My Journal

Friday, January 30, 2004

Miles: 21,544

Well yesterday is over and today is a new day and a new week starts. BTW, it was my Mom's Bday yesterday. HAPPY BDAY MOMMIE!!!

I only have to say one thing... IT'S FRIDAY!!!!! WOOO HOOO!!! This means I get to see Chiara more YAY!!!! I get to be with her for a couple of days and I get to think of nothing but her. YAY! YAY! YAY!

Chiara Section

Well, Chiara was of very much help with listening to me. I loved the fact she listened to all my crap and she didn't have to but she was of great help. I know I was dramatizing and I don't get like that very often but she helped me a lot. And she was right, I shouldn't invalidate my self, which is what I did all day yesterday. Now I'm back and full of energies and ready to make another week. This is all thanks to Chiara.

There is something about Chiara and how wonderfully fun she is and all the cool stuff we do. I love her. I can't wait until we are together forever. I will be so much fun and much easier to do all the things we want to do. YAY! I want to be able to just lay in bed and talk to her for hours and hours and not think I have to go home. I love her so much and I will never ever stop loving her. I can't wait until we have the Pipistrellini and we can play with them. I want them to be as cute as their Mom, Chiara.

Chiara ti amo tanto and I appreciate everything that you do for me. There is nothing I love more than being with you and seeing you smile. To me is like the sun, if I don't have you smile I don't feel it's a good day.


Thursday, January 29, 2004

Weight: 164lbs

Well it's Thursday. One more day to Friday. This day already sucks. I have so much shit I've got to get done. I've got so many cycles I have to do and I want to do so much stuff too. I want to see Chiara and I want to see la Abuelita. But I got all this meetings and stuff and to top it off I got a red tag last night and I don't know what the fuck I'm going to be doing about it. I'll be getting a cramming and I know it sucks. Some times It's a bit overwhelming doing both the Org and the Office.

Anyways, I'll stop bitching now and stop dramatazing or probably my neighbor would die. Take a deep breath... Ok I'm a bit better now. I just think there are so much stuff to do and so little time. I think I suck at everything sometimes well not really, there is always something I'll be able to do good. Kiss Campanellina ;)

Ok, I'm going to create a wonderful day where everything will be fine. I'll make the best of my time and I'll be productive and create good products but most important of all I'll think of my love and how wonderful she is and how much I love her.

Chiara Section

Well I would just like to say that the only thing that keeps me sane in the last 8 months is Chiara. She is like the star that I like to see just before I go to sleep and lets me know that everything will be fine. She's the Dea Italiana I pray that she'll look after me. She's that princess I look for inspiration every day so I can battle the dragons.

Chiara I love you and I look foward to be with you for eternity. There is only one thing that keeps me sane and going towards the mountain and that is you. You are my true inspiration in life. I know that together we will make a much better life than anybody has ever seen.

I only look foward to be with you and for you to hold me in your arms and stay like that for hours and hours. I love the fact that you are the love of my life and that you will always be with me. If there is something I've learned is to tell you every day that I love you more than the day before.

Ti amo tantissimissimissimissimissimo. You are my Angel.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Miles: 21,449

Well it's Wednesday which means that it's almost the end of the week.

I'm very excited to be marrying Chiara. YAY!!! That's all I think about. How it's going to be all the people and how much fun they are going to have. It should be the wedding of our dreams.

I've been thinking where we can go in our Honeymoon. I was thinking we can go to New York, Niagara Falls, Miami, Key West, Denver or Chicago or even maybe San Fransico. It's all matter of what we decide. Obviously to me the ideal Honeymoon would be 2 weeks off. One in Italy and the other one in Mexico. That would be very nice. I keep postulating and saving my penies so I can make it happen some how.

Chiara Section

Well, I just want to say I LOVE MI PIPISTRELLA!!! YAY! YAY! YAY!!! I'm so happy. So full of joy and excitement. All I think it's how wonderful we are together and all the fun we are going to have in the future and how beautiful it looks. YAY!!

Without Chiara there is no sun. Without Chiara it's like being in a black and white world. No colors and no excitement. When I met her I started to see the colors in life and it's basically what keeps me going in life. I think she's my biggest inspiration. She's my Italian Muse. I love to think about her. When I'm a bit overwhelmed and things are not going the best all I do is think about my Chiara and how together we are invisible. Nothing can stop us. We are the best 2D in the world.

I love you amore. I can't explain it but I feel the outmost admiration towards you and how wonderful of a being you are. Your space makes me feel so calm and I'm able to think again about the most important things in the world, YOU.

Bacini a mi Pipistrella. I love you for eternity and I will always admire you and love you for the rest of my etenal life.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Miles: 21,404
Weight: 166lbs

Well it's Tuesday already, which means that Wednesday is next which is practically Thursday and next thing you know it's Friday and then I have all the weekend for me and Chiara. YAY!!!

The Org is doing good. My hours are not too high but I'm going to have to kick ass if I want to keep up my trend.

The Office is busy and I need to keep up with all the things that are happening.

Chiara Section

Well I'm very very happy to know that I'm getting married. It's my dream come true. I'm actually doing what I've always wanted to do! YAY! I've always dreamed of marrying the most beautiful woman in the world, Chiara. Then we will live together in our own place. I'll wake up with her every morning and I'll always have beautiful days since I'll have her by my side.

I've never been happier. I think that Chiara and I make such a great team. We are both very uptone and fun to be with. She is very beautiful and I love how special she makes me feel. I love her determinism, when she wants something she'll get it because she's that powerful. I love how much fun she's to be with and to talk to. When I think of marrying her I think I'm marrying my best friend and all the cool things we are going to do and have fun doing that.

I have one heart, and it belongs to Chiara. She is the only one to have stolen my heart. I couldn't think of anyone better to steal my heart. Just like her Dad must be a thief. He must of been a thief and stolen the stars and put them in her eyes. And her mom stolen the sunshine and put it in her smile.

Chiara, Ti amo per sempre Pipistrella. I'll will always be by your side and will always love you.

Monday, January 26, 2004

Miles: 21,359
Weight: 168

Well it was a great weekend. A lot of work but it was very nice over all.

On Friday we just chilled and went out to have a bite to eat and talk about our Wedding, YAY!, and we were very excited.

On Saturday the Org was ok I guess, but then I had to go to the testing center and it was cool because I got to play the bongos with another guy playing the congas. Then I got to see Chiara and we went out. We went to drive around Safty Harbor. We saw some very very nice houses out there and then we went to have something to eat.

On Sunday I got to clean home and make it look all nice and what not. Then I went with my Parents to do the grocery shopping. Then I ate with them at home and then I got to go to Mace-Kingsley and I helped her clean and then we left. I brought her some flowers and then she took a shower after I ate some Italian and then we went out to see the sun set in Clearwater Beach where we saw the future car of Chiara. A Ferrari 360 Modena. It was bright yello and just like my beautiful Dea Italiana, it was made in Italy and it's the most beautiful around for miles and miles, just like Chiara, she's the most beautiful woman around for millions of milles around.

Then we ate sushi and saw the Alex & Emma movie and that was pretty much what we did this weekend.

Chiara Section

Well this was a very nice weekend with my love. All we talked about is how is 9 months we are going to be married. YAY! It's so exciting. It's so real and I'm loving it!!!!! I'm so glad that I have Chiara with me and how much we love each other.

I know I made the right decision to pick Chiara as the mother of my Pipistrellini. Every time I see her I love her more and more. There is something that just makes me hug her all the time. I want to just hold her in my arms and kiss her until the end of eternity. I can't wait until I marry my best friend. YAY!!!!

Chiara I wanted to thank you for a great weekend and to tell you that I'm very happy that we are joining our lives. I'm already 100% yours and I only belong to you. Ti amo per sempre e la eternita.


Friday, January 23, 2004

Miles: 21,162

Well it was very nice to get to talk to Chiara last night and setting up the whole wedding thing. We got the date, October 24, yeah baby!!!! And we are saving the Sandcastle for about 7pm and we are making the list of guests. This is so cool! YAY! I'm very excited.

The Org is doing good and the Office too. I've been very productive so the morale is obviously up. Today I just woke up all worried. I don't know why. Then I get a call from )#(*$#)$#( David from the Office. This is the second time this week that he calls me at home before I have to be at work. Very annoying. Anyways, I'll have to talk to him.

*Edit: I talked to David and I'm feeling like 20,000 times better and not so overwhelmed. Whew, I'm ready to have a great weekend now ;)

Chiara Section

I just wanted to say that I'm very excited about our plans. I'm so happy that we have the date, October 24 YAY! YAY! YAY!!! And we are getting the Sandcastle, I think that's very pimp! I've always thought it would be a great place to get married. I'm happy and nervous at the same time, but I think the nervousness is just like the excitedness you get when you are about to talk to a lot of people at the same time and once you start you start to feel better.


And do you know what day it is? IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!! WOOO HOOO!!!!
That means I get to see my Pipistrella tonite and acutally talk about the whole wedding thing in person and acutally be able to hug her when I feel like giving her the biggest hug of the world. YAY! I want to kiss her and hold her in my arms. WE ARE GETTING MARRIED!!! AJUUUUUA!!! YEPA YEAPA! ANDALE ANDALE! ARRIBA ARRIBA!!!!

All I have to say is that I'm in love and I'm very much in love and did I mention I'm in love with this beautiful Italian Godess. YAY!!! WHOA!! OH YEAH!!!

YAY! YAY!!!!! I'm so excited!!! And I just can't hide it!!! I know, I know, I know I got you, I got you!!!!


Thursday, January 22, 2004

Miles: 21,120

Well I finished good in the Org and I'm finally back in the groove at the office with stuff to do so I'm very productive and very happy.

The new guy at my office woke me up at 7:20am, ok I was awake but you know still in bed, to tell me he had car problems and that he was going to take the car to the dealer to see what was wrong and he wanted me to advice him what he could do.

I took the What Classic Movie are you test and I thought it was pretty funny, at least I took the 45 question one and it told me a pretty accurate view of my self.

Chiara Section

Well I loved talking to Chiara. I love being with Chiara. I love her whole beingness and I love that we were talking about the future and about the wedding. We decided to go for Oct 24 2004 for the wedding day. It's not in stone yet but it's giving us an idea when it's going to happend and we know that we want it in the Sandcastle. YAY! IT'S SO EXCITING!!!! I'm all keyed out because we are now truly working on it and it's all exciting to me! I can't wait until that day where I get to see Chiara in this beautiful White dress like the Princess that she is walking down the aisle with her Dad and being given to me and we tie the knot. I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you Chiara so much and I love all the creation we are doing and I know that we will have so much fun on this and when we live together and all the fun stuff we will have. YAY! I'm so so so happy. It's becoming all real to me and I can now see it and I love to creat on this. Then the next thing we would have to create is the house and our space and obviously creating our love every day. I'm so happy. I love you Pipistrella. I love you for eternity and I can't wait until we are together forever and ever and we ge to do all the fun things we want to do.

Ti amo per sempre. Chiara sei il mio amore per tutta la eternita.

For some reason when I look at this pic of Hello Kitty dress like that I think of Chiara in a jacket like that and get a bit excited. I know, I'm a pervert.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

I took this test and this is what came out.

I'd say pretty acurate.

Miles: 21,075

Well it's wednesday. It's the middle of the week and the only thing that is making me go on right now is knowing that the weekend is coming and I'll be able to be with Chiara and relax a bit.

The Org is fine and in the office finally I got something to play with for a while.

Chiara Section

Well I'm in love with my Chiara and all I have to say is that I don't care how big our wedding is or where we live, as long as I'm with Chiara I'll have my home sweet home because where Chiara is that what I'll call home always.

I'm glad that Chiara talked to me yesterday. I like her to make me her terminal and I want her to know that I alway like to have her as my terminal. There is nothing we are not able to talk about, ever.

I love the fact that we are together and it's funny how it feels that I've known Chiara forever. It feels like I have been with her an eternity and I want to spend my eternity with her. I truly love Chiara and the way she makes me feel.

I love you Chiquita and I will always be with you Pipistrella. I love how we are a super wonderful 2D and all the beautiful things to come to us. I love you amore forever.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Weight: 164.3

Well I woke up today and did my exercise and had a good one.

Yesterday was a good day. A bit hectic if you ask me but very productive nonetheless. I saw Chiara for like 2 minutes. I think I'm having withdrawal symptoms from not being with her.

I loved how uptone and silly we were yesterday when we talked on the phone. I love that games and fun stuff that we have.

The Org is doing good and the office too.

Happy Bday Farid. Sorry I forgot but I'm making it up now by putting it on my diary.

Chiara Section

Well I love my Chiara. I'm so in love with her. I love to talk to her. We are like the best team ever. We have our own lingo and we are always playing with world. I need to start reading more the Italian book she gave me for Xmas so I can be more fluent in Italian and start to become trilingual. I love that she's from Italy. I love that we have separate cultures but at the same time not to disctinct. I love the fact that we are going to be great parents and that we get to apply Scientology in all our life. I know that we are doing great and we will always do great since we get to apply the tech every day.

I love her eyes, her sweet mouth and her beautiful lips and that smile of her drives me crazy. Then again when I see her curves it makes me become Schumacher and drive a Ferrari on those beautiful Italian curves that she has. WHOA! OH YEAH!

I love you Chiquita. I love the fact that we are making a great team and that you are my best friend and that we have the most fun together. I know that now that I have you I don't need anyone else but you. You are all I need to be as happy as I am. You make me complete. I've always felt that there was something I was missing and I knew that it was near my heart. The day I kissed you my emptyness went away and I knew that I would be eternally happy with you.

Ti voglio tantissimissimo bene amore

Monday, January 19, 2004

Miles: 20,985

Well it was a nice weekend overall. I got to see my loved one and we got to do the things that needed to be done. We got the flip flops and got the tires changed and took the pictures of the house on Laura St that she wanted for Vito.

We had fun. We got to talk a lot and enjoy the time we were together. I love talking to Chiara because it's always fun and we really enjoy it.

Chiara Section

Well I really enjoyed this weekend. We did what we wanted to do and it was fun. I really enjoyed those moments with Chiara where we just talk and talk about our family and about how we do stuff. I love that it really makes me happy. I love to cuddle with my loved one and just give her little kisses. I love talking about the future.

We went to see the house on Laura St and I really like it and I started to do our mock up. It's still all in my head, but I know that Chiara and I will enjoy our many many many years to come from that wonderful hose. We'll have so much fun mockin up our wedding and all the fun stuff that comes with it. We will have the best wedding of the year. It will be timeless, everyone will remember it and will say, "Remember Chiara and Alex's wedding? Wasn't it awesome?"

I love you Chiara. I love you more than I love anyone or anything else. I love you forever and for the rest of eternity. I want to spend all the time with you and creating a beautiful future.

Friday, January 16, 2004

Miles: 20,788

Well... IT'S FRIDAY!!!!! WAAAHOOOO!! I'm happy. This means I get to spend a lot of time with Chiara and I don't have to talk on the phone, but have her in my arms and talk for hours and hours. I'm so happy.

Well I started the week good, I did 1hr yesterday where as last week I did 9 since I was sick.

I loved talking to Chiara about the wedding and the plans we are looking at. It gave me a lot of havingness and made it super real to me. I can't wait until we start to go into more details and we start to talk about how our wedding is coming and all the people we are inviting and how are the flowers going to be and how is this going to be and how is that going to be. I'm excited.

Chiara Section

Well I love talking to Chiara so much. I enjoy it more than anything. I love when we get to something funny and we just laugh and laugh, that's my favorite. There is something about being with her and the way she makes me feel.

I got an email from an Aunt of mine (Farid's Mom), Tía Silvia. It had the descriptions of all the months and how one is if one is born in a certain month. Well this is what it said with October:

Les encanta conversar. Quieren a aquellos que los quieren. Atractivos. Bellos interior y exteriormente. Simpáticos. Sus amigos son muy importantes. Les gusta hacer nuevos amigos. Se lastima facilmente pero asi mismo se repone. No vive del que dirán, a el le importa su opinión y nada más. Muy Intuitivos. Les gusta viajar, las artes y la literatura. Delicados al hablar. Consentidos. Romanticos. Muy celosos. Justo. Generoso. Se le puede manipular facilmente. Pierde la confianza en alguien facilmente. Cuando quiere, quiere de verdad. Le encantan los niños.

I couldn't of said it better. I think it's very true. And my favorite is: "Bellos interioy esteriormente" and "Le encantan los Niños"

Chiara I can't wait until we start doing all the wedding stuff and all the fun we are going to have. I love the fact that I'm going to be married to my best friend and that we will build our lives together and we will help each other out. I love you and admire you like I do no one else. You are my sun, my moon and stars. Without you there would be no inspiration to live or continue living.


Thursday, January 15, 2004

Miles: 20,744
Weigh: 165lbs

Well today I'm a bit tired after working out on the stair master and then doing weights. It's been like 5 months that I haven't done it and it hurts a little but it's all worth it so I get to look better for Chiara. I can't wait until 3 months go buy and I start to get a good shape again and be all strong. WHOA! I think she will apreciate it and I know I will once she notices.

The office is good I know a big wave will be coming sooner or later on doing things. The projects that we are on are about to be finished and I'm the one in charge of making sure it happens. The Org is doing good. I was down for about :30 mins which sux becuase I hate being downstat.

I love talking to Chiara on the phone or whenever I can. I love that we can talk about anything. It's my favorite thing to do with Chiara, get in comm with her. It just raises the ARC so much just like when we cuddle and talk about our future. I'm such a girl on things like that. I know, I know. Anyways I love all that cutsy stuff about being together and cuddiling

Chiara Section

Well it's a bit hard to write all this stuff with David watching all the time what I'm doing. But anyways. Now I'm inspired and I wanted to say some beautiful things about Chiara.

I love how we are together and we have created so much and I'm looking foward for the rest of eternity and all the things we are going to be creating. I love how we are two great beings that have all this things in common and that we are in so high ARC with each other. What I love is that I'm in love with her and that I will always be in love with her. I will tell her how much I love her every day. I want to spend the rest of my life with her and love her every moment of my life forever.

She is the greatest being I've ever been with and I'll ever be with. I love how she's very caring and loving. Her passion when she decides to do something and how she works her ass off to get it done because it's something she believes in. She is the best friend I've ever had. I love her views and her goals and where she is and where she's going and where she'll be. But what I love the most is that we are together and together we will become a big force that nothing and I mean nothing will stop us.

She is in my thoughts every day and I miss her every time I'm not with her. She is truly my sun and my stars. With out here there could be no day or night.

Heart warming

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Miles: 20,690

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!! Well today it's our 7 month anniversary and I couldn't be happier. YAY!

Everything is going good so far nothing major or anything that I have my attention on. I have been thinking a lot lately about fixing the car and what I want to do with it. I have a lot of temptingness on buying certain things for the car but I should really pay my debts so there is actually money I can save and do whatever I want to do with it.

Chiara Section

Well amore auguri. I'm very happy to have you and to be with you. These seven months have been great. I love everything we have been through and all that we'll be through in the many many millenia of year that we will be together.

I love you from the bottom of my heart and I love everything we do together. I love to talk to you for hours and hours. I love to hold you in my arms and close my eyes and give you a kiss. I love that we are so much fun. I know that I will never be bored with you. There is always something different and fun that we are doing. Being with you is the best experience I have had this lifetime and I plan to continue doing this with you for the rest of eternity.

Ti voglio tanto tanto tanto tanto tanto tanto tanto bene.



Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Miles: 20,633

Well it was a monday so nothing special and it was all slow and I was tired. The only good thing that I had yesterday was that I saw Chiara for Lunch and I was able to go home at 10 from the Org.

Chiara Section

Well I miss Chiara more and more. I know that she is working a lot and so am I but it's the best when I see her and I'm able to be with her.

Chiara is like the Sun. I know that she is my world and that with out her I would be empty. Nothing is as nice as having her with me. Her precense alone makes me feel super happy inside and I know that I'm going in the right direction and that the both of us will have a great time along this journey along with our Pipistrellini.

Chiara I love you and I'll always love you. I know that as long as I have you and you have me there will be nothing that can stop us from what we want to achieve.


Monday, January 12, 2004

Miles: 20,568
Weigh: 165

Well I'm much better now, I feel like I'll survive. I was sick and it wasn't fun since I was in pain most of the time because of the naussea.

Well all that is gone and I'm back on my normal life. Chiara is better now that she got Don Andres. The pain was a lot but I think I helped her a little. I got to do whatever it took so she felt much better and I think I did a good job.

Chiara Section

Well I'm glad that I have the wonderful woman I have. I wasn't feeling too good and she came to visit me and made me feel better. Then I got to play with Campanellina and that made my havingness way higher. Then on Friday I got to stay with her and have fun. I love my Chiara.

I had fun this weekend. I think we did a lot of nice things but my favorite is when we are laying down and talking and talking and talking about the future and about our families and about the things that happened through out the week. It's nice. I love it. I love that I can hold her close to me and give her a hug and a kiss. I love the fact that she cares for me. I love that I love her and that she loves me. I love that we want the same things in the future. I love that we want Pipistrellini including la Pipistrellina. I love that our future will be so bright and happy. I know that when they write our story they will definetly write "and they lived happily ever after."

Chiara ti amo con tutto mi cuore and I'm very glad that we will be together forever and ever.

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Miles: 20,388

Well it was an intresting day yesterday. It was nice and productive in the office and in the Org too. On my way home Riccardo calls me to say that his tire is blown and that he needs help. So my dad who was closer goes to see what's up and it turns out that he needs a better device to loosen the lugs. Well one if them was completly stuck and it striped so we couldn't do anything about it. The tow truck came and took the car to a place near it. So I went to sleep 2am and had to get up at 7am to take him to the place where they fixed the tire. A new experience I will be telling my children and family in our XMass reunions from the future.

Chiara Section

A letter to il mio Amore.


I wanted to write to you to let you know that you mean a lot to me. I know that we aren't seeing each other as much as we like but I know that when I'll see you I'll record every millisecond of it so I can see you in my mind.

You are the most important being in the world to me. You are that beautiful woman that inspires me to sing and to go out and run and to do all the things I do. You are my sun and my stars. You are my oxygen. I can live without you but only for 1 minute when I have to take another breath of your love. I don't have enough words in this world to describe how much I love you but I can tell you this, I will tell you and remind you how much I love you every day of our lifes, not just with this bodies, for eternity.

Ti amo and me manchi,
