My Journal

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Miles: 28,101

Well yesterday was like the shittiest day of the world. First I got this we are in super duper duper mode and we are going all out blah blah blah, I don't care much about that. I'm getting all ready for this stuff and testing and stuff. Then Lisa, our Exec ESTO, comes in and tells me that we need to fit two more people in our office. I told her that it was physically impossible, she said no because Sean and I were being moved to the Reception. (Instant TA blowup) Well I do all this change with the bigest protest in the world. It just pissed me off. I've never been this pissed off in Fortis before. NEVER!!! Anyways I did it and I now I want to talk to Paul and her so I can get it out of my system.

Then I go home and I'm asleep and I don't wake up until 6:28pm. I was so out PT that I thought that it was a Thursday, so I'm going all normal and with no worries on the causeway. Then it hits me... It's Wednesday and I have to be at the Org at 6:50pm. So I start driving Hirotoshi San like the true race car he is. I start going faster and faster. I could feel the adrenaline to start to pump. My legs got a shot and I was hooked. I was going excess speeds but I only knew one thing, I would not be late. I pass car after car and push Hirotoshi San to the limits with out hurting or startle anyone. I get there with 1 minute before roll call. I accomplished my mission. It was a nice run but a horrible way to do it. I will make sure that doesn't happen again ever!!!

I got to the Org and the PC I was suppossed to take in cannot go because it's Wednesday night. So I start to look at it and it looks like my stats were going to go down and as my last resort I go to Melanie, who had not been sessionable in the last 2 days, and proceede to ask her if she's sessionable. After feeling super shity all afternoon, I take her in and I see that she's getting up tone and hear her wins. I was a little happier since I did do something right.

I then go drop off my mom at home and go to Chiara's house. I see her and she's taking a shower so I wait a little. She gives me the good news that she attested to her course that night. "Complementi amore!!! Well done!!" I say. Then I start to talk to her and her dad showed her that they already had a pack and that she didn't have to buy one. So he's discussing with her about where she got the pack from and the training package this and the training package that. But what I see in front of my eyes is a Pro TRs graduate; She was there confortably and listening to her dad and she acknoledging everything and handeling the originations of her dad and finally they both come to this agreement and all I can think is that Chiara did such an awesome job with her comm alone with her dad. I'm very proud of Chiara, I saw that she is a Pro TRs graduate and there was no better way to show me this. I'm very very proud of you Amore. Very very very well done!!!!

Chiara Section

Well amore I'm very glad that we are there for each other. I just hate when I'm all like super cranky and mad and you get to see all this crap coming out of me. I just wanted to thank you for helping me and listening to me. It really helped. Now I have to face up my deamons and do that and handle them as I should of yesterday.

I just wanted to let you know how much I love you and how much I appreciate. I know I could of spent another 100 life times looking for some one like you if I hadn't found you and I would of never found anyone close to comparable to you. You are truly that first ray of light of the day that I know that if I see it all will be ok. I just know that if we stick together and we continue to create our love and friendship, there will nothing that could separate us or come between us. I'm here for you for eternity and I'll always will.

Ti amo tantissimissimo amore. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.


Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Miles: 28,048

Well it was an Ok day. It was a Tuesday. Some work at the office and same in the Org.

It seems everything is ok. Nothing much new. I've been working on the list of addresses and it's going good I think.

I know that we are a bit overwhelmed in this whole cycle of the wedding. I just think that we have to keep our cool and we'll be fine. We should not think too ahead because that where all the overwhelm comes. We should just do one thing at the time and we'll be fine amore.

I will continue to TR3 for the mailing addresses so I can get them in our spread sheet. I will register us in the places we think would be fine to have Registries. I will get with Julie so maybe she can help us on some cycles. I think we can and will do it. Everytime I think about it and I get a bit overwhelmed I just think of the purpose of the wedding, to unify our lives for the rest of eternity so we can live happily ever after and all the overwhelm goes away.

Chiara Section

Cara Chiara,

I know that I'm sometimes I pain in the ass because I look like I'm going in despair about certain things.

I will try to keep this to a minimum and I should be able to keep my cool more offten. But if I do just ack me and it will go away I guarantee you.

I'm actually very exited that we are getting married and I couldn't be happier because we are making a huge party to celebrate that!!! I can't wait until we are together in the last couple of months before the wedding and we start to get all anxious and we can't wait and we are all mocking it up and can't sleep at night because we are so excited and happy.

You are like a flower in the middle of the desert. I had never seen such beauty in this pleace I've been for 10 years and now I find this flower that is just beautiful and full of life. After I met you I became more me and I didn't hide my true self that I am, a loving and caring person for the love of my life, You.

TVTTTTTTB, I can't wait to be able to call you my wife.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Miles: 28,004

Well it was another monday in the life of Alex. It was a bit boring and I was tired since it's a Monday and it always feels funky.

The Office was still a bit empty since the Boingo team got a day off but the good news is that they gave me a day off too, I'll be taking off Friday!!! YAY!! So I'll have Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday that I don't have to come to work! Thanks Fortis!

In the Org it was extremely painful to work. The AC was broken in the 4th floor again! Damn I was sweating! Anyways, I did a session and I read some of the tape I need to read. It was ok. I hope the AC works today since we have White Glove.

The best part of yesterday was waking up next to Chiara. She's so beatiful and radiant. When I went last night to see her for a bit, she was glowing, her beauty is trully exceptional. I think there is no other that can match her beauty in any way, shape or form!

Chiara Section

Well I'm in love. I have to confess it. I have this crush on this beautiful Italian woman that I know.

She is so beautiful that she takes my breath away every time she's near me. She has this green eyes that if I look deep enough they show me her beautiful universe. I've sometimes noticed that in that universe of hers there is a little part for me. That little part is what makes me so happy, I've never had that with anyone else. I'm so lucky to have found her. When I knew that she was my future wife I just had to ask her to marry me. I didn't want anyone stealing that from me for if I don't have her I'm unable to function.

Just last week when I didn't see her too much because of work, it was very painful. But the pain went away once I saw her on Friday and it was all but happiness.

Chiara I'm in love with you and only you. You are the center of my universe. Now I know how the solar system works. You have a sun, you, and everything revolves around you. I now understand that completly. YAY!

Chiara, ti amo con tutto il mio cuore.


Monday, May 24, 2004

Miles: 27,952

Well it was a nice weekend. I can't complain, I had a great time with Chiara and we had fun.

On Friday we did some shopping that we needed from Walmart our favorite store and then to eat at Perkins.

On Saturday, Julie cooked this great dinner in honor of Chiara got her video pass from Pro TRs and that Julie finished her Sec Check. It was a very nice time and we all had a lot of fun. Good friends and good company it's always a success.

On Sunday we did a lot. We did the grocery shopping and we went to the mall to buy me new shoes, two pair for only $44!!! Pretty good deals. Then we went home and relaxed a little and then we ate dinner. Very nice and simple dinner, delicious since my lovely future wife did it. Then we went swiming to the new pool at our future house and worked on the BP for the wedding so we got good data put down in writting. Then we were super tired and we went to sleep after a little James Bond.

I enjoyed it. I wish that it was longer but then again I wish that every moment I'm with Chiara would last 3 times as much so I can really enjoy her.

Chiara Section


Thank you very much for a great time this weekend. It was very nice and simple. Very relaxing and enjoyable. I love the fact that we are upstat, I really enjoyed it very much and like always it's my pleasure to pleasure you.

I loved that we worked on the wedding stuff, it always makes it more and more real and that I can't wait. Yesterday when we said we only have 5 months to do this, I thought of it as in 5 months we'll be married and we'll be together every night! YAY!!!!!

I can't wait to have out own place where we will sleep together and wake up together, EVERYDAY!!!!

Chiara, ti amo tantissimissimo!! You are my everything and I really enjoy that from you.



Friday, May 21, 2004

Miles: 27,779

Well it's Friday and that means I get to see my lovely soon to be wife!! YAY!!!

The Org is doing ok, I finally got a line up and I should be auditing this weekend.

The Office is busy but the team finally return today. That's good!

I can't wait to be with Chiara and have lots of fun this weekend.

Chiara Section


The other day I was thinking about your beauty. I cannot believe how beautiful you are. Since the moment I met you I knew that you were beautiful and I was afraid that you would never pay attention to a crazy mexican. EVery day I'm very thankful of all that is holy that I have you by me. I still can't believe that you fell in love with me. If there is something that always makes me happy and always makes me feel better is thinking about you and your beautiful smile. I can't wait to be with you. You are an amazing woman and being with you is truly a gift of the gods. I feel like in the mitology where I prayed to the god of love and she finally decided to respond to me by sending her self. That's what you are, a Goddess and I couldn't be more honored to be by your side.

Chiara, I can't wait to see you tonite and be able to be together and talk and laugh and kiss each other and be able to just be together.

Ti amo tantissimissimo per sempre.


Thursday, May 20, 2004

Miles: 27,744
Weight: 171 lbs

Well it was a Wednesday but the whole day felt like a Tuesday so at the end of the day it was nice to know it was a Wednesday.

The Office is busy as usual. Boingo is preparing to be released and the team in California are doing a great job and yesterday I got validaded for my work, which is always nice.

The Org is doing OK, it certantly feels nice that it's clean since they made us clean it like slaves.

I saw Chiara last night and I've missed her a lot. I don't know how I survived with out her. She's the center of my Universe and with out here I couldn't be myself.

Chiara Section

Ciao Amore!!!!

I just wanted to let you know how much I love you. You are the greates most wonderufl woman I've will ever be. I can't wait to spend the rest of eternity with you and our Pipistrellini. I am in love with you and every time I see you I fall in love all over again. You have this wonderful smile and this eyes that just pierce into my heart and soul. I dream of kissing those lips that are as sweet as honey. I dream of caressing all those curves. I wish I could make hirotoshi san small and I could drive all over your naked body, that would be a great adventure. I can't wait until we are together again so I can grab you in my arms and kiss you and kiss you over and over.

You are that flower that is among all others that has the best smell and looks the most beautiful. When one looks at all the flowers, you stand out in your beauty and qualities.

I'm the luckiest man to have such a wonderul woman by my side.

Ti amo per sempre Chiara. I love my Pipistrellina.


Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Miles: 27,690

Well it was a tuesday. A little bit on the hell side but good since my Pipistrellina finished got her Video Pass on her Pro TRs, Complementi!!!!!! Very well done amore!!!

The Office was fine, lots of work like always. The Org on the other hand, well it was a bit of a hell cycle. I had a headache since like 3pm, when I arrived at the Org it was hurting and I thought I needed to do some FESing but I got a PC. So I was a little shaky into going in session, but it went great! My PC had lots of wins so I'm very very happy. Then we had to do white glove from hell and we were there until 11:20pm. Sucked ass.

Then only good news was that mi Chiara passed her Pro TRs Video. Very well done amore!!!!

Chiara Section

As we get closer and closer to our date of our wedding I'm getting more and more excited. I can't wait until we get to see all our family together and our friends come to see us unite our lives, I think this is so great!

I can't seem to wait for that day. I can't wait to be able to be with Chiara all day long for our honeymoon and it will be just the two of us!! No work, no Org, no Purif! NICE!!!! And of course when we come back what I like is that I'll be with Chiara every night so I can kiss her good night. YAY!!! I think this is great!!! Oh my God!!! I'm going to be a husband, YAY!!!!

Chiara, the stars told me the other day that they had a star fall about 21 years ago. They were very sad because they had lost one of their brightest stars. I later figured it out. That bright star is you. You are such a bright star that you are the Sun of my Universe. I realized that because I have you my whole world is brighter and happier. I then talked to the stars about it, they told me that they were sad to have let you go but that they were happy that we had found each other. They told me what I already know, that you are the brightest start of them all.

Chiara ti amo per sempre piccollina Pipistrellina.


Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Miles: 27,644

Well it was a Monday. It was one of those day that you say, que hueva. But I went through it and it was fine.

In the Office I was very productive and I found a whole lot of bugs and that made me feel good. In the Org I did a lot of FESing for a folder that is needed and I still need to finish that, so I was a bit productive and I was ok.

I went to see Chiara last night and she gave me this cute little mouse that is all mexican and he says phrases, it's funny and cute as hell! YAY! Grazie amore!

I was tired this morning and I thought que hueva hacer ejercicio, but I did get up and did my non running routine I've been doing for the last week since I have to be here at 8am. It was good. I wish I could be loosing weight faster which means I can do 1 of 2 things. Workout more or eat less and since the second one it's easier for me to do because of my schedule I'll do that one.

Chiara Section

Well I went to see Chiara and we talked and I loved talking to her. At this moment when we were sitting down and we were talking about the wedding I felt this incredible amount of ARC towards her. I could of not stop it, it was the biggest flow of ARC I've had for someone. I could just feel it flowing towards her like a waterfall. All I can say is that I'm incrediblely lucky to have found the love of my life and be able to get married. I could just lay there holding her in my arms for ever and just hug her and continue to hug and kiss her for eternity.

Ti amo tantissimo amore. Mile grazie per el Raton Miguel which it means Mikey Mouse in Spanish. Ti amo. Cuanto? From here to the farthest star and back 2,000 times.


Monday, May 17, 2004

Miles: 27,591

Well it's Monday after a weekend of work a play.

On Friday I went and got Chiara some flowers and a balloon for our 11 month anniversary. She liked the surprise which always makes me happy when I surprise her. Then that night we chilled in her house while we ate some Wendy's.

On Saturday we both worked and then we went to Jo-To for some sushi. It was good. Then we headed to Tia Baby's house to celebrate Sandy's and Mony's birthday. We were all there including Vito, it was fun, I like it because my family is as nosy as me and I like being noisy.

On Sunday we had to wake up early to go to Tampa Org since Chiara was going to look after the Purif. I came to the office after washing Hirotoshi San, who by the way just go it's new Civic Type R shift boot and looks awesome!!!! I spent 3hours here and it was nice and quiet, I got to work on the Boingo Project and found a couple of bugs and I felt good. Then I went to Tampa to help Chiara out, she didn't need much from me but I was glad to help, and she did a great job. We were going to go to the pool but the weather looked like it was going to rain. When we decided to go to the Movies a big storm was happening and you could only see like 2 meters in front of you. Then we came home and then to Perkins to eat and we talked through the night. What more can I ask of my beautiful wife to be? Nothing, I enjoyed the weekend very much with my love.
Movie Review Break: Troy
8 out of 10 stars.

This movie was great. I enjoyed all the battles. Funny thing is that since we already knew the story there wasn't too much surprise on our part, to some one who had not heard about the story then yes it must a been interesting to watch. The actors were superb and the filming delicious. Normally I can tell a movie is good when I ask my self, will I buy that DVD? And of course the answer is yes. Go see it and enjoy it. There’s lots of action and fighting so it will be action driven through out the movie.

Chiara Section


We just had our 11 months anniversary. I have never been happier to be with someone in my life. My never ending love towards you increases every day. I start to think about our future and our life together. I think it will be so much fun being with you since you are the love of my life and my best friend.

I love everything we do together. I love to be in your bed with you and just talk and talk until we fall asleep while I caress your body. I love to give you kisses all over the place until you fall asleep with a smile in your face. I love to eat the food that you prepare to me. I love that I help you in the house, although they are small cycles, I like doing that.

I think of the future and I see us happy with our Pipistrellini and the happiness that will emanate from our house will be unique since this world has not seen such Theta in its whole history.

Ti amo per sempre e la eternita. I can't wait to be your husband and have you forever.


Friday, May 14, 2004

Miles: 27,352

Well it's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Asides from that I missed Chiara. It's not the same not having her at night to give a kiss good night.

The Office is like super busy with Boingo and it sucks that I have to work on freaking Sunday. Oh well, I have to do what I have to do right?

The Org needs a good shot of enthusiasm. We all seem kind of up and down. It's weird. All I ever wanted for becoming Saint Hill size was a ring and a little plaque that says, "Thanks for contributing for Tampa being Saint Hill size" or something like that. I want my Pipistrellini and my Pipistrellini's pipistrellini to see it and know that I did something good for the planet.

I miss Chiara's kisses. I miss her being around me. I can't wait until we are married. I miss our long wet kisses. I love those kisses. If there is something that I could do forever and never stop is kissing Chiara. She has the most amazing lips, succulent and full of flavor. They are just the right size and I love to give them a little bite. WHOAA!!! It's getting hot in here!! I'll give her lots of kisses this weekend because she deserves it. Oh and by the way....

AUGURI!!!! Today is our 11 month anniversary!!! WOW! Almost a year!! This is like the world record for me, I've never lasted so long and being in love. I think this is great, next month is going to be 1 year since we started going out and one year after I proposed we'll be married. YAY!!!!

(Go to the Chiara Section for more details on how much I love Chiara)

Chiara Section

The sun cannot brighten my day as much as a smile of yours. The moon can not as shiny as a kiss from you. The sea cannot bring happiness like a hug from you. All it takes for me to fall all over in love with you is having you in my arms and with that beautiful smile of yours you melt my heart and it tells me that you are the one; the most wonderful, caring, beautiful, thoughtful, playful, sexy, full of life, funny, able, crazy, amazing, hot and admirable woman, friend and lover.

I knew from the moment I heard that laughter with such joy coming from you and that smile that there was nothing I could do but give you my heart and hope for the best. And up to now I have no regrets. I just know that I'll be there for you everyday for anything that you will need and I'll be there for you forever.

I can't wait for wedding. I can't wait to you that I want to marry you in front of everyone we care. I sometimes want to tell the world that there is nothing like falling in love. This has been the greatest medicine. I've never felt so alive and happy and it's all due to being with you and growing with you. I want to grow old with you and remember all the great time we had together. You are the woman of my dreams, truly.

Chiara, I love you so much that I could write 30 encyclopedias and still would not be sufficient space to describe all that you make me feel inside. I love you and I'll always will.

So here is to making this 11 months into 11 decades of love and friendship. Ti amo per sempre Pipistrella.