My Journal

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Miles: 29,902

Well it was a Tuesday. I went and changed the Oil early in the Morning and made it to work on time.

The Office is all super busy. I don't think we are going to have Monday off because Boingo is due on Tuesday.

The Org was good. I got a PC in session and we had a good time. I'm upstat already and that's good. I had the White Glove yesterday night but it was fine.

I love to talk to Chiara. Today we should be going to get the Invitations ordered. YAY!!!!! I had a great time with Chiara on the phone yesterday.

Chiara Section


Today I woke up and I knew it was going to be a great day and you know why? Because I have you. You are my sunshine.

Like we said yesterday. Since I'm with you the rain doesn't make me sad anymore. It makes me happy. It makes me want to go out with you and cuddle and just hold each other while we listen to the rain and thunder. Ti amo!

You are my sunshine,
my only sunshine.

You make me happy,
when sky is gray

You'll never know dear,
how much I love you.

Please don't take my sunshine away!

Amore we'll be married in 3.5 months and I can't wait to be with you and have all the fun in the world. YAY! I'm so freaking exited!!! Everyt time I think about it it makes me super happy and I'm all like WHOOOO!!!! YAY I'M MARRYING THE WOMAN OF MY DREAMS!!!!!!

Ti amo from here to China and back 2,345,231,098,352,342,387,578 times.


Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Miles: 29,858

Well it was a monday and like always at the end of the day I was super tired.

I went through the day good I guess. The office was busy and lots to do. In the Org I got through my cramming that I needed so I can go back in session and make my stats kick major ass!!!

I saw Chiara last night and she gave me some great information that the attorney had given her and she has an awesome plan that I like so we can go to Italy by nex Christmas. YAY! Che brava mi Pipistrella! I love when I go visit her and get to talk to her, she's such a brilliant woman and a wonderful friend.

Oh, I just ordered the Sway bar for the car. It should be awesome once I put it on!! Papá & Vito, we have a project coming up ;) Mille grazie a mi Pipistrellina that keeps my dreams of Hirotoshi San being the wonderful car he is because of her support. Thanks for this great gift!!!! The gift of being with you is all I need amore.

Chiara Section

*clears throat*
*sreaming to the top of my lungs* TI AMO CHIARA!!!!!!

You are my sunshine when it rains. You are my water when I'm thirsty. You are my friend when I need a hug. You are the air when I need to breath. You are the one that keeps me in such happiness and in such joy. Without you there is no me. I love you so much amore.

The other day the brightest star in the world called me. He said that he was very jelous. I asked him of whom was he jelous. He told with a scoff, "Chiara, of course! Not only she's the most beautiful shining star in the world but she also posseses the most beautiful heart" I then woke up and realized that it was true. I will be husband to the most beautiful star in the whole entire Universe but also will show her how much I love her every day.

Chiara, ti amo tantissimissimo per sempre. You are my piece of heaven that I look foward to see every day.


Monday, June 28, 2004

Miles: 29,800

What a weekend!

On Friday we watched Drumline which is always cool with me.

On Saturday we went to eat dinner with Andrea, Chiara's brother, Vito, Chiara, My dad, my mom, Julie and me. It was great to be all together and we always have fun when we get together. Then we droped off Andrea at the Fort Harrison. We went to the movies and we decided no to go in since the movie we wanted to see, White Chicks, was Sold out. We went to Blockbuster and we rented 50 first dates. When we were coming out we saw a guy in a motorcycle get hit in the back by a car. I pulled over to help and the guy driving the car turned out to be a mexican so I stayed and helped him to translate with the Police. Then they arrested him because he didn't have a license, not much I could do there to help him. So we went to drop off Julie and we went to Wal-Mart and we saw Norbert and Kate and a friend of theirs that they had forgoten the keys inside the car and they needed to get home and get the other keys. So we went to their house got the keys and they they were able to come back. What a Saturday!

On Sunday we went to Sears to get the Gift Registry done. We also went to wash the car and to get Gas. Then we went to walmart and we bought a Grill. We got home and Chiara had make Spiedini. They are like sticks with meat, chicken, onions and peppers. Damn it was good!!!!! We were cooking for about and hour and we had so much fun! We went to the Beach for an ice cream. Then we took showers and watched a crappy movie, Eurotrip.

I loved this weekend! I loved it because I was with Chiara! YAY!

Chiara Section


Ti amo tantissimissimo!! You are my everything and every day that I have to be without you makes me sad. I love the way we spend our time together. Sorry we didn't go to the pool as we wanted but next weekend we can arrange it so we go and we could even go at night. Wouldn't that be cool?

I loved this weekend amore! I had lots of fun with you and doing all this things with you. One of the things that I love the most with you is that we did the wedding stuff, that always makes me see the wedding more real and more real and gets me excited about it and to realize that in 16 weeks we are married!!! YAY!!!

Ti amo tantissimo!!! I love your smile and that look you have. You are the most beautiful woman in the world and I'm the luckiest man in the world to have someone like you!

I love you more today than yesterday but not as much as tomorrow. I always look foward to tomorrow because I'll love you more and more as time passes.


Friday, June 25, 2004

Miles: 29,623

Well today is Friday! Yay!!!! Lately Fridays have not felt like Fridays to me.

The Office is very busy with Boingo and we keep going fast and fast!

The Org had a great week! We did a lot of great production and we are kicking ass!!! The only thing that sucks as is that I have to go to the Testing Center, that just sucks.

I spent the night with Chiara. It was great to talk to her and kiss good night to her instead of on the phone. Ti amo Piccolina!

Chiara Section

Ciao Bellissima!!!

I had a great time last night amore. I love when we sit in bed and we just talk about anything and just be plain silly. I loved when you called me last night, it made me so super happy to hear you and made me all exited.

I've reallized that having you is the greatest thing in the world. I reallized that to be able to be with you is what makes me so happy. Like yesterday I felt that I hadn't seen you in a loooong time and when you called me I felt so good! YAY!

I love you mi Piccolina!!! I'll always love you. We'll have lots of fun this weekend amore.


Thursday, June 24, 2004

Miles: 29,576

Well it was a very nerve breaking day yesterday.

The office was very busy. I like it like that, I like that I continue going and going fast! I like the randomity.

The Org was very busy. I had to take off a red tag that I made the day before. It was very never wreaking. She came out of the exam and no F/N. So the examiner said she might of missed something. So we all stared at the video and it as and it wasn't and it was and it wasn't. Well it was like that for 2 minutes that felt like 3 weeks. So finally the Red tag was off.... Phewww!! What a blowdown. So that picked my moral a bit yesterday. My stats were sucky but I did something good.

Then I went to see my favorite person, Chiara. I was there at her house and we were playing and kissing and being foolish like always. I love that I can be all foolish and stuff like that and Chiara plays along with me. I love how much ARC we have for each other.

Chiara Section

*Screaming* TE AMO TANTO CHIARA!!!!

Well now that we've established that I love you I have to say that I'm the most fortunate man in the world. I would like to thank Vito and Piera Locatelli. I think they have the most fantastic daughter in the world. I think they did a deal with God and said that they needed an angel in their lives and God sent them his most beautiful and most wonderful woman angel in the sky. She has the most beautiful eyes in the world. I think they are two esmeralds that are priceless. Her smile is like a mouth full of pearls. She smiles and the whole world feels happy. Every time she laughs she makes me feel all warm in side and I fall in love all over again.

Chiara, I can't live without you. I've been with you for a year and it feels like I've known you forever. I can't think of my life without you. That's like thinking of living without breathing. Not having you is like a tree who has grown so much with this land and all of the sudden he's taken away and doesn't get any water. Having you is the greatest gift in the world. I think of you on everything. I think of how I can love you even more. How I can be the best man in your life. How I can improve for you. How I can give you everything you ever wanted. How I can please you in every way. I know that as long as I have you there will always be happiness in my life. And that to me is everything. Being happy means being with you. Being in love is having you by my side and holding you in my arms over and over again.

Today is only 4 months away from being with you forever. 120 days away from loving you forever. 2,880 hours until I get to be your husband. 172,800 minutes that I'll have to wait to be the happiest man in the world.

Chiara ti amo tanto. I love you like I've never loved anyone before. I've never been so happy in my life. *Screaming* TI AMO TANTO CHIARAAAAAA!!!!


Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Miles: 29,526

Well it was an unusual day yesterday. Although Chiara made me super happy because she finished her course, AUGURI PIPISTRELLA!, I was all crappy.

Today I just didn't want to wake up. I didn't work out because I was a bit tired since I had a hard time sleeping. I woke up in the middle of the night still with a huge headache and then fell back to sleep. I woke up at 7am and I was so tired I just continued to sleep until 7:50am.

Yesterday the office was busy. The build I got was crappy and it was bad. I tested a lot and had a lot to do. I think I ate something weird yesterday. They brought food from Nature's Food Patch and the soup tasted so nasty. It looked like someone had diarreha and served it as a soup. NASTY!

The sad part is the Org. I was with the super headache and I had to take a public in for a Correction List for the Purif and it red tagged. I feel like such a shit. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother doing it. I just suck, I'm not good. I should be something else, I like talking... Maybe do seminars or something like that.

Anyways, that's the end of my dramatization and now we go to the Chiara Section where I talk about my favorite woman in the whole wide world! Chiara! YAY!

Chiara Section

Ciao amore!

Well I wanted to let you know how proud I am of you!! You made it go right and you finished the course when you wanted to! LRH that the ultimate test of a thetan is to make things go right and you did just that, made it go right!!!! VVVVVVWD!!!

You are such a great woman. I want our Pipistrellini to grow up to be just like you.

I can't wait to have everything ready for the wedding and just enjoy the wedding! YAY! We are going to be married and live happily ever after. It's like a fairy tale. YAY!

Ti amo per sempre Chiara and you are the sun of my life. Without you there is no life in my Universe.


Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Miles: 29,482

Well it was a Monday. It wasn't as bad as other Mondays where I'm all super tired. I was tired but not that bad.

I worked a lot in the Office doing lots testing. In the Org I had one of those crappy days that I didn't do much but I was busy the whole night. Anyways...

I went to see my Chiara last night. I love how beautiful she looks right out of the shower. So radian and glowing. CHE BELLA MI PIPISTRELLA!!!!!

Chiara Section

Chiara, I love to be with you and around you. I can't wait to be with you as your husband. I really enjoyed helping in the house on Sunday. I enjoyed it because I wanted to do that for you and give you the surprise that I can also do those things. I can't wait to go around and talking about my wife and how much I love her. I can't wait to be known as Chiara's Husband.

We'll go over the Hotel cycle on Sunday with you amore so we have a little more time and enjoy it rather than be all hurried about it.

Ti amo Chiara. I love you like the moon loves the night. Like the sand loves the ocean. I love you forever.


Monday, June 21, 2004

Miles: 29,416

Well it was a great weekend. It all started with a raise fromt he Office on Friday! WOOHOO!! So I had to celebrate!

On Friday we talked over some snacks at Bennigan's. On Saturday we went all to dinner to celebrate Father's day at Maccaroni Grill and then to see around the world in 80 days. On Sunday we did many things. We went to Target to get our wedding gift registry done. Then we went to Publix, Old Navy and Bath, Bed and Beyond. It was nice. Then I went home to pick up some things and adjust the Throttle cable of Hirotoshi San making him a bit more responsive. Then we ate a pasta that Chiara invented. Soooo good! It was Pasta with a sauce made with Tuna, anchovies, black olives and capers. Mmmmh, soo goood! We then watched Finding Nemo.

It was a great weekend!!! I loved how we took all this pictures of us and stuff!

Chiara Section

YAY! I have new pictures of Chiara!!!


Thanks for the wonderful weekend. I alway enjoy your company very very much. I always have fun and I love to cuddle with you. It makes me feel super special!

I really enjoyed everything we did this weekend and I really loved that we started to do the wedding gift registry! YAY! It takes us a step closer to our dream!

Ti amo tanto amore. My love is infinite and never ending. You are truly the woman of my dreams! I love you soooooooooo much! I have nothing to compare the amound of ARC I feel for you. There is not enough space in the universe and in all it's galaxies to fill with the love for you.


Friday, June 18, 2004

Miles: 29,255
Weight: 171 lbs

Well... it's FRIDAY!!!! YAY!! AJUA!!! WOOOOHOOO!!

Well I'm very glad that it's Friday, that means that I only get to work for two more days and then is full Chiara time!!!!

The Office was very busy. I was doing lots of testing and closing lots of bugs, very productive day.

The Org was another story. I was very tired at the night and Melanie was not doing good since her period started that day. Damn it! So I'll get her in today or tomorrow but I want that woman to be wining God damn it! I can't stand any more moaning and feeling bad for herself because of her ear.

Anyways, I had a great talk to Chiara last night. I love when we have those comm cycles and we go to sleep all happy and stuff. I can't wait to see her tonite because I know that we'll have fun because we'll cuddle and we'll be all cuddly with my beautiful woman.

Chiara Section


Today I woke up thinking of you like everyday. I realized how lucky I am to have a wonderful woman like you. I know that postulates work because I have you. I've always postulated someone like you and a year ago my dream came true. Now in 4 months one of my dreams will come true too; to marry you.

Quien la quiere a mi chiquita, bonita, piccolina?


You are my favorite person and my best friend. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you because you are the greatest most wonderful woman in the world.

Ti amo per sempre e tutta la eternita!


Thursday, June 17, 2004

Miles: 29,208

Well it was a Wednesday but the whole day I was thinking it was a Thursday.

Anyways, the Office is busy. I've been testing a lot and it's been ok.

The Org I was barely up but I was up! So this will now be a new week and I'm focusing on really producing and getting the stats up.

We were talking a lot Chiara and I and I like that we can talk about anything. I enjoy seeing her for a least a couple of minutes. I can't wait until tomorrow that's Friday and that means Chiara time is approaching very fast! YAY!

Chiara Section


Ciao Bellissima! I just wanted to know how much I love you! I know I don't say this enough but some times it's hard to compare someone that is perfect to this imperfect world. I could compare you to a diamond but then again you are brighter. I could compare you to Gold but then again you are more valuable. I could compare you to the brightest star but you shine more. I could compare you to the Roman Goddess Venus but then again you are more beautiful. There are not enough words to really describe your beauty, your intelligence, your charm, your smile, your abilities, your curves, your look, your beautiful way to speak 4 lenguages, your ability to get what you want, always, and the way you care and make me feel.

You are that Sun in my Universe that keeps all my planets aligned. You are that see that makes my sand happy. You are that moon that lights up the darkest night. You are my everything and I can't wait to be with you forever and continue to love you for the rest of my life.

Voglio passare il resto della mia vita con te. Ti amo Chiquita.