My Journal

Friday, February 27, 2004

Miles: 23,171

Well... IT'S FRIDAY!!!!! WOOT!! YAY! AJUA!

Well it was nice yesterday. Lots of production on the Office and getting some done in the Org.

I got to see my future Queen last night and like always have a our talk but I like it much better when is live like yesterday. It's great to have her in front of me and talk instead of the phone.

I got a hair cut this morning.

In the Org Div 5 got Division of the week.

Chiara Section

Well I'm glad that the weekend is here. I really enjoyed this week. I did a lot of production and everything but I've missed Chiara a lot. I liked that I saw her on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I really appreciated to be able to see her and talk to her live for a change instead of the Phone.

I love my Chiarita. I love her so much. I want to be married now. I want to have my house were I come and see her waiting for me. Where we wake up every morning and eat our breakfast and talk before leaving for the day. This would just give me so much theta and I would be like a million times better. I know it will be this great.

I can't wait for the wedding. I can't wait to say I do and see all our friends and Family happy for us and then we get to go on our Honeymoon and just be the two of us for a week with no worries but just having fun both of us. OH YEAH!!!

Then we live together and next thing you know a Pipistrellini will be on its way. YAY!!!

I'm very happy that I've found this wonderful woman that will love me and I will love forever. I think we are the happiest most fun couple in the world. What I like the best is that we found each other and all we need is each other. I could not live without her. I rather die than not have her and if something comes between us, I'll sure as hell will fight so it will never give up.

Chiara Ti Amo with all my heart. I can't wait to be your husband.


Thursday, February 26, 2004

Miles: 23,108

Well yesterday was a rough day at first. I got all my stuff done and then it was fine. I had lots of fun producing and I got my raise talk going so I know that in the not so near future I'll be getting one.

The Org is doing OK, I'm just lazy to get a line up for the week. It makes me so lazy to know that I have to make a line up. Oh well someone has to do it.

Chiara Section

Well I saw Chiara yesterday and it was very nice. I love to see her. I can't wait, seriously, to be married to this wonderful woman. I can't wait to wake up in her arms every day. To go to sleep together and dream together. I'm very glad that I've found my Chiquita.

When we are married I know everything will be like a million times better. I will be albe to just focus on us. Then we can visit our parents. That sounds funny to me but I know I will enjoy. "Andiamo a vedere noi papas" Then will be doing the same when we have our Pipistrellini. "YAY! Let's visit the noni"

YAY We are going to have fun!!!

Ti amo per sempre Crabbina.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Miles: 23,051

Well I'm a bit overwhelmed with work and I miss Chiara. I need to ask for a raise. I feel I work so much and I'm getting overwhelmed and feel they don't like me anymore for some reason.

Anyways, at the Org things are going great. I need to do so much and also so little time. This is really starting to get to my nerves. I have too much to do and too little time to do it. I just want to not do anything anymore. I'm tired and I feel I never get things done. It's depressing. Ok, I'm done dramatazing. Now to more beautiful things.

I'm glad it stopped raining. I hate when it rains and rains. If the world was created by me it would only rain on Mondays through Thursdays from 8pm until 6am. That way the weekend is always nice and while it's day you would be able to go out side and not get wet.

Chiara Section

I love you Chiara and you are the only thing that keeps me sane and with out you I could not survive, for real. I think that you love and your theta is what makes me keep on going.

I love the fact that we will be married in 7 months and I know I should start to ask more about the wedding and get more into it. Please let me know what our next step is and let's put it all in writing so we don't forget and we start to get things done. I would love to plan the wedding with you and visualize it and see the future, since my future is you and my eternity is you.

I love you from the bottom of my heart and I love that we are together. There is nothing that makes me happier. If the world was perfect, I would have the job of loving you and we would have a money tree in our backyard and live off of that.

Ti amo per sempre amore.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Miles: 23,004
Weight: 165lbs

Well it was an ok day yesterday. Not too bad. I worked a lot and same in the Org. Then I got a call from this beautiful Italian hottie. She tells me to come over to her house because she has a gift for me. So I get there and she gives me this beautiful black and red shirt from AC Milan!!! I'm finally a Rossonero!!!! YAY!!! I really like it and I now have my first shirt from Italy to my collection of soccer jersey.

Chiara Section

Well I'm in love with you. I'm in love with your laugh. I'm in love with your smile. I'm in love with your smell. I'm in love with the way you make me feel. I'm in love with everything you do. I'm in love with you and nobody but you. You complete me. I am no longer half empty. I'm finally full, and it's all due to your love. Grazie.

ROSSONERO!!!!!!! FORTZA AZZURRA!!!!! PIPISTRELLA!!!!! I'm so happy that I will be part of your life and you of mine. I'm so happy that I'll be learning so much from your culture and I can't wait until you find out more about mine. I think I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I have the car I want. I have a great job. I have a great family. And last but not least, I got the hottest most sexy and charismatic and beautiful Italian Goddess as my 2D. I now know that I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I just know it.

Ti amo Chiara. I love you from the bottom of my heart and I will always always always love you.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Miles: 22,911


Well it was a nice Weekend. Very productive and very active.

On Friday we went to the beach to eat some pizza. It was a nice day to walk out side so we did.

On Saturday unfortunately I had to work at the Testing Center from 7-10pm. It was a pain in the ass, only drunk people walking around. We went out to eat to Bennigan's and we had a very relaxing night.

On Sunday I had to clean my house so I did. After that I helped Chiara with the cleaning of the purif. We went to buy oranges and to the Mall. We then ate at Joto's to Celebrate Julie's Bday. It was nice. Then we went to Chiara's home and just chilled. We watched like 2/3 of Pirates of the Caribbean.

Chiara Section

Well all I can say is that I love Chiara. I just can't wait to be married, I'll be going to her every night and we should be able to cuddle whenever we want. We could watch a movie or listen to music or read together. I can't wait for that, I can't wait to be Home. I'll just have to wait for some 7 months.

I really love you Chiquita. I really enjoy all that we do. I wish we had more US time but I know that what I have with you is Quality not quantity. This Saturday I don't have to work at night so I'll be free to do whatever we want to do amore. I can't wait until the weekend is here again. I can't wait until I'm in your arms and talk about what happened throughout the week.

I love you so much amore. I know my future is with you and only you. I see us happily married until we are like OT XV and 98 years old with our great grandpipistrellini. They'll be asking us how we met and how we fell in love and all I have to say is that it feels like it was yesterday that I met this gorgeous Italian Goddess and fell in love with her smile and those eyes that just steal your breath...

Ti amo per sempre Crabbina and I'm looking foward for the future amore. Ti Voglio Tanto Tanto Bene.

Friday, February 20, 2004

Miles: 22,728
Weight: 164 lbs

I'm just happy. I'm just happy that it's Friday. This means I get to see Chiara for the next three days. YAY! YAY!!!

In the Office it's getting heated with the newbie. He's getting on my nerves and it just makes me want to walk out and go kung fu on someone's ass. It's getting really heated. Anyways, I just hope it all end soon.

In other news I love Chiara and did I mention it's Friday? Well that's right I get to spend time with my Crabbina for the next three days. I'm very glad for that.

Changing subjects I thought I would of been a bit skinnier this week but I went in weighing the same as when I started. I hate that. I want to lose 6 lbs and I haven't been able to. I guess it's no more bread or sweets for me. I think that will do the trick.

Yesterday Chiara was very tired and I thought it was very cute. She was like a little girl and I had to do was say good night Picollina and she fell a sleep. So cute.

Chiara Section

Well I love her so much. I missed her. Everytime I don't get to spend time with her I get a little more and more sad. That's why I'm so in love. She makes me very happy. I've been happy but not the way she makes me. She makes me spiritually happy. She lets me know that our future will be bright and will be very happy. I just know it. All I want is to be with her for the rest of my life and forever.

I can't wait to get home to her and be all like, Ciao amore!!!! How was your day? I hope it was great. I had fun in the office, I made another 2 million dollars this week. How were your OT VII sessions? Great! I'll do one just before we go out to eat dinner at Bern's. Bring the Pipistrellini so we can go to Toys R Us afterwards and then drop them of with our Parents so we can go have our own fun. That's how it's going to be, I just know it.

I love my Chiara so much and I can't wait to see her this weekend. I really need this weekend to relax and not think of anything else but our selves.

I love you very very much Chiquita. I love you forever. I will always show you how much I love you amore and I will never cease to love you.

I 4ever

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Miles: 22,860

Well it was a nice day yesterday. I got to see Chiara in the afternoon for like 15 minutes but to me those minutes are like gold.

The office is doing good. The Org too, although I was in emergency but that should be handled this week. Otherwise everything is cool.

Oh yeah, I won the lottery. I checked 2 days ago and I saw that I won. No I didn't win millions or anything like that, yet. I won $5 because I got 3 numbers out of 6. Cool, uh?

Chiara Section

Well I had a lovely time yesterday with Chiara. I love to be with her and talk for at least a little bit than talk on the phone. I was very glad I was able to get out of the Org early. I like it because it gives me time to go to Chiara and see her at least for an hour before going to sleep.

BTW, congratulations to my Crabbina for getting her CSW approved. Now she'll be able to study in the mornings! I know she'll have a blast going in the mornings and getting trained.

Well all I have to say is that having my beautiful Dea Italiana is the most wonderful experience in the world and I love that we'll be together forever.

I can't wait until we are husband and wife. When we go out I'll say, my wife Chiara said... and stuff like that, it makes me very happy. If I'm happy now I wonder how will I get when I get Pipistrellini?

Chiara ti amo con tutto il mio Cuore per sempre e la eternita. TO INFINITYYYYY AND BEEEEEYOOOND!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Miles: 22,623

Well it was a nice day yesterday. It was very hectic but it all got done and it was very fast.

I changed the oil in my car so I'll be fine for another 2.5 months.

I went to visit Chiara for lunch. It had been a while since we had had lunch together. I love to eat Italian.

The Org is doing fine, I need to start my line up for the week so I can be upstat otherwise I'll be in deep shit since this is going to be the second week I'll be down and that's not good.

Chiara Section

Well I'm very fortunate to have such a lovely lady as my future wife. I love how she's always in games and playing. I love that. I know we will never be bored because the both of us together are the nosiest most fun people in the world. I LOVE THAT!!!

I love that my little Crabbina is all going on course and although there has been some troubles at the moment, I know they WILL be handled. I'm so glad Chiara is doing her training. My only wish was that I was there with her. Training together at Flag. I know some day in the not to far future I will be doing that with her. YAY!!

Well Crabbina I loved lunch yesterday, what can I say, I love that food of yours. I can't get enough. If it was me I'd do that every day for eternity. I just love it. I know in the future when we are married I'll be able to do that no matter what. YAY! YAY! YAY!

I can't wait until the wedding. I want it to be now so we can be together forever and never have to separate. I can't wait to have all our families together and talking and enjoying and having all this joy and fun because our lives are going to come together. I think it's very theta what we are doing and I know since we are two great beings we will only bring greatness to this universe. I'm glad I found you Chiara.

I'm glad all the wait I had to do. I'm glad I waited as long as I did to find you. I'm glad I did all the things I've done so I could of find you. Now that I've found you I'll never let go of you from my side. We are now a team and as a team we will work on everything together helping each other on what ever is needed. You are my best friend and partner, I couldn't ask for anyone better.

Ti Amo Pipistrellina, Crabbina, Piccolina, Chiquitina.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Miles: 22,577
Weight: 164lbs

Well yesterday wasn't too bad. I had a good day at the office and a good day at the Org.

I missed Chiara on Monday afternoon, when we were talking before going to the Org. I miss her laugh and her jokes and how silly we get together. I wasn't in that mood on Sunday but now that I'm better makes me regret that I got all sick on Sunday, I should of enjoyed being with Chiara more.

I really love her.

I heard from my mom that we are soooooo close to Saint Hill size that some missionaries are coming back to make sure those things that are needed go back in and get working.

Chiara Section

I miss my Crabbina. She's the cutest most cuddly little Crabbina in the world. I don't know what I would do with out her. I think I would just sit down and cry for eternity. Now that I have her it makes my life complete.

I love the sexy, curvaceous & sensual woman that has the most wonderful smile in the world. This woman could make me melt in under a second. She knows exactly what I like and what I want. She is like a Sensual Goddess sent from Heaven to be with me. My only wish is that I'm just as Sexy for her as she is for me. I wish to be strong and sexy for her. I want her to desire me and be her lover forever.

There is something about Chiara that makes me go wild. Oh yeah, HERSELF!! I just love all about her. She does all the most cool stuff in the world. She does her hair and she is super clean and she does everything in a special way. I love that. She is like the perfect partner for me. I love how loud we get and how much we play. I can see us in 20 years playing with our Pipistrellini all playing soccer or basketball outside our home and all screaming and playing with each other. Awwww, I can't wait for the future, it's going to be the best lifetime ever. I got all I ever hope for. Great Family, Scn and of course my best friend for life, Chiara.

Ti Amo Crabbina. Ti amo per sempre.

Monday, February 16, 2004

Miles: 22,525

Well it was a nice weekend.

On Friday I went and gave some flowers and a Hello Kitty Ballon for St. Valentines for my love. She really liked them. I was very glad she did. I love her very much and I wanted to show her how much.

On Staurday it was nice because it's been a while since I've gotten this early from the Org. I went to Chiara and she did her hair, red tips, look very very sexy. Then she was wearing this boots and skirt and this sweater, in other words super hot. We went to eat sushi for our eight month Anniversary and St. Valentine's. Then we rented a movie, which sucked as and since we were very tired we went to sleep.

I unfortunatelly ate too much chocolate and ended up with an upset stomach and I was all tired and with the body aching all day yesterday. But I liked that I spent it with Chiara. At least I wasn't alone. Thank you amore for everything you did for me. I love you from the bottom of my heart

Chiara Section

Well it was a lovely way to celebrate our 8 months of being together. I love the fact that we are getting married in 8 months. We will have so much fun and so much happiness being together. I can't think of my life with out you. I love you so much chiquita. I love you so much.

This 8 months have been like heaven. I had never known love so beautiful as yours. My heart is finally complete. My heart is no longer mine and it's yours. I love you as much as there are drops of water in the sea. My love will never cease and will be perpetual for eternity.

I can not wait until we are married and I can introduce you to all the people as my wife. I'm very excited about our future because it will be OUR future.

Chiara, ti amo per sempre and I'll always be with you. Again thanks for listening to me yesterday and for all the crap you took from me.

Friday, February 13, 2004

Miles: 22,382

Well yesterday was good. I woke up in the arms of an Italian Godess. I was very happy to. The office was ok, I had a little talk to my neighbor about his schedule so we are more int he same schedule.

The Org however did great. First we sent the CR up lines. And secondly we got Highest Ever GI!!! $126,000!!!!! Everyone was very keyed out and very happy over all.

Tomorrow is valentines so I have to make sure that my Chiara gets all the love in the world. I only want her to have all my love.

Chiara Section

Well I'm in love

I love Chiara. I love her very much. I love that she's my future wife. I think it's going to be great. I think that it's going to be such awesome times. I only wish we already were married. I would love to just wake up in my house with her and not have no attention on anything else but us. I want o be with her forever and love her and lover her. With out here there is no sun. With out here there is no air. Without her there is nothing worth living for. She is the only thing that keeps me alive. I can't wait until we are having our Pipistrellini and we have to take them to school and then we have to pick them up. When I come from work and see my children play and they we all go out to the park and play soccer and we take walks and we all eat an ice cream and have so much fun.

I'm very excited about the wedding. I can't wait until Oct 24 when I get to see Chiara all in white walking to me and we get to kiss for the first time as husband and wife. I'm very romantic in that way. I'm so in love

Chiara, ti amo per sempre e TVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTB. You are my and my heart will always belong to you.