My Journal

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Miles: 20,004
Weigh: 167.5lbs

Well I feel very energetic now that I've been working out in the mornings. The first few days I felt a bit tired but this morning I'm all like WHOOOO! Maybe it's because I get to see the love of my life and spend New Year's eve with her.

The Org was fine. I wasn't upstat since my two PC were not sessionable. Unbelievable. Anyway, we have the event and I get to body route people and sell them stuff. All I know it that at 11pm I'm out of there and going to be with the soon to be wife.

Happy New Year's to everyone. May all your postulates come true and that this year be the best one yet. I know mine will since I'll be spending it with Chiara and getting married.

Couple of goals I want to attain this year

1. Get Married to my beautiful Chiara
2. Pay all my Debts
3. Finish my Internship
4. Get Microsoft Certified

That's what I want to accomplish this year.

Chiara Section

I can't wait until I get to see my beautiful Chiara. She is the most beautiful woman of the world.

This has been the best year of my life period. I got my car and found the love of my life. I can't explain what finding Chiara means to me. I love how postulates work. You postulate it and mock it up and wham! there it is! It's pretty cool. When I found her I knew she was the one and that we were ment to be together. I love giving her flowers and taking her out and being a gentleman and what I like the most is that she appreciates this too.

I can't wait until we are talking about what color of pain we want in our house. What color of cabinets we want in the Kitchen. What type of TV. What type of furniture for the dinning room. This is going to be so much fun. I can't wait until I can get that place where she and I will call home, sweet home.

Chiara Ti amo tanto and I wish you the best wishes on this new year and that all the postulates and goals you set your self this year come true and for this year to be better than any other year.

Ti amo Pipistrella from the bottom of my heart.

To the my future Queen

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Miles: 19,957

Well it was monday so it was all like weird with our super weird schedule that we have been having.

I had some things that I needed to do at work. I also got Hirotoshi San super clean and waxed. He looks so good.

The Org is doing ok, I just hate the fact that I have to go to the @%#*#&&% event. I don't mind going and watching it but it's the afterwards part that always pisses me off. I have to recruit and then I see people I haven't seen in a while and I get yelled at because I'm not recruiting. I hate that shit. And I hate it because I hate being recruited my self that's why.

I talked to my Dad this morning about figuring out how we are going to make it at home and we will have our Annual Conversation of the New Year on Sunday. He told me that he's thinking of moving to a cheaper place like where Chiara lives so the FP1 goes down. At least that's a start.

I'm a bit overwhelmed from everywhere. At the Org that I should be there full time and what not and that it's my stat one of the two things why we didn't go Saint Hill Size. At work with a lot of projects that have a lot of pressure from up lines. I want to get married and have our home and our children well but sometimes I can't but think how am I going to make it. It's scary. I don't want to not provide with my family. That's my fear, that I won't be able to provide. I have to confront it and make sure it goes up and I keep producing enough for the 5 of us and to supply Bridge too.

OMG, I have a lot to do.
Oh well I'll start somewhere and that is to get my family handeled.
Then I have to see where we are going to live. One that is settled the furniture comes on and I start to see how we are going to do the wedding. When and where. After that we have to start to confirm all the guest and all the people we will need for the wedding. Then the big day comes on and we will have a big nice wedding with all of our loved ones. Then we will start to work on the Pipistrellini, or at least practicing.

Chiara Section

Well it's almost the time I told her we would start to talk about the wedding. I will have to start to put down everything in writting and all that we want so we can get our product and live happily ever after.

I can't wait until we start to mock it up. We start to play the game of Us. You and me. Mocking up the life we want to have and how we want to live it. It will be beautiful and to make it even better we will have our Pipistrellini to increase our love, I know that it's almost impossible because the love I have for her is uncountable and it's never ending but with our Pipistrellini we will have a lot of fun and we will raise beautiful responsible and Scientologist Pipistrelli.

I love you amore and I can't wait to see you and hold you in my arms and to tell you how much I love you.

Chiara ti amo per sempre and I want to be with you for the rest of my life.

Monday, December 29, 2003

Miles: 19,906
Weigh: 169lbs

Well it was a very nice holidays. I had lots of fun this last few days. I've been working hard at the Org so I could of gotten the time off that I had so it was very nice to have it off.

Xmas was a great success and everyone was very happy I'll provide with pictures later on.

I got lot's of presents from everyone and I'm very happy. I got the DVD collection of Indiana Jones from Chiara along with a t shirt and another shirt and a book so I can learn Italian. She loved her gifts and I was very happy that she didn't expect the book as a gift. Now she has her cell phone and we can talk all we want without worring about the minutes. She liked both neckleses.

She has been working very hard along with finishing moving the house from downstairs to upstairs. I'm very proud of my Chiara. She's the best.

Ok, today I started to work out again and to be on my normal diet. That means no more sweets for me. No cookies no cake no nothing like that. I can eat food all I want as long as it's not candies and sweets and such. That should help along with the exercise I will be doing.

Chiara Section

Well I had a very very very very merry Xmas with the woman of my dreams. Every one was happy to see us both and to be able to come together. It was like a dream come true.

I loved spending the time with her. I loved that we were together in this our first Xmas of thousands to come.

I love the fact that we did some many things together. I loved her gifts and the smiles she got from my presents. She is the best woman to be with and to enjoy everything.

Chiara ti amo from the bottom of my heart.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Miles: 19,624

Well today's Xmas Eve. I'm very exited that I get to hang out with those I like the most. I want to make Chiara's Xmas special since it's our first Xmas together and I want her to feel how much she is part of the family.

I can't wait until I open my gifts and see what I got. I know a couple of things I got for Xmas but I don't know everything. I love this! I can't wait!!!

I will spend the night with the best gift of the year. The sexy and super hot Chiara. I love her so much. She is like the sexiest woman I've ever seen and I love everything about her.

Chiara Section

Well all I have to say is that I'm in love with Chiara. I love her so much. La amo con toda mi alma. There is nothing that I love more than being with the woman I love. I love to hug her and be close to her. This weather is perfect to cuddle with her and feel her next to me and just talk and talk for hours.

I love her smile and those eyes the stole my heart and now belongs to her. She is the owner of my heart and I will never want it any other way.

Chiara Ti amo tantissimo and I want to spend the rest of eternity with just you and only you. You are my soul mate.

Ti vogilo tanto tanto tanto bene.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Miles: 19,571

Well it was a nice day yesterday. I woke up in Chiara's arms and I went to work and went to eat lunch with the most beautiful woman in the world, Chiara, and she gave me the best dessert I could of ever hope for. I then went with the office to bowl and we had a lot of fun. My bowling stats were up, I only got better and better.

Chiara Section

Well it is always nice to see my lovely Chiara. I saw her at lunch and she looked beautiful with her pearls and her black sweater. There is something about this woman that makes me want to kiss her and never stop. I love her lovely smile. She can make me bring tears of joy of how I feel of having her. I could never explain in a million years how it feels to have her as my partner in life. I'm very lucky to have her as my 2D and soon to be my wife.

I want to have all this joy and memories with her and our Children, our Pipistrellini. We will have so many things that we will laugh about. She is just the best person I could of asked for. I wanted an Angel and I got an Archangel. She has the biggest wings behind her back and with those eyes of hers that I could just stare and stare and stare.

I can't wait to Xmas to be with my Chiarita and the family and enjoy the holidays. I know it's hard for me right now since I'm on staff and a lot of stuff but every moment I have is dedicated to my love and if there is something I've learned this couple of months is to truly appreciate the time one has for one self and to really enjoy it. I've nothing but enjoyed every moment I'm with my Chiara.

Chiara, Ti amo with all my heart. I want to spend the rest of my life with you creating a beautiful life together.

Monday, December 22, 2003

Miles: 19,516

Well the weekend had it's good things and it's bad things.

On Friday it was very nice since we had the Xmas Party at the Org for the public and Chiara went with me. So it was nice, we ate some and had some fun. I danced and we enjoyed some latin music.

On Saturday it sucked because I had a major headache and at the end of the day all I wanted to do was go to sleep so it would go away so I just stayed home and slept.

On Sunday it was bitter sweet. I had to go to the Org and audit. Then the sweet stuff, we went to eat dinner with la Zia, Chiara and I. It was nice. She is leaving today so it was like a going away party thing.

Good thing is that on Wednesday I don't have to go to the Org or on Thursday.

Chiara Section

Well it was nice to see my lovely soon to be wife. It was a bit of a pain in the ass since I wasn't able to see her all I wanted to see her. I got to spend some time with her but the best part is that we will be together on Xmas and will enjoy it. I finally got all her gifts so I'm set. I don't need anything else.

I really appreciated it that my lovely Chiara went to give me an assist on Saturday since I wasn't feeling good. This is the first time I felt so bad since I've been with her and her attention she gave me was so nice because she let me know that she loves me so much. She will be the best mother and best wife in the world. I know it, I can see it, she is such a caring person. I love her for that.

Chiara I love you so much and everytime I'm with you I have the best time of my life. It's like I died and I went to heaven since I'm with an Angel all the time. You truly make me feel loved and super happy. Before you I would question how much people appreciated me. I know I'm a good guy but some times the good guy needs some love too. I can't wait until we are married and have our Pipistrellini running around the house playing and making so much noise. I love that you and I will be together everynight and talk until we fall asleep. I love that. Talking to you is one of my favorite things in the world.

Ti amo per sempre amore. I will be with you until time ends.

Friday, December 19, 2003

Miles: 19,360
Weigh: 165.6

Well it was a sad day yesterday. After two years of knowing Herb and Sundev they are gone. They are gone and they are not coming back anytime soon. It really made me sad. I don't know why but this year I've cried a lot, like I'm more sensitive.

I saw Chiara for like half a second and then Herb left. I was very miserable at the Org. I miss Chiara very much. I know I will miss Herb/Sundev and it won't be easy to forget. My eyes were all red from the crying and I didn't feel too good. I just feel sad today.

Sometimes I feel like I can't do anything. Like I have nothing. I'm not worth of so many things. The only thing that I feel I contribute is to my house. I know that they could survive in so many places without me but in my house they would have trouble, or at least more trouble than the office or the Org.

Man I'm like writting all this drepessing shit and stuff uh? Well I'll stop now.

*warms up the voice* IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOO HOOOOO!

Well I'm happy that it's friday. At least it means I get some time off on Saturday night. I hate having to do shit because of the fucked up schedule. I wish that I didn't have too but I'll take any free time I have to devote it to my Chiara.

Chiara Section

Well it's friday and I plan to have a good weekend. I know Chiara is super happy and she has better things to do but I do wish to just spend some time with her and talking and caressing her and kissing her. I miss her a lot. Yesterday that I was all sad I missed her more than anything. I realized that not having her by my side would not be the ideal scene. I don't think I could live without her. She is like a theta replentisher. She gives me all this theta and makes me want to continue becuase sometimes I feel sad and worried and as soon as I'm with her she makes me feel so much better. She is truly an Angel. With that smile that could melt the biggest iceberg in the planet. All she has to do to warm me up is smile or give me a dosage of her laughter. When we laugh it's so much fun, my havingness goes way up and I love it. I love that she's most of the time in games and playing around. I don't think I could ever find someone as perfect for me.

Chiara ti amo tanto. You mean everything to me and you are the greatest Xmas gift I've ever gotten. My wishes came true the moment I met you. Now I get to create a beautiful life with the most wonderful woman in the world, you.

Ti amo my little Princess that will soon be come my Queen.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Miles: 19,311

Well it was a very productive day except I haven't seen my love for a whole day. I've spoken to her and everything but I miss her.

The Org is doing ok. I started auditing again and it looks like i'm doing good there. Now the only thing is that it looks like I have to work on Sunday which I don't want at all. I rather work have a complete day off than 2 nights off. I'm just venting, I just hate shit like that it really jacks my TA it gives me no power of choice and I "must" do it. It really pisses me off. ROAR!!!! ROAR!!!!

Anyways after having my pschycotic break there I feel better it just really upsets me because it will be the same shit next week!

In other NEWS, Chiara is 95% done moving from her house so that is good. I will be setting up the computer and making sure that all the files that she needs are in it and that she will be able to use it.

Chiara Section

Well I'm very happy that the weekend is coming and I will be able to be with my loved one. I love her so much.

I love to be with her. She makes my weeks special. Everythime I'm with her time just flies it's like a blink of an eye and that's because I have so much fun. When I'm not with her time goes so much slower and it really sucks not having her by my side and being able to cuddle in these cold days that I would love to have her soft, silky skin touching mine and keeping each other warm. I would love to have that right now.

Chiara I miss your smile. I miss your laugh. I miss that sparkle of your eyes when we are together. I miss your jokes and how you always are playing and you are always in games. I realized that you are such a great powerful being and that I'm very proud and luck to have a person like you by my side and creating this wonderful 2D. I miss your skin. I miss your kisses. I'm very thankful that I have you this Christmas and I can't wait to have all the Christmases we will spend together and with our Pipistrellini and our Pipistrellini's Pipistrellini.

Chiara ti amo per sempre and I cannot live with out you by my side.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Miles: 19,264
Weigh: 165.5 lbs

Well Chiara moved yesterday and she seemed very happy to have her place now upstairs. I like it. It looks nice. Now all we have to do is remock up the place.

Well the XMas party is not today they told us in the office. It's going to be tomorrow so I brought the damn gifts for nothing!

Anyways, this looks like it's Saint Hill Size week at the Org and I have to produce a lot. Ok well I'll do that then.

Chiara Section

Well I got to see my beautiful soon to be wife woman yesterday. It was nice and it was cool to see her. I helped her a bit to move some stuff and she appreciated it. She looked very happy when she was doing her move. I like the new place. I love the view and the fact that there is more light.

I can't wait until we do the same but for our own place. Me and Chiara moving our stuff in our own place. We then get to set it up as we would like. We set it up and rearrange it all we want. We will buy the furniture and set it up like we want. We will be together every night and talk for hours and fall asleep in each others arms and wake up next to each other. I can't wait until we are doing that. And in the end I will be with my love, the one that takes 1st place among anybody. Mi Chiara.

Ti amo per sempre chiquita. TVTTTTTTTTTB and we will be the happiest couple in the world.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Miles: 19,217

Well it was an intresting day. I was a normal day at the office and it was nice to see Chiara and going to buy the fish for the little fish tank. She bought 4 fish and they are named, Timmy, Tommy, Pippo and Paquito.

At the org it was, hey how are you... so I want to see a movie this weekend.

I spoke until late with Chiara and it was nice to speak with her. I know that today she's moving and has a lot in her mind, but she still has little time to speak to me. She has all my back up for whatever she needs.

Chiara Section

Well I'm in love what can I say. It's been 6 months of nothing buy joy and happiness. I might feel down tone and not too good and it all goes away, and I mean all goes away when I'm with Chiara. She is the best person to be with.

I'm very excited that this is my first Xmas with a girlfriend. Actually the first one I have a FIANCÉ. YAY! Yay! Yay! I'm so excited to see what she thinks of her gifts that I've gotten for her. I think she will like them and that she will enjoy them.

Te amo con todo mi corazón y quiero estar contigo por el resto de la eternidad. I want to be with you so I can memorize every inch of your body every hair strand every thing in your body and when I close my eyes all I could see would be you. I would love that. Have your picture inside my eyelids so everytime I close them I could see you.

Monday, December 15, 2003

Miles: 19,170

What I weekend. We did a lot of stuff this weekend.

On Friday we were Chilling and we got hungry so we ate at Perkin's. Then on Saturday after the Org we go to celebrate our 6 months anniversary. We ate at Macarroni Grill and we had a toast with some wine. Then we went to relax and chill at Chiara's house.

On Sunday, our anniversary, we went to the supermarket like a married couple. I enjoyed it and had fun. Then we went to my house and I cleaned and then we went to Old Navy and from there to Wal-Mart. Boy oh boy! We were there and bought like 20,000 things it was lot's of fun. We ended all exhausted. So we went and had a nice dinner made by my lovely lovely Chiara. After that we were wrapping all the presents and putting the lables and the ribbons. I enjoyed it.

So by the end of the day we were both super tired but happy. I really loved this weekend and I can't wait for another 6 months multiplied by 10,000.

Chiara Section

This was a great weekend with my Pipistrella. I really enjoy what we do. We have all this things and sayings and we are always laughing and having fun. Her smile is so beautiful. It could be -20° and with her smile I could careless the world is freezing. She warms me up inside and make me feel truly special.

I love this weekends because it's like being married and we are getting hatted and seeing how it is. We went shopping and we found many things that we wanted to get and most of the presents and all that good stuff. We wrapped them and had fun doing that. She make any activity fun, that what I love about her. We can do anything and if she's there I would enjoy it.

I love you from the tip of your beautiful hair to the tip of your toes. I love that you love me and that you care for me in so many different levels. I love that you can be super cute like a little girl on Christmas or a super hot Dea Italiana with those curves that you make me go wild and be super hot for you. I love that you enjoy a lot of things I do and that I enjoy a lot of things you do.

Ti amo per sempre and to infinity and beyond.

Friday, December 12, 2003

Miles: 19,026
Weigh: 166lbs

Well I missed Chiara a lot yesterday. I didn't see her at all and I really did miss her.

I went to see my grandmother and she was fine and was happy to see me. I think it's nice to grant beingness to my grandmother since the people she lives with see her every day I get to see her once a week and she seems happy to see me so that makes me feel I'm doing something good.

I did good in the Org. I helped someone who needed my help by doing M9 and that counts as giving an effective blow to the enemy.

Chiara Section

Well I really missed my Chiara. It was very lonely dinner time since Julie was sick again and she is only in her room.

I love Chiara so much. She has this great aura around her and I love that. She is like a little angel sent from the sky. Sometimes I ask my self where are they? Where are her wings. I know an angel when I see one.

I'm glad is Friday so I can cuddle with Chiara and have fun together. I love this cold weather now since I have the most wonderful and beautiful woman in the world to cuddle with. I love that I can cuddle with her and play and do many things to keep us very happy. She makes me want to wake up quickly every morning and go through the day and through the week so I can see her. She is my most precious reward for anything I do.

Chiara ti amo per sempre. You will always be the woman of my dreams. Now all I have to dream about is our future and I already can see how beautiful it is. I think it's a great future ahead. I only want to continue this journey with only one person. You.

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Miles: 18,977
Weigh: 166lbs

Well it was very nice to see my beautiful soon-to-be wife yesterday. I was even of some assistance. I helped her by fixing the flat tire that she had. I felt useful

She looked so hot with that green shirt. She looked like this hottie that came to me for help. WHOA!!!!

I got a hat from Piera, my italian mom, and a picture of Chiara when she was 2 years old! OMG so cute, I want all my children to look like her. She was the cutest most adorable baby in the world.

Chiara Section

Well I feel the out most admiration for my baby. She is such a great person and she does so many things at once and she is my girl. I'm so lucky to have such an angel on my side. I finally someone's shoulder to cry on and to make laugh and laugh with and to enjoy life with. I think that the 2D is such a beautiful dynamic. We are going to be creating the future of the world. We will have children that will appreciate the world and will do something about it, just like their parents.

Chiara you are my little angel that came out of nowhere after 23 years of searching, I finally found that what I have been looking for. Remember the U2 song? "But I still haven't found what I'm looking for" well that song no longer hits home since I found you. I finally have the most wonderful woman in the world.

I remember as a kid I used to dream what my wife would look like. I dreamed I went to this place where they have all these women lined up and I choose and I met the most wonderful woman in the world. Well my dream came true, I've found the girl that I've always dreamed of. You are my friend, lover, parnter, buddy, compadre, cumpari you are my best friend and you are so sexy and such a beautiful being I couldn't get any better than you. It's like I wrote it down when I was 15, I wrote what I wanted in a woman and then Santa heard about my letter and then I got the most beautiful present of the world.

Ti amo per sempre and I will always be with you and I will love you for eternity.

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Miles: 18,928

Well I wasn't feeling the best yesterday and I was unable to go to the Org. I rested and I feel much better now. I mostly don't feel a thing.

I saw Chiara yesterday after lunch, let me say, GOD DAMN that woman is sexy! She had a beautiful sweater and her eye shadow matched it and with that white shirt underneath. I'm seriously the luckiest man in the world. They say look at that hot woman and look at that one. All I know is that my woman is hotter than any other woman out there because she is the complete package. She is a great person, she cares and she loves me and she is this great person that grants me beingness and to all the people. She is not afraid to do what she needs to do and get things done. I love that passion that she has. She reminds me of Breaveheart or the Last Samurai. She just goes out and get what she needs to get so it gets done.

Chiara Section

Well I have the most admiration to my beautiful Pipistrella. She is this great being. She is my friend and we talk about anything. I love how much she always cares for me.

I believe that her beauty goes so deep that her inner beauty is what attracts me a lot. I see her and I can't believe I have a Goddess for a fiancé. Then I speak with her and she is as human as me and she is so much fun and such a great partner. I'm very lucky to have her as my 2D.

Chiara ti amo per sempre e la eternita. I will always be with you and will always enjoy your presence and your friendship.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Miles: 18,899
Weigh: 166 lbs

Well it was monday. You know the usual I'm all tired and have to get back on the groove. I was also tired because I started working out so by the end of the day I was a bit more tired than usual.

My computer is all done. It has 2.00ghz of AMD power with 256mb of RAM and it has two hard drives one is 40 and the other is 30. It has a DVD Rom and a CD-RW.

The Org is good the morale is up and I'm drilling my FNs.

Chiara Section

Well my love makes me very happy. I'm always happy to see the love of my life with those wonderfuly beautiful green eyes that any one would give an arm or a leg to have.

I was listening to the radio and they were saying now that it's cold and you want to snuggle or cuddle call this number to meet people. I realized that I have the best person to snuggle with. This makes me have so much havingness. It makes me very happy.

I love Chiara with every cell of my body and every milligram of Theta I have. She is truly a friend and a partner. I love you so much Chiquita.

Ti amo per sempre a la eternita. You are my everything.

Ti amo my little princess.

Monday, December 08, 2003

Miles: 18,848

Well it was a great weekend. I had so much fun. It was all about Chiara Time and NOBODY messes with Chiara time.

Friday was very relaxing, we watched some TV and ate pizza. On Saturday, I cleaned the house, to walmart and had a bath. It was very nice too.

Then Sunday was when we we went to check out Lisa's house then to walmart to return something and then to go eat. Then we went to see this beautiful movie, the Last samurai. Man I came out of that movie totally keyed out, I wanted to get a sword and defend my family honor and my ancerstors and stuff and now that I'm getting married I wanted to defend it even more. Then we ate dinner which was ok, not the best since Chiara's food was not the best. Afterwards, solo bacini eh?

Chiara Section

I loved this weekend with Chiara because we had all the fun we wanted to have. We ate together and did stuff together I truly felt like we were married. I loved it so it gives me sooooo much havingness to have such and able and intelligent, good-looking, sexy, gets what she wants woman. When she told me that she liked being a house woman I thought I was in heaven and that dreams do come true. I always dreamed of woman like that that not only wants to do that but she's so much fun to be with and knows how to have fun. And if there is anything that describes my dream in two words is Chiara Locatelli.


Ti amo tanto Pipistrellina. You are my everything. Ti amo per sempre e la eternita.

Friday, December 05, 2003

Miles: 16,677

Well I got the oil changed in my car and got a free car wash, not a bad deal at all!

In other News, the $500 computer I bought is working!!! This makes me happy I know I'm a nerd but anyways.

The Org is doing great, stellar stast all over the place and I will start producing soon so that will certainly help no?

Well today is... FRIDAY!!!! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! I get to see Chiara for a whole night, makes me so happy I could sing!!!!

Chiara Section

Ok well I loved the fact that my beautiful soon to be wife came with me to the Dealer. This made my times so much enjoyable and I was super happy.

Then I fixed the computer so I was super keyed out along with her and she made me laugh so much last night, her laughter is the best medicine to any ailment I could have. I love this woman so much is unbelievable.

Her smile is that sunshine I need to know that everything will be ok and that I will continue to be alive.

Chiara you are the love of my life and although some people spend most of their lives looking for that special one I'm glad to have found you so early, this way I can spen all the time of the world with you.

Ti amo tanto. I will love you forever and ever and ever and ever.