this weekend. It makes me happy to know that I have you by my side and that you are with me in the good times and in the bad times, which there will be none of (bad times).

Your love and your care makes me feel that I'm worth something to someone out there. I could never fill in words what I feel for you. You are like my friend that I can talk to about anything and you are the woman I think of when they say, think of someone that you think it's sexy. You are the person I think of when I wake up. When I see you in my room on the pictures I have of you it makes me very happy and brightens up my day. I know that there is no one more perfect for me than you and that I will provide with every need you will ever need and that I will be there forever and I don't mean that in just this lifetime. Our Pipistrellini will have so much love from us that they will grow with the same hope I had. That true love exist and that there is someone out there for everyone of us. You are my one and I'm very glad to have found you.

Chiara, ti vogilo tanto tanto tanto bene. Ti amo per sempre e la eternita.

Tu Pipistrello,


Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Miles: 17,942

Well it was another monday. I was rather tired. I'm not too fond of mondays. The only good thing was that I got to see my beautiful Chiara at lunch which will always brighten up my day. I went to sleep early yesterday b/c of a huge headache I had and I woke up fully recovered, YAY! I feel much better now.

So I'll be taking off Friday too so I can enjoy Thanksgiving more with Chiara. The only thing is that I have staff meeting on Friday at 9am. That's got to suck.

Chiara Section

Well I'm very lucky to have such a wonderful woman as a 2D. I wouldn't change a thing. If I was asked to have all the money of the world or have the love of Chiara I would rather have the love of my Dea Italiana. Her love is worth Zillions and zillions of dollars & euros. I have the outmost respect and admiration towards the woman of my life. She is the greatest being in the world. I have nothing but good thing to say about this beautiful woman. Her intention and her dedication, her care her responsability and her ARC is so great. Everyone that I've met and I've introduced to her has reminded me of what a great woman I have and that I'm very lucky. I know that I'm very luck since I've been looking for her for a long long time. I don't think it's just this lifetime I truly believe that she has been my partner many times and that we have had tons and tons of adventure and to have her in this one will be the greatest adventure of them all. We will be going up the Bridge together and will have our Pipistrellini grow in a true sane world. I can see us doing so much and when our grand Pipistrellini will ask us how was it to take the Tampa Org to SH Size, how was it when Psychiatry used to drug children, when goverment used to suppress us. This will be our tales that we will tell, our battles our adventures. I want to go around the world with her and seeing beautiful places and being with her. I could never leave the place she's in. Home is where Chiara is. She is my better half, the woman I've always dreamed about marrying. The woman I didn't know how beautiful she would be yet I knew that she would look super beautiful and uber sexy and hot. When I met her and I gave her a kiss I was completly taken to the moons and stars and danced with those beautiful lips that make me want to eat them and just kiss them and kiss them. I see her eyes and I see the two brightest stars to ever be in existence. I think Vito and Piera are thiefs. They stole the stars from the sky to give her two stars as eyes.

Chiara, sorry I was a pain in the ass last night but I felt good hearing your voice and knowing that I have you there with me no matter what makes you my greatest friends. Ti amo with every ounce of theta in me. My heart is yours and yours only. Ti Voglio Tanto tanto tanto Bene.


Monday, November 24, 2003

Miles: 17,895

Well it was a very nice weekend.

Friday afternoon I got to see Chiara and she showed me the house where she will live as soon as they finish building it. It is very nice and it cozy. I got to see my beatuful soon to be wife after graduation at the Org too. I got there a bit earlier than usual and it was nice. We ate some Donuts and it was cool to just hang out with her.

On Saturday I was in the Org and then afterwards I went with Chiara to eat at a restaurant where we realized it was full of gay people. We we left we left all grossed out. Chiara didn't feel her best so we eneded up going around later that night driving in the beach and then going to Krispy Kream donuts again. It was cool because we went inside and we saw how they make them. Chiara looked so gorgeous that night. Her naked sholders in the sweater she had made her look super sexy. And with those beautiful eyes and the sexy mouth of hers I just wanted to take it all of when I first saw her. WHOA!!!!

On Sunday we went to the mall and it was cool going to some stores. I bought the shoes that I wanted and she got to see most of the things she wanted to see. It was nice to go out and shop together. Then we went home where she made me dinner. Rice with some Cheese and a very nice Chicker recepie that was very acidy because of the lemon; I liked it very much. Then we just ended up talking and talking and playing pillow fights with each other. It's so much fun.

Chiara Section

Well I had lots of fun this weekend with my love. I love all the time we spend together and we have lots of fun and it's very romantic. I love to play with her and just laugh and play funny sounds.

I love her from the bottom of my heart and I love all the things she does for me. She will be the best wife in the world, she has one of the greatest beingness. She is so loving and caring. But when it gets to play she likes to play rough and I like that she doesn't hold back she plays to win and gives it everything. She likes me for who I am and that says a lot. She lets me be me. I feel more calm with her and more relaxed. She is that ray of light of hope in the middle of a storm that lets you know that every thing will be fine, you just have to wait a little bit.

Chiara ti amo tanto. TVTTTTB.

Friday, November 21, 2003

Miles: 17,705

Well it was certainly nice to see mi Pipistrella twice on a Thursday. I got out of the staff meeting and I was able to see her, that made me very very happy.

For some reason yesterday it felt like Monday and today like tuesday. Oh well, IT'S FRIDAY BABY!!!!!!

Chiara Section

Well I loved seeing my Pipistrella at night on a Thursday. I was determined to do so no matter how long the Meeting was. Well the meeting was 1:06 hrs and I was very glad that it was that way since I was able to go and see Chiara.

When we got there I was very happy to see her and she was equally delighted. We talked about some things and then we started playing around wresting and having so much fun. Then we talked about the future and what we want to do and where we are going and what we want. I love doing that.

She gave me all the strength that I need to get through my day and to be as good and happy as I'll need to be. I can't wait until I can just be with her and just relax and talk. I love having so much fun with her.

Her smile is like a medicine, a theta medicine. She smiles and makes me full of theta and full of energy to continue on and make it go right. Her laugh is like adrenaline on my body it makes me 20 times faster and stronger. But her kisses make me weak on the knees and I just want to continue kissing her and keep on kissing la Dea Italiana.

Chiara, Ti amo per sempre e la eternita. TVTTTTTTTB.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Miles: 17,647

Well it's been the greatest week. I've seen Chiara everynight before going to the videos and it feels great. It feels like we are married and I liked it. I love the fact that I go home and see Chiara and eat with Chiara. It's thursday which means that tomorrow is friday so I'm pretty happy about this. The week has gone by rather quickly and it's almost in my favorite part, the weekend.

The computer I'm building seems to be having problems with the Motherboard so I'm getting a new one from This should be good. I'll fix the computer and have a computer that works that will become Chiara's and my computer when we get married.

Chiara Section

Well Chiara did her hair all curvey yesterday. I like it. It looks pretty nice. She look very cute.

I've been having so much fun with her at her house when we eat dinner together. It makes my day 1,000 times better. I love her company. I love having her in my arms and talking and eating and talking and laughing and playing. It makes me feel that nothing else in the world matters. When I'm with her nothing else matters and that's what I love about her. I could be with her and only her and be super happy.

I love her from the bottom of my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. My search is over so I can't wait until we can start celebrating our Marriage Anniversary and talk about the wedding and how much fun we had and what we have done since and what we will do from there.

Chiara Ti amo tantissimissimo. Ti voglio tanto tanto tanto tanto bene mi Dea Italiana. Baci a mi Pipistrella che sei piu piu bella.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Miles: 17,613

Well I got to be with Chiara again last night because of the showing of the Video. That was great. I got to be with her before she goes on course and had a fun time. I love her so much. I enjoy being with her so much, I want to be married to this wonderful woman.

Also I got a $500 bonus at work that didn't hurt. That was cool. That gave me an insentive to work harder so next time it's a bigger bonus. Yay!

Chiara Section

Well I love Chiara. How much? I don't think that there is a number or amount that could ever represent my love for her. Her precense makes me feel so good. Her tone level is super high and always playing and she doesn't take shit from anyone. She's my Dea Italiana. My Heroine. I see her wearing this super heroe suit. Obviously black with boots and she has this super vision. With her esmerald eyes she can destroy all the evil in the world and with one of her kisses make the world a happier place starting with me.

I think everyone should fall in love. If everyone fell in love like I am there would be any wars or any conflicts. They would just do anything for their loved one.

I love Chiara so much. There is no one or anything that makes me feel as special and as loved as she makes me. She makes me feel 1,000,000,000,000 times more of a man. And you know what they say, behind a great man there is a great woman. I know I've found my great woman and she's not behind me, she is on the side with me. Where she should always be.

Here is a little poem I was sent a long time ago. When I met Chiara this all made sense.

La mujer salió de la costilla del hombre,
Women came out of the rib of Man,
No de los pies para ser pisoteada,
Not from the feet so she could be stepped on,
Ni de la cabeza para ser superior,
Nor from the head to be superior
Sino del lado para ser igual...
But from the side so as to be equal...
Debajo del brazo para ser protegida,
From below the arm so as to be protected,
Y al lado del corazón para ser Amada...
And from the side of the heart so as to be loved.

Chiara Ti voglio tanto tanto tanto tanto bene. Ti amo per sempre e la eternita.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Miles: 17,590

Chiara Section

This is the Special Edition Chiara Section. I love that yesterday was our day and our day only. I worked and did all I had to do and then the most wonderful day happened. I got home and Chiara was waiting for me at her house making me dinner. I got there and we ate together and enjoyed the meal. And as always I ate a little too much.

After that we went and talked and talked and I gave her a massage wich was very very sexy. Then we just talked and talked until I had to leave at 7:45pm. It was great! I loved it! I felt like we were married and that we lived together, I really enjoyed it!

I woke up this morning and then I read the most wonderful email I could ever hope for. It was so full of love I had to read it twice so I can get all the love out of it. It was so nice and very very nice.

I love Chiara with all my heart and everything she does for me and everything that she wants to do with me and all we talk and just kiss and hug, I love everything.
There is something that makes me go crazy and full of love everytime I'm with her. I feel so happy and so loved and I love that. I've found the most wonderful woman in the world just like my dreams and now they are all becoming a reality and it makes me the happiest man in the world.

Chiara ti amo tanto tanto and to I want us to live together forever. I will love you, honor you, comfort you and keep you in sickness and in health; forsaking all others, be true to you as long as us both shall live.

Monday, November 17, 2003

Miles: 17,570

What a weekend.

I had fun on Friday. It was very nice to see Chiara for more than 45 minutes. On Saturday it was one hectic day at the Org and then at the end we had to do the stats. Well that just topped it off I didn't want to do it I just wanted to leave. We ate sushi and my parents went to the restaurand at the same time so we ended up eating together and talking. Very enjoyable. Then Sunday came and I had to fix the computer and I wasn't able to b/c my knowledge at that point isn't the greatest. So my solution was, I paid $500 for the computer so I'll keep it and make it my computer. My Dad bought a very nice Compaq computer with new monitor and everything. That like kicks ass, now I can have my own computer and I'm building it. Then I called home to make sure every thing was ok and sure enough it wasn't so I had like one of the worst PTPs in the world. I was with Chiara the whole time but all I kept thinking was the PTPs. So when I got to Chiara's house I called again and decided to just go there and make it go right so I don't have to have my attention there at all and enjoy my Chiara time. I leave and come back in 45 minutes. Chiara and I ate a little sushi and some mortadella and bread. Then we took a bath and watched Brigit Jones Diary. It was ok not my favourite but ok. Then we went to Alberson's to buy some pasta for the ragu and we ate a delicious Spagetti ragu. Very delicious. Then we watched 2/3 of the movie Two Weeks notice and then we talked and talked. I loved this weekend and I look foward to the next one.

Chiara Section

I really enjoyed this weekend and it was very nice. Although Don Andres was in town it didn't interfere with our fun this weekend. We did things and we went out and shopped and had so much fun and enjoyed everything. I love Chiara, I feel like we are married now and that I enjoy this sooooooo much. I love having her in my arms and just talk about anything and laugh about past experiences and all the fun we have. I love the pillow fights and the wrestling we do.

I'm completely in love with Chiara and I can't wait until we are together and live together so every night I can give her a good night kiss and feel super happy and wake up in the arms of my love.

Ti amo tanto amore. You are what truly makes me happy and be who I am. With you I can be as romantic as possible and as funny as possible. I love you with all my heart.

TVTTTTTTTTTB per sempre e la eternita.

Friday, November 14, 2003

Miles: 17,425

Well... IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!

Well I got to see Chiara yesterday. She got a visit from Don Andres and as always he is not welcome so he is doing his damage, the bastardo filio de putana.

I got the new hardware for the computer and I spent 2 hr on it and apperantly I haven't finished yet.

Chiara Section

Well I spoke to Chiara last night and I was all upset before going to the Org. Why? Guess... MY FUCKING BODY RUDS. Well speaking with her calmed me down a lot. Then I got home and I realized that not only was my failure of setting up the computer but I didn't eat in my hurry to fix the computer which made me out Ruds. Then I spoke with her in the night and she made everything go away. She has this great power to make me feel all good and secure. She makes me happy. I was very glad that she is feeling better and that she is doing good. I love her so much. I want to do anything to help her and make sure that she is doing good. She brings the most joy you can imagine. She makes me feel all warm in the inside and she makes me feel I can acomplish everything.

I can't wait to see her tonite so I can hold her in my arms and kiss her. This is the begining of a great weekend.

Chiara Ti Amo tanto tanto. You are my sunshine when it rains and the star I look up in the bright sky when I look up in the sky. TVTTTTTTB

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Miles: 17,372

Well it was Wednesday and one of the best ones ever. I did pretty good at the Office and then at the Org since I was already up stat and stuff they told me to get Julie so we could do a D of P interview. I knew she was tired so I went over there to the house and made her call the FR so we don't get bothered with the cycle anymore. She did got enturbutalted and I ended up giving her assists. She was a bit better after that. The best part you ask? I got to see Chiara for 2hrs!!!! Just like she postulated, that woman has some strong postulates I also ate lunch with my love and that was very nice and different. I like seeing her every day. It gives me havingness.

Chiara Section

Well this week has been like the Highest Ever on seeing Chiara and I'm loving it!!!! I've seen her every day for the past week and a half and that makes me very happy. I like it because I get to see my love and be with her. Like yesterday I went to eat at her house and it was soooo nice. Then I suprprised her at the mission, well surprise her in a sence she is so psychic she already knew some how, God I love her psychic abilities. I saw her at the mission and said hi and she liked it very much then we went and talke for a long time at her house. I was there until 12:40am. I like it because I get to talk to her in person and whatever comes up I'm able to handle with comm and being there. Yesterday night was very very nice.

I love Chiara so much. I love the fact that she loves me. I like that we play around and have pillow fights. That she goes around and I chase her and that we have such ARC for each other. This week has felt like we are married and I can honestly say I like it. No in fact I love it. I get to talk to her face to face at the end of the day and we hug and kiss and talk about anything. The only thing that I don't like is when I get to go home. I feel at home with her and the fact that I have to leave suck major ass. But again I wake up and look foward to see mi Pipistrella.

I love you amore from the bottom of my heart and I wish to be with you forever. Me manci and I need you near my heart all the time so I can live happily forever. You are my Princess that will soon be my Queen and will have our own little Pipistrellini.

Ti amo per sempre e la eternita.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Miles: 17,314

Well tuesday wasn't too bad, it was great! I got to see Chiara twice.

In the afternoon I felt that I wanted to see her so bad. I wanted to see her and kiss her and hug her since I miss her so much. So I went around 2pm and it was very nice. Then she didn't feel her best so after the Org, we had white glove, I went to see how she was doing and I liked visiting her. I like it better than the phone.

I'm going Highest Ever on my stats this week and it feels great and at work I have a lot of stuff to do so that's always good. I'm very happy and what makes me the happiest is that I got someone to love and look foward to see every day.

Chiara Section
I saw mi Pipistrella twice yesterday. It was great seeing her again at night. I love just talking with her. Sometimes I dream when we are married and we live together and we can see each other every day and hug each other good night and fall asleep in each others arms. Then when we wake up we hug and kiss each other and get ready. I like that dream and I can see that it's going to be a reality very soon.

I love Chiara and my parents couldn't love her more. My Dad finally has the 4 children that he wanted to always have. I'm happier than I've ever been. I feel I wouldn't mind just being with her. I would love to just be with her. She's the friend that I always wanted and that I will always count on and I love the fact that we are in love and that we will be together forever.

Chiara, ti amo tanto tanto. Ti voglio tantissimissimo bene.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Miles: 17,257

Well it was very nice to see Chiara yesterday.

I had all this things to do in the office since we got a virus infection on our network and it took us almost all day long to fix it and to make sure it was all gone.

Since I wasn't on the Internet at all yesterday I received a call from my love, Chiara. I really liked that she called me because that lets me know she cares.

I went to the Org and did an Instruct that I had so I didn't audit at all. I just did some assist to my Mom and I continued the PTS C/S-1 that I was doing to someone.

But the highlight of the day was being able to go to Chiara's house and seeing her. She look so cute with her Angel's pijamas. Che bella. I always enjoy her company.

Chiara Section

I love that I got to see her yesterday. She looked very happy about seeing me so I know that going to her house was worth it. I got to have her in my arms and talk and talk. I love to talk to her and what better than talking in person, no?

I love every inch of her body and her sensual feel of her lips brushing agains mine. There is something about those esmeralds that she has for eyes that make me feel the most fortunate man in the world. Yesterday holding her in my arms was very nice. I love to hold her in my arms, it's one of my favorite things to do. I like it because it's very romantic and the ARC goes way up and I really enjoy it. Her laugh when we play and when we are joking around makes me very happy. My only wish is that I can see her all the time. I plan to make my wish a reality.

Chiara ti amo tanto. Ti voglio tanto tanto tanto tanto tanto tanto bene. I hope that all the Don Andres syntoms go away and leave you in peace. If I could I would kill Don Andres so it would leave you alone.

I saw this picture of Hello Kitty and I thought of you since I know how much you enjoy the snow and I think you would look very sexy dressed like that. Baci, Ale

Monday, November 10, 2003

Miles: 17,168

Well it was a very nice weekend. I love the fact that Chiara came with me to the Matrix Revolutions with all the people from work and that we enjoyed being together. She made me dinner after the org that night and it was very delicious.

On saturday we watched Noting Hill and it was a very cute movie. I enjoyed it because Chiara and I watched it. That was very cool. But the best part was that Chiara got to eat her Sushi she wanted so bad.

On Sunday we went a little shopping to the new Clearwater Mall. It was nice. She bought some Cards to send to her parents and then she bought some bubble bath with a bottle of . Then she bought some pants that made me go , they were great and her behind looks sooooo sexy. Now I have to tighten security on her when she wears those pants because I bet there will be some guy hitting on her. She so sexy.

Then we watched Finding Nemo and ate pizza. This was a very relaxed weekend and I really enjoyed it since I was with Chiara most of the time.

Chiara Section

Well this weekend was very nice and relaxing. I love Chiara and everything that we do together. She's so hot and sexy. She makes me all happy and everytime I'm with her and I have to leave to my house I wish that we were already married and just sleep there and wake in each others arms.

I saw how sexy and beautiful Chiara is. She has this beautiful precense that makes any man drool and to me being the chosen one makes me feel like I'm worth $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 and that's a lot. I love her touch and her hugs and our games and what we do to have fun. Like chasing her around the house or wrestling but one of my favorite things is just talking with her. Communicating with her makes me feel so nice. I could talk about anything and everything and I have fun just doing that. We could talk about anything and we have so much fun. I like it.

All I can say is that I can't wait until Thursday when I get to see her for at least half an hour before eating lunch with la Nonna.

Chiara I love you and you are my favorite person and there is nothing ever in this world that will stop me from loving you and caring for you and I will never leave you. Ever. I will be with you forever and ever and that is a promise Chiquita. Ti amo Pipistrella, ti amo con tutto mi cuoro.

Friday, November 07, 2003

Miles: 16,974

WOOOO HOOOOOO!!! It's Friday! Yay!! *party music in the background* I'm happy because this means one thing. Chiara time!!!! No body better mess with my Chiara time or they will go down on my black list for ever. Chiara time is the most precious resource there is on the planet. Since for every second I'm not with her I can't make up for it, it's gone so I must get as much Chiara time as possible.

I wasn't feeling too good yesterday after the Org from some news I can't disclose and for the cycle of my sister and how she's anxious to get her cycle and Riccardos fixed. This is not my anxiety and sometimes it rubs on on me. So I went to sleep a bit sad because I was talking to Chiara and I wasn't able to bring her up tone at the end. I felt like shit for that because it was me who got her there. The only thing that makes me go on every day is her and her only.

Chiara Section

Well I realize that Chiara is the only person that matters to me more than anything. I could care less about my car. I could care less about anything that is going on in the world. My only purpose is to keep the love of my life happy and if I've failed on this I've failed in everything I believe in.

Rule #1 I't's ALL about Chiara.
Rule# 2 It's ALL about Chiara. Always.

Mathematically speaking here is how it is:

Chiara > everyone else >everything else

I feel empty without her at my side. I don't need friends I don't need people to hang around with. I have found the only true friend that I will ever need. And to find out that she's the love of my life means everything to me. I have the upmost fun with and there is nothing that can get me in this Uptone state like she does. She fills me with pure Theta. There is something about her laugh. Something about her jokes. Something about her smile. Something about the way we can just talk and talk for hours and hours and time doesn't matter. Chiara is to me the most special person I could ever be with and I want to improve because of her. I want to be the best for her. Know everything I need to know so she can always be happy.

I want to embark in this great journey. This journey is a once-in-a-trillion-years oportunity journey. I've choosen her as my partner because of her 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 qualities. I will need her by my side and she will need me by hers. I'm willing to be there every time she needs me. The only fuel this journey needs is our love and I'm willing to make sacrifices just to keep this dynamic growing and growing like it has been. I only see happy times and great adventures that will be remembered one we get to the top of the mountain and we get to help our product of our love (pipistrellini) climb up this great mountain that has to be climbed with us. There is nothing in this world that I want more that have my little pipistrellini with Chiara. She will make such a great mother and is such a great fiancé, woman, friend, lover, cook and partner.

I can always look at you and see your smile and make all the darkness and sadness go away in an instant. Your theta brings this certain calmness to my universe that I had never had in my life before. I get to apply Scientology and keep on going with this journey. But a journey with out a partner is a very lonely one and a boring one at that. I've found the greatest person and I'm looking foward to make this journey with her and have all the fun in the world. There is nothing I want more. I could care less about a Porsche or a big house or if we have the latest computer or if the next car has to be a BMW or a Mercedes-Benz. To me all that makes this all worth while, everything to the detail of wathching a romance movie or looking at the sky or watching a beautiful sunset is being with her. That is the only thing that will make the rest seem beautiful.

I know I'm a hard person to be with some times. I know that I have to learn to communicate everything I have inside. I try to only communicate things that are nice and uptone. Otherwise it devastates me to see you not happy. It's like if someone comes and grabs my heart and just starts to squish and squish. But then her sunshine comes with that godess smile of hers. This takes me to the clouds and makes me fly higher and higher everytime she smiles. I can see everything and love the game that this world is playing of not knowing. But to me having someone like her by my side makes everything worthwhile. I'm able to wistand the harshes Tornado. The most destructive Earthquake could hit and I would not move and inch. The Hurracane can come at 100mph and I will not flinch because I know that have her behind me and knowing that no matter how hard the storm is and how destructive it looks afterwards with her I'm able to rebuild everything and get that inspiration to make everything better and better everytime.


Te amo con todas mis fuerzas y con todo lo que tengo. Mi corazon es tuyo y solo tuyo. Contigo mi corazon es tan feliz como un niño en Navidad al ver los regalos para el debajo del Arbol de Navidad.

You are my greatest gift I could of ever ask. Every Christmas I would ask to have a "girlfriend". This Chirstmas will be my happiest Chirstmas ever. For the first time I will have not only a girlfriend like I've always wanted but a true friend and a great love and partner who is soon to be my wife. I've never been this happy or this joyful to be with someone or meeting someone. I look foward to the great years that are upon us, coming one at a time and enjoying them to the max so in the end I can always look and say that you and me were there together.