Miles: 28,101
Well yesterday was like the shittiest day of the world. First I got this we are in super duper duper mode and we are going all out blah blah blah, I don't care much about that. I'm getting all ready for this stuff and testing and stuff. Then Lisa, our Exec ESTO, comes in and tells me that we need to fit two more people in our office. I told her that it was physically impossible, she said no because Sean and I were being moved to the Reception. (Instant TA blowup) Well I do all this change with the bigest protest in the world. It just pissed me off. I've never been this pissed off in Fortis before. NEVER!!! Anyways I did it and I now I want to talk to Paul and her so I can get it out of my system.
Then I go home and I'm asleep and I don't wake up until 6:28pm. I was so out PT that I thought that it was a Thursday, so I'm going all normal and with no worries on the causeway. Then it hits me... It's Wednesday and I have to be at the Org at 6:50pm. So I start driving Hirotoshi San like the true race car he is. I start going faster and faster. I could feel the adrenaline to start to pump. My legs got a shot and I was hooked. I was going excess speeds but I only knew one thing, I would not be late. I pass car after car and push Hirotoshi San to the limits with out hurting or startle anyone. I get there with 1 minute before roll call. I accomplished my mission. It was a nice run but a horrible way to do it. I will make sure that doesn't happen again ever!!!
I got to the Org and the PC I was suppossed to take in cannot go because it's Wednesday night. So I start to look at it and it looks like my stats were going to go down and as my last resort I go to Melanie, who had not been sessionable in the last 2 days, and proceede to ask her if she's sessionable. After feeling super shity all afternoon, I take her in and I see that she's getting up tone and hear her wins. I was a little happier since I did do something right.
I then go drop off my mom at home and go to Chiara's house. I see her and she's taking a shower so I wait a little. She gives me the good news that she attested to her course that night. "Complementi amore!!! Well done!!" I say. Then I start to talk to her and her dad showed her that they already had a pack and that she didn't have to buy one. So he's discussing with her about where she got the pack from and the training package this and the training package that. But what I see in front of my eyes is a Pro TRs graduate; She was there confortably and listening to her dad and she acknoledging everything and handeling the originations of her dad and finally they both come to this agreement and all I can think is that Chiara did such an awesome job with her comm alone with her dad. I'm very proud of Chiara, I saw that she is a Pro TRs graduate and there was no better way to show me this. I'm very very proud of you Amore. Very very very well done!!!!
Chiara Section
Well amore I'm very glad that we are there for each other. I just hate when I'm all like super cranky and mad and you get to see all this crap coming out of me. I just wanted to thank you for helping me and listening to me. It really helped. Now I have to face up my deamons and do that and handle them as I should of yesterday.
I just wanted to let you know how much I love you and how much I appreciate. I know I could of spent another 100 life times looking for some one like you if I hadn't found you and I would of never found anyone close to comparable to you. You are truly that first ray of light of the day that I know that if I see it all will be ok. I just know that if we stick together and we continue to create our love and friendship, there will nothing that could separate us or come between us. I'm here for you for eternity and I'll always will.
Ti amo tantissimissimo amore. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
Well yesterday was like the shittiest day of the world. First I got this we are in super duper duper mode and we are going all out blah blah blah, I don't care much about that. I'm getting all ready for this stuff and testing and stuff. Then Lisa, our Exec ESTO, comes in and tells me that we need to fit two more people in our office. I told her that it was physically impossible, she said no because Sean and I were being moved to the Reception. (Instant TA blowup) Well I do all this change with the bigest protest in the world. It just pissed me off. I've never been this pissed off in Fortis before. NEVER!!! Anyways I did it and I now I want to talk to Paul and her so I can get it out of my system.
Then I go home and I'm asleep and I don't wake up until 6:28pm. I was so out PT that I thought that it was a Thursday, so I'm going all normal and with no worries on the causeway. Then it hits me... It's Wednesday and I have to be at the Org at 6:50pm. So I start driving Hirotoshi San like the true race car he is. I start going faster and faster. I could feel the adrenaline to start to pump. My legs got a shot and I was hooked. I was going excess speeds but I only knew one thing, I would not be late. I pass car after car and push Hirotoshi San to the limits with out hurting or startle anyone. I get there with 1 minute before roll call. I accomplished my mission. It was a nice run but a horrible way to do it. I will make sure that doesn't happen again ever!!!
I got to the Org and the PC I was suppossed to take in cannot go because it's Wednesday night. So I start to look at it and it looks like my stats were going to go down and as my last resort I go to Melanie, who had not been sessionable in the last 2 days, and proceede to ask her if she's sessionable. After feeling super shity all afternoon, I take her in and I see that she's getting up tone and hear her wins. I was a little happier since I did do something right.
I then go drop off my mom at home and go to Chiara's house. I see her and she's taking a shower so I wait a little. She gives me the good news that she attested to her course that night. "Complementi amore!!! Well done!!" I say. Then I start to talk to her and her dad showed her that they already had a pack and that she didn't have to buy one. So he's discussing with her about where she got the pack from and the training package this and the training package that. But what I see in front of my eyes is a Pro TRs graduate; She was there confortably and listening to her dad and she acknoledging everything and handeling the originations of her dad and finally they both come to this agreement and all I can think is that Chiara did such an awesome job with her comm alone with her dad. I'm very proud of Chiara, I saw that she is a Pro TRs graduate and there was no better way to show me this. I'm very very proud of you Amore. Very very very well done!!!!

Well amore I'm very glad that we are there for each other. I just hate when I'm all like super cranky and mad and you get to see all this crap coming out of me. I just wanted to thank you for helping me and listening to me. It really helped. Now I have to face up my deamons and do that and handle them as I should of yesterday.
I just wanted to let you know how much I love you and how much I appreciate. I know I could of spent another 100 life times looking for some one like you if I hadn't found you and I would of never found anyone close to comparable to you. You are truly that first ray of light of the day that I know that if I see it all will be ok. I just know that if we stick together and we continue to create our love and friendship, there will nothing that could separate us or come between us. I'm here for you for eternity and I'll always will.
Ti amo tantissimissimo amore. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.