My Journal

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Miles: 24,945

Well yesterday was very different. First I got my ukulele and I've been playing it a bit. It's cool, I thought it was going to be cooler but it's cool nonetheless.

I didn't go home last night for dinner. I went to Chiara's house so we could go and eat and then pick up her Dad, Vito, my future Father-in-law. We ate a huge burger at Cheese Cake Factory. It was really good. Then we went to a real Italian Gelateria (ice cream store) and it was really good. The owners were really friendly and they were Italian so it was instant R on the ARC and it was quite nice.

We then went to the Airport and Vito's plane got there like 15 minutes earlier. Chiara spotted him on the stairs and it was very nice to see how a father and a daughter meet after 7 months of being apart. We then went to the Sandcastle and he dropped off his materials. Then we went to see the house and it was very beautiful how it looked at night. When we were walking back I saw my car parked there and I saw that it is a beautiful mock up. It will be an ideal place to live. I like it very much.

When we got to their apartment and the favorite part of Chiara began, all the gifts from her aunt and mom were in the luggage, she was like a little kid in Christmas. I got a nice Forzza Azzuri shirt, a blue shirt that says Italia, really nice. My mom got a little picture like cloth that she hanged in the fridge. My Dad got some nice Cigars from Italy and he was surprised and he liked them. Then all this candy and chocolate for everyone, we are all happy for them.

I had a great time with my new family. I really enjoyed the day out I had.

Chiara Section

Well I just love Chiara more and more every day. For every drop of dew in the morning I see it's an "I love you" and for every particle of pollen it's a "Forever".

I really enjoyed last night. It was so different and so much fun. I always have fun with my Pipistrella. There is nothing more important than to be with my Pipistrella. She's the most fun and great person to hang around with. I love her because not only is she a great 2D but also my best friend and that to me means everything. She encompasses every thing I've ever dreamed of in a woman. Smart, cute, sexy, intelligent, fun, determined, beautiful, able, gorgeous and mine which is the most important one. I love that we are going to be together forever, I just can't wait.


Ti amo per sempre Pipistrella. You are always in my thoughts.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Miles: 24,895
Weight: 172 lbs

Well I worked out this morning and realized I've gained 2 more pounds. GOD DAMN!!! Well I realized that I have to do a Danger formula on my 1st dynamic. Oh well, no more candy for me or bread. I know exactly why I'm gaining some weight, Sean keeps eating in the office and makes me hungry and he sometimes gives me food throughout the day, so that is what I've actually increased that is making me put on some lbs. So from now on only the food I bring and that way I can actually eat when I'm hungry and not just eat to eat.

Yesterday was kind of busy. I worked in the Office and it went well. In the Org I did a session and some FESing.

I got my muffler yesterday, I'm excited because Hirotoshi San will be sounding so nice and sporty. WHOA!!!!

I'm supposed to receive my Ukulele today. This is my birthday gift to my self because I love my self.

We'll be picking up my future Father-in-law today from the airport. This should be cool since I've only talked to him very little on the phone.

I saw Chiara last night for a little bit and it's always nice to have her in my arms. I love to cuddle and make cute noises together. I just love her to death.

Chiara Section

Amore, I love you from the bottom of my heart. I have the outmost admiration towards you and how tough you are and I love that in you. You are not a weak woman. You are strong and very knowledgeable in a lot of way. I love that you have a great hat and you know how to keep it. You are a woman that knows how to make me happy. I love that. I love that we are going to be a great team. You are my best friend and I love that we can talk about anything and that we always talk and increase our ARC higher and higher every time.

Ti amo Chiquita. I can't wait until the wedding when you and I join our lives in front of everyone. I've already joined my life to you. Without you there wouldn't be me. I love you forever. TVTTTTTTTTTB


Monday, March 29, 2004

Miles: 24,840
Weight: 170 lbs

Well it was a nice weekend. I got to do some cool things with Chiara and Julie went with us too.

On Friday we went to TGIFriday's. Chiara liked it so I'm happy. On Saturday we went to eat to Olive Garden, not too bad, we wanted Macaroni Grill but Olive Garden was less full. We had a good dinner then we rented a movie that sucked ass. Oh well. On Sunday I got to play my video games. It was cool but after like 1 hour I got bored with them. I hate using a freaking keyboard to play games. Oh well such is life. I then went to help Chiara with cleaning the purif. Then we picked up Julie and went to the Mall. It was cool, I didn't buy anything but Chiara bought this beautiful red dress that says WHOAAAA!!! I think she looks soooooo sexy on that. OH YEAH!!!! Then we went to eat and we rented another movie. It was cool. I liked the relaxing day.

Oh and by the way I smoked this Prelude while racing. The guy is someone I know and we raced and he just spun too much when we started and whooped his ass. I had him on my ass the whole time but he couldn't catch me. OH YEAH!!! I was so pumped of adrenaline. It's nice to know that my 160hp car beat a 200hp car.

Chiara Section

Well all I can say is that we closed this weekend with a golden seal. I loved everything I do with Chiara. I love how is it that she is always taking care of me even if she doesn't think so. I love her so much. I got her this roses and the moment they got home they started to open so beautifully and that's because of all her theta that she gives to them.

I enjoyed that we went to the mall with Julie. I saw that they were having fun and that made me happy. She is the joy of my life, with out her is like all the fun of living is taken out of me.

Chiara ti amo tanto. I will always love you and I'm very happy that I have you as my 2D and as my best friend and as someone that will be with me forever.


Friday, March 26, 2004

Miles: 24,645
Weight: 170 lbs

Well it was Thursday and it was ok. I had work and things to do in the Office so that kept me busy. The Org was cool. I had some time fixing a thing with a computer file that it was needed to show the stats at the Staff Meeting. Nobody acks that I do this but I know I do good.

I worked out this morning, I'm a bit sore but now I know if I keep it up it should be as painful. My goal is to loose 15 lbs. I know I can do it and I think Chiara will find it sexy.

Well, it's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOHOOOO! I'm just happy because Chiara Time starts tonite. YAY!!

Chiara Section

Well I can't wait until tonite when I get to see my Pipistrella. I love it when it's Friday and I know I will be seeing her. It's like a gift everytime I see her. I just get all happy and enjoy every second I spend with her. YAY!!!

I can't wait until we are together with Chiara forever. I think it's going to be so much fun. Having her by my side. Going home to her and kissing her good night every night. I love that. I love that we are going to be creating our space together. I get really excited about the wedding. I think it's going to be the best wedding of the year. Everyone will remember it as the greatest wedding of 2004!!

Chiara ti amo tanto and I'll be with you forever!!! Ti voglio tanto bene amore!!!!


Thursday, March 25, 2004

Miles: 24,587

Well I'm sore today from all the workout yesterday, but I feel good!!!!

The Org is doing good. My mom is going both Sat and Sun so she'll take of Friday.

The office we are busy because we are doing our job with Boingo and it gets kind of crazy at times and then it doesn't. I know it's a love hate relationship.

I think the muffler should come in today. I was thinking that I could Didgeridoo with the midpipe, that would be funny and cool at the same time. Maybe I should even tape my self doing that. I thought it was cool.

I got to visit Chiara yesterday and see the proposed menu for the wedding. HOLY MOLLY!!!! It looks delicious!!!! It was all this Italian dishes and appetizer and the dessert, besides our wonderful cake, Tiramisu!!!!! My God, it looks like Flag got into my mind and read what I love most about the Italians, their food. I would go to the wedding just for the food!!! And of course to marry the most beautiful woman in the world.

I also forgot my celphone in Chiara's house. D'oh!!! I must of left it there subliminally so I could see Chiara today when she brings it. YAY!!!

Chiara Section

Well yesterday reading the menu that they sent from Flag with Chiara I totally mocked up all the fun we are going to have. I thought of all our family joined to celebrate that Chiara and I are starting our own family. I think it's so theta!!! I love it. I totally see Chiara with her beautiful dress and I swear to God she is the sexiest woman in the world. I love her so much. Her inner and outer beauty are so great sometimes I think how is it that I ended up with such Dea Italiana.

I'm very happy to have my Chiquita with me. I'm so lucky because I have what I've always loved and wanted the most. I got the car I've always wanted. I've got a great family and last but not least, I found my best friend to which I plan to marry and be with for the rest of my life and enjoy all our great adventures in life and eternity.

Chiara, I love you so much. Ti voglio tantissimissimissimo bene. You are the sunshine in my life. Ti amo per sempre.


Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Miles: 24,531
Weight: 170lbs

Well I finally got to work out. I got up and ran 2 miles then I did some crunches and some push ups. I know I'll be sore tomorrow but I got to remember, No pain, no gain. My goal is to loose 15lbs in 3 months, so that's like 5 lbs a month or 1.3 lbs a week. I think I can totally do it. I want to be all strong for my Pipistrella.

The Org is doing good. I got lots of cycles so that is good for me. The office is now busy so that's good for me too.

I also bought my Mom's plane ticket yesterday, it cost $522 and she'll be gone for a week. It's not too bad I guess. Only thing is she'll be in one day after my Bday. Oh well, at least she gets to see my grandparents

Chiara gave me a surprise visit yesterday. I loved it.

Chiara Section

Well yesterday when I was doing something at the bottom of my computer the most beautiful girl I've ever seen shows up in my office. All the guys in my office are just staring in awe of her beauty, not a word but just flows of admiration. As I get out of my desk, I see this beaming smile that is unmistakable. She just looks at me in my eyes and I get lost in her beauty. At that moment nothing else matters to me, all I care it to have my lips meet with hers and have our on symphony of love with our lips. I kiss her and she makes my day 10,000 times brighter and better.

Well I just thought I would tell you how nice it felt to see my beautiful soon to be wife visiting me at my office. I like to see her and for those couple of minutes I'm in heaven and I'm recharged with all the theta I need for the rest of the day. She always makes my day a little bit brighter, a little bit happier. She is my everything.

Ti amo Chiara. Ti amo per sempre e la eternita.


Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Miles: 24,471

Well it was Monday. I hate Mondays, for some reason I get super tired throughout the day and I feel like crap. The only times I felt good was when I was talking to Chiara and stupid me forgot my Cell at the office and I couldn't talk as much as I wanted. D'oh!!!

I got an email from Rodrigo regarding Tampa going Saint Hill size. Man I truly feel acked now. He is my favorite cousin and me telling me that feels great. YAY!

The Org is busy and well there I was doing like a million cycles last night and well you know, such is life. The only thing that sucks is that today is cleaning night :(

I also ordered the muffler that Chiara is going to give me for my Bday since it's in a month! Yay!!! I should be here by the end of the week.

Chiara Section

Well I just love Chiara. I love that we are going to be living in a beautiful house and that we are going to be living together and all the things that we are going to mock up together. I can't wait until we set up the kitchen the way Chiara wants it. I can't wait until we set up the computer the way I want it. I can't wait until we set our room the way we want it. I can't wait until we set up everything! YAY!!!

I'm very lucky to have a true woman. I woman who not only loves me but has this great love to do things in the house and to do all this. I will always help in the house. I was brought that way. I will help her with the laundry. I'll make the bed. I'll wash the dishes. I'll kiss her every day. I'll tell her how much I love her every day. My mission is to please her in every way possible. This is what I want to strive for, that Chiara will be happy with me for eternity.

Chiara, ti amo tanto. I can't wait until we are in the house and that we are alone laying in our bed talking about our past, present and future. I would love to talk how we fell in love. How much we love each other and how great we are doing and how much we will always love each other and how our Pipistrellini will do.

Ti amo per sempre Pipistrella. I love you from the bottom of my heart and I'll always be in love with you.


Monday, March 22, 2004

Miles: 24,426

Well I liked the weekend because I got to have a day of on Sunday. I missed so much having a day off!!!

On Friday we went to Benningan's and it was cool. We ate and chilled for a bit.

On Saturday I went to the Org and I audited and did all my admin and stuff and then I went to Chiara's house and we went to the Sandcastle to see Leona about the wedding and she was telling us all this stuff about the things we need and it made it so much real, which I liked. Oh by the way we went to see the invitations on Friday. We picked two that we liked. We'll see which one we pick. Then we went to eat at the Palm's Cafe and ate pizza. Really good by the way! Then we went to my house where all the family was there talking and chilling for my Dad's Bday and that Riccardo had returned. It was good, the cake was really nice! Then Chiara and I went to chill to her house.

On Sunday I went to do the shopping with my Mom and had a good time. Then I went to buy my Dad and Riccardo a birthday gift. I think they like it. Then I went to pick up Chiara after the Purif and we ended up in the Pool, I liked it. We started to get frisky and it was cool! Then we went to her house and we had the most beautiful dinner ever. Very romantic. We ate on the Florida room with a candle and her great lasagna!! MMMMH che buona!!! Then we went to pick up a movie, we enede d up with The Godfather. X no dejes que te influya. Then we just chilled and had a great night.

Thanks for a great weekend Chiquita!

Chiara Section

Well I think we had a very good weekend. I had fun and it was very sexy too. I enjoyed all the time I spent with Chiara and I liked that I got to do all the things I wanted to do.

I love how much she cares for me. She made this candle lit dinner with salad and the lasagne and it was great! Very romantic and very good. I ate like 4 lbs of it! Mmmmmh che buona!!!!!

I loved that we watched a movie together all cuddled up and stuff, not our favorite movie but a classic nonetheless.

Chiara I love you from the bottom of my heart and I loved how much our reality for the wedding increased this weekend with the invitations and the interview with Leona, this dream is becoming more and more a reality.

Ti amo per sempre e la eternita.


Friday, March 19, 2004

Miles: 24,264

Well it was Thursday and in the Org it was ok. The Office is still very busy which I like.

I liked that they recognized my Dad's birthday at the Staff Meeting. I like that they did that. In the Office they haven't recognized a birthday in a while.

Chiara was telling me that she made a decision of taking care of the house and the children. I loved the fact that she told me that. I think it's very important now a days, not all women want to be women and it's a very essential and important job in our decadent society. I know she'll make a great difference in this world, I know it.

Chiara Section

I love Chiara. I've been spending a lot of time with her and it's been great. I love the way we are together. It's like we are married. I love it. I love spending time with her specially since I don't have to talk on the phone. I just sit down and talk or lay down on the bed just before we go to sleep. It's great! I love it!

I can't wait until we have our own place. I will wake up at 7am and work out until 8am, this way I'll be all sexy for her and be super strong. Then I'll take a shower and then eat my breakfast from my beautiful wife. Get ready and got to Work. Then Work until 5pm get back home to my Pipistrella and we'll eat dinner. Once we've done that I can wash the dishes. This way I contribute to the house too. Then we'll both go on course at night at Flag. When we are done there we go home and relax a bit and talk before going to sleep and then sleeping and start the beautiful cycle again. YAY!!

Ti voglio tanto tanto tanto bene Pipistrella. There is no one that could make me feel as special as you.


Thursday, March 18, 2004

Miles: 24,214

Well it was my dad's Bday and it was cool. I haven't gotten him a gift, I feel like shit.

The Org is doing good and I should be going in session tonite with a Staff member if he metabs.

The Office is extremely busy, I like that. I like high randomity and it's cool.

Chiara Section

I love spending time with my future wife. I feel like we are married and the only thing is that I'm out of town a couple of days a week. I like how when we wake up we make a little bit of cuddling time every morning. I'll just wake up 10-15 minutes to compensate for this but I definitely like this cuddling time, it's Chiara time and like my rule book says and I quote: "Rule #1; It's all about Chiara. Rule #2; It's all about Chiara." I can't wait until we are together in our own space and we are living there and having all the fun on mocking up and creating our space and doing all this cools stuff to create our future.

I sent Chiara a very cool email. I hope she likes it. I wrote it with a lot of love.

*Screaming super out loud* TI AMO CHIIAAAAARAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Ti amo tanto Chiquita, you are my everything and with out you there is no color to life and everything turns black and white.

You'll be in my heart for ever.