My Journal

Friday, April 30, 2004

Miles: 26,607
Weight: 170.5 lbs

Well it was an Ok day yesterday. I was a bit tired. Lately I've noticed that since I'm on Staff I'm a little less energetic overall. I used to be more energetic, I guess that working from 8:30am to 10pm do that to you.

Well I worked out today and I feel really good. I think if I keep this up in a couple of months I'll reach my goal.

Yesterday the Org was fine, I did the stats like always in the Staff Meeting. In the Office there was a whole bunch of stuff that needed to be tested so like the last 2 hours were all spent doing that.

I also saw Chiara in the morning. She brought me this very good meat. Damn it was good!!!! But what I liked the most is that she made some and brought me some of that. Grazie amore!!! It was buonissimo!

Chiara Section

A little poem of my love.

Your eyes show me the way
Your lips invite me to kiss you
the smile on your face makes me happy
without you, there would be no joy.

You are my inspiration
you are the one that makes me keep going
with your laugh I know there is hope
without you, there would be no joy.

The longing to be together is almost over
only six more months to be together for eternity
I only know that an eternity is not enough to show you how much I love you

Without you there would be no me.

I'm glad that we found each other,
now the path will be a happy one.



Thursday, April 29, 2004

Miles: 26,552

Well it was another Wednesday in my life. The only good thing that I got out of it was that I saw my Chiquita. Really sometimes I think the only worth thing on the world is her. Funny how life insignificant until you find you significant other.

The Office is ok, I've been testing a MAC build all day long along with doing some other things in the windows.

The Org I was just drilling with Neal on an M2 W/C drill. It was ok, then I did some M4s and some FESing.

I think my highlight of my day was when Chiara went to visit me at the office. I love her so much and her visit is always pleasant.

Chiara Section

Ciao Cara Chiara!!

Come stai? Spetto che tutto bene. Io stoy scribendo en italiano (or trying to). Visogno dirte que ti amo e che tu sei la donna piu bella di tutto il universo. Sono molto fortunato de tenere a una bellissima ragazza come te, iteligente, figa, divertente e italiana! YAY!!!

Amore, no so come esprimere che tu sei la donna de la mia vita. Senza voi il mio mundo e nero e triste, con te il mio universo e bello perche tu sei i li.

Ok, enough with my Itañoglish (Italian, Spanish and English). I just wanted to tell you that lately I haven't been my self too much. Sorry about that. I just can't wait to me married and every night come home to you. That is my dream and in 6 months it will be true.

Ti amo per sempre e tutta la eternita. Ti voglio tantissimio bene amore.


Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Miles: 26,496

Well it was an OK Tuesday. I got the oil changed so there is less attention on that cycle for a while.

The Office I was testing MAC which isn't my favorite since it's a bit complicated to my taste since I don't know it all that well but I get by it.

In the Org I didn't audit since my PC got a Executive Court of Ethics. Damn it! So I had to FES the folder and I did so today I hope I get a new PC until the other one gets in line.

Chiara Section

Sorry amore I was tired yesterday but I got a good night sleep last night and I worked out so I'm more up tone and alive today, YAY!!!

I'm really glad that you are putting a lot of work onto your course, I think that's great and shows how much you want it and therefore you'll finish with no problems. I'm very proud of the future mother of our Pipistrellini.

Ti amo tanto tanto. I see the wall paper I made for us every day and I can't believe how beautiful of a woman I have. I think you are like a model, like a Dea Italiana that is so beautiful and stole my heart. I couldn't have asked to anyone else to steal my heart but you. You will be always the owner of my heart!!

Ti amo tanto amore, per sempre e la eternita. You are the most gorgeous woman in the world. TVTTTTTB


Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Miles: 26,439

Well it was Monday. I was tired and just getting into the grove.

At the office a lot of activities so it's good. In the Org it was fine, JT was not sessionable, but now I figured out how to get in session again, doing our successful action, going in before the muster. That used to work fine since we would do a 1.5hr session and come out early enough to get another pc and for him to still work.

I went this morning to change the Oil in Hirotoshi San, he's doing great! Thanks to Chiara for giving me the Exhaust, it's truly becoming my dream car! I've always wanted a car that sounded like it does now and it sounds great!!!! I just love it!!! Mile grazie!

Chiara Section

Well, I'm very happy to be with Chiara. I sent her the wallpapers I made and I was hoping she would like them and she did, so this makes me extremely happy. I know that my future is with Chiara, I cannot see my life with out her, it's like thinking of trying to survive without any air; it can't be done.

I love that we are so in love and that all we do together is fun. I can't believe that in a half a year I'll be married to the most beautiful woman in the world. I'm the luckiest man in the world for I have the love of the Italian Goddess, Chiara.

Chiquita, ti amo per sempre and I'm very proud of all that you are doing and all the things that you do for me are very much appreciated amore. Ti amo per sempre e la eternita.


Monday, April 26, 2004

Miles: 26,368

Nice weekend. On friday Chiara and I went out to eat because we were hungry.

On Saturday we went out to eat shushi, my parents, julie, Vito, Chiara and me. Then we went to my house and ate some cake along with my aunts and my grandparents. It was really nice!

Then Sunday I went to Walmart and to Home depot to buy some stuff for Chiara while she worked. Came to the office for a couple of hours. Went to help Chiara clean the purif and then we went to eat and to the movies. The movie was cool, not my favorite but cool nonetheless. Then we went to Target to get Jessica's and Gabe's gift. After that we went home to eat and went to the beach to have an ice cream. Very nice weekend. I loved it.

I had a great time this weekend and I really enjoyed Chiara's company. I think we had a great weekend. Grazie per tutti amore.

Chiara Section

Well, only 6 more months to our wedding!!! YAY!!!

I had a great time this weekend with her and I really enjoyed our time together. It all felt like we were married and that felt great!!! I'm really glad I have her as my 2D we have so much fun, like in the furniture store we were laghing all the time, that was great!!!

I really love my Chiquita, she means everything to me because she puts so much love on the things she does for me, that makes my Amore 20,000 times worth more than dimonds!!

Ti amo per sempre piccolina! TVTTTTTTTB


Friday, April 23, 2004

Miles: 26,213
Weight: 170.5lbs

Well it's... FRIDAY!!! WOOHOO!!!! I'm just glad because now I get spend time with Chiara, YAY!!!!

Well the Office is doing good. I got my Quarterly Bonus one day before my Bday so I was very happy. The Org is doing good, we should of done a lot of Bday game points and we should be moving on up!!! Also at staff meeting they all sang Happy Birthday and they gave me a cake! YAY!!!

I saw my Piccolina last night, she's always so cute, I'm happy that I have such wonderful woman by my side. She's the greatest woman I've met and I love that she's my best friend. Ti amo Chiquita ;)

Chiara Section

Well the weekend is here and that means that we are going to have fun. I think that Chiara and I will enjoy it.

What I like about Chiara is that she's in games and that she likes to play around. She's just a doll, just adorable. I wish I could just have her with me all the time, I like how we are the best of friends. I enjoy talking to her and doing things together.

Well tonight I hope to be able to kiss Chiara, she's got the most amazing kisses in the world. I'm addicted I tell you, they are like honey and I'm a bee that is just waiting for her lips to call me, I'll be there in a second kissing them and enjoying them as much as I can. I love her so much. YAY we are going to be married in 6 months!!!! I can't wait!! I can't wait until I'm with her every day and enjoy our time together! YAY!! We are going to be the happiest couple.

Chiara, ti amo con tutto mi cuore e spetto che ti piace stare con me. Baci a mi Pipistrellina.


Thursday, April 22, 2004

Miles: 26,158

Well it was my birthday and it was very nice. In the office we went out to eat to a Mexican restaurant and it was quite cool.

Then in the Org I was kind of half asleep in the muster and then Erika said that it was my birthday. That sure woke me up!! They all sang happy birthday, that was cool. Last year nobody said anything.

The moral of the story is that if tell people enough they will remember. I got "offended" last year when no one said anything for my birthday, but I now tell everyone and get a good response.

Then at night I went to see my Chiquita, she's so pretty and we kissed and kissed, sigh, it was like falling in love all over again. I just love her kisses!!!! They are like the sweetest candy you can ever eat and never want to stop eating. Grazie mile amore for those wonderful kisses.

Chiara Section

Well I know that the best gift I've gotten ever is Chiara. She's so special and she means absolutely everything to me. She's the greatest treasure I could of find. I couldn't put a price to it. She's worth Trillions and trillions of dollars!!! I just love her so much.


Thank you very much for caring for me and for you wonderful email and greeting card. I just love how much you care for me. You are truly my best friend and I am very very glad that we are going to spend the rest of our lives together. I just can't wait!!!! I dream of coming home and seeing you there and we get to talk about whatever we want to talk and then sleep in each other's arms to wake up in each other's arms the next day. Grazie mile for your wonderful kisses. I think that it's my favorite dessert of the world, Chiara's Kisses, they are the sweetest most delicious thing in the world!!!!

Ti amo tanto Chiquita, there are not enough words in any language to express how much I love you.
Ti amo tantissimissimo.


Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Miles: 26,108

Well today is my Birthday!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!! I'm officially 24. Now I have to wait one more year and I'll be a quarter of a century old! Cool!

I have many things to be thankful. I have a great job, I have great friends, I have a great Church, I have an awesome car but most importantly I have found the love of my life. This is going to be my first Birthday that I will have a girlfriend. It feels great! I just think that having her as my future wife is gift enough.

So far I got Chiara's gift, the Magnaflow muffler, it's great!!!! I'll post some pics later.

Well yesterday I did good here in the office, didn't win any dart games but I certainty enjoyed it. In the Org it was good I got my Cramming. I now know why I got it. I remember when my mom told me that I could get my ruds flown, then I thought "Don't they do that when you get a cramming?" and well I thought naw, I better just not ask, why make trouble so there it goes my big postulate to get my ruds flown. Then yesterday I thought I was going to get my ass kicked, but contrary I didn't I got pointed to the right references and I'm doing great!!!

Anyways, I'll enjoy my Birthday now. YAY!!!!

Chiara Section

Well it's my birthday and I have the best gift, love. There is no other gift like the gift of love and being in love. I think that since I met Chiara and been with her I've never been so happy. There is something with having her as my future wife that just makes me happy every day. She's the greatest gift I've ever received. I used to think that God didn't exist, now it's been proven that she was sent from God to be together forever.

Oh and thanks so much for the Muffler!!! I love it! Hirotoshi San is now so much cooler, I can tell how nice it sounds, I think that I've never liked my car so much before!!!! Grazie mile!!!! I love it! It's a great gift amore.

Chiara I love you very much and having you as my 2D and future wife and mother of my children is my dream and I know that dream will be a reality within some months, I just feel great that we have that! YAY!!!!

Ti amo tantissimo and I'll love you forever and eternity. TVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTB.


Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Miles: 26,056
Weight: 171 lbs

Well sorry I didn't write the diary yesterday but the network was down the whole morning so I wasn't able to post the diary and as the day developed I got busier and busier.

The Weekend was nice. On Friday we just stayed in the house and relaxed. Saturday was a weird day. I did 4 session on JT and it was all cool, after the second session we did the third and it was all good and then he red tagged, so then I proceeded to give him his repair session, turns out I also fucked that up too. DAMN!! I know I suck so I just felt like crap because I would have to come in on Sunday to fix it all up but thank God, all the stars and the beautiful eyes of my Chiara that Monica took of the Tag before we left on Saturday. Then we went to have a good dinner at Macaroni Grill and then to the Movies. On Sunday we went to the mall and Chiara bought this beautiful skirt and this shirt that says Powerful and DAMN she looks so hot with those new shoes that she got. Makes me go WHOOAA!!! OH YEAH!!!! Duffman likes!!!! Then we ate pizza and rented a movie, it was a good one too, the Rundown with the Rock.

Chiara Section

Ciao amore!!!! I just wanted to tell you that I love you very much. This last couple of weeks have been great and now that we are making our marriage more and more real it's been great, I just can't wait to have the house for our selves and decorate it as we please and put our pictures on the walls, our certs, our memories. Then I think that we'll be together every night and every morning, makes me very happy, makes me know that I have a great thing to look forward, to be with YOU!

Every time we are together it makes me happy how we are, always playing and in games with each other and I love that you listen to me and that I listen to you. I think that we are so great together, then I start to think about the Pipistrellini and makes me super happy because we are going to be parents and we are going to have all this fun and all this great memories.

I want to thank you for being the most beautiful woman in the world and that with out you this planet wouldn't be the same for me. To me, Chiara, you are the greatest friend I could ask for.

Ti amo per sempre and to have you is my greatest treasure, with those emerald eyes and that smile of yours that is worth more than gold I couldn't ask for anyone better. Baci Pipistrella!


Friday, April 16, 2004

Miles: 25,832
Weight: 172 lbs

Well I found out today that I gained two pounds. I guess that I've been eating too much junk. So I'll just handle that and it should all go aways. GO ALEX GO!! LET'S LOOSE THE WEIGHT!!!!! I want to be strong and handsome for my Pipistrella so she's all like WHOA!!

Yesterday we had another epidemia of the Blaster virus in the office so it wasn't the most fun afternoon.

In the Org I was in Normal and I set up the computer, tables and chairs so fast that no one had to tell anyone to do anything, I know that nobody noticed but oh well, at least I know that I did something good.

Last night Vito, Chiara and I had a talk on the wedding and what the plans are. So on Sunday Chiara and I will sit down and will put all the names and create a list of guest so we have an estimate. Next is I have to find out if the house is under the name of Vito/Piera if I can use it to deduct my taxes when I live there. I liked the talk made a lot of things more real. YAY!!!

Chiara Section

I love seeing Chiara in the nights, it makes it more real than on the phone. I love my Chiquita. I've always have fun with her. I liked that we talked about the house and the wedding and what we wanted to do and what the future looks like. I like it! I think that just having Chiara by my side will be all I'll ever want. I don't know but I feel Chiara and I were destined to be together, like we have loved each other from a long time. All I know is that I love my Pipistrella sooooo much.

This weekend should be fun. On Saturday we will go out to eat and see a movie for our 10 month anniversary. On Sunday I think we can do whatever we want since she's free, YAY!!!! I want to wash my car and as long as I'm with Chiara I will be happy. May be go to the mall or go get an ice cream or something like that.

Chiara, I love you so much and I think it's great that we are working on the wedding. It makes it more real and I think it's a great thing that we are doing together. I can't wait until we are together in our house and we can do whatever we want to. That way I'll always go home to you. Because home is where my heart is and my heart is yours.

Ti amo per sempre piccolina. I have the out most admiration for you Chiquita. Baci