My Journal

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Miles: 32,958

It was Monday and it was hard. I was hurting everywhere and tired. Today I feel refreshed.

I want to start working out again, I want to loose some weight before I get married. This couple of weeks of eating junk is bad for me, I'm like super bloated and big.

Anyways, it's AWESOME to come home to my Chiara! It's so great! I get there and we have this beautiful space and we live so happy, YAY!!!! I love it! She did such a great job yesterday cleaning it up and setting up the stuff, I love it!!! And my cuty pie made me lunch too! YAY!!!!

The Office is going good and so is the Org, I have to make some more hrs in the Org but I'll be fine.

I got an email from Piera telling me she liked the Lamp too! YAY!!! I love my italian family!

Chiara Section


You are an amazing woman, you make all this stuff for me and you do it with love. I could never find that anywhere else. Ti amo con tutto il mio cuore.

I love that we are together now and that there is only 54 days left to the wedding. It'll be such a great time.

I love everything about you. You light up the room in the moring with that beautiful simle and those beautiful stars that you have as eyes, it's always a pleasure to wake up next to the most beautiful woman in the world.

Ti amo per sempre amore, you are the greatest!


Monday, August 30, 2004

Miles: 32,902

WOW! So Chiara and I alone moved from the old aparment to the new house. It was tough, sweaty and tireing but very rewarding because we did it our selves.

The house is great! We still alot of stuff to figure out and how to do it but all the stuff is in it's near vecinity so when we put stuff together we know how to do it.

Mille grazie a mi super donna Chiara!

Chiara Section


This is another chapter in our lives, this is going to be great! This will be so much fun and joy. We now get to create as much as we want and as fast as we want! YAY!

I'm so lucky to have a star as my future wife. So bright and shiny, you light up the whole house. That kitchen of yours is beautiful because you've put all this beautiful theta to it.

Ti amo tantissimo and I can't wait to continue our adventures together!


Tu pipistrello.


Friday, August 27, 2004

Miles: 32,810

Well it's Friday!!!! YAY!!

This weekend we are moving into Laurita, it should be great!!!!

Yesterday was not so bad, I did some stuff in the office and in the Org I started to audit Mike M. so I'm going to be upstat this week.

I went to see my Grandparants yesterday and they were doing good. They gave me the news that Catita is pregnant. That's great! Also Tata gave us our wedding present, all I have to say is WOW! Gracias Tata, Chiara and I loved the gift.

Chiara has been busy with moving stuff, she's done a great stuff, there is some stuff to move but is basically the heavy stuff that we'll take care fast since she's done so much.

Funny thing was to get a freaking truck to move this weekend. I called like 18 places and Chiara 10 places to find someone to rent us a truck for Saturday to move. I finally got one after like 45 mins, I'm glad that we'll do the heavy stuff on Saturday.

Chiara Section

*Screams to the top of his lungs* TI AAAAAMOOOOOOOO CHIIIAAAARAAAAAAA!!!!

I just love my piccolina, we have so much fun. Yesterday she showed me the house and they did a great job, Chiara has been great on this cycle. I love my Piccolina!!!

I can't wait to start doing stuff to the house. I'll be the man of the house!! I just realized that! WOW! I've never been that before this lifetime. I'm going to take pride in my work and do it very professionally. For my Chiara, anything.

Ti amo tanto piccolina, you are my chiquita that is so cutty and that she lights up my life with her smiles and games. You are the greatest amore, I love you from the bottom of my heart.


Thursday, August 26, 2004

Miles: 32,754

Almost 100 miles in a day!

I went and dropped off Vito at the airport yesterday moring. It sucks he's leaving, I really like the guy.

The Office is fine, I got my book on programming and I should start reading it soon. Sean is gone for a week for his wedding, I hope he has fun.

The Org is good, I just sucked on my stats and having a cramm yesterday didn't exactly help me get my stats up, oh well, there is always next week. I'll have to handle Non E.

Chiara is doing a very big job on starting to move a lot of small stuff that is always a pain to move when you are moving. Grazie piccolina.

Chiara Section

Well this morning I woke up and Chiara was there, then I saw that first smile of the day, Mamma mia!!! Che bella!!!! I love those smiles in the morning.

I love her so much, she's the greates, since we're together life is a lot easier and happier to face. I have always this feeling of looking foward to see my Pipistrella and makes me happy.

Amore, tu sei il mio sole. Ti amo per sempre.


Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Miles: 32,660

It was Tuesday, cleaning night at the Org.

The office is good, I did some good testing and were doing programming most of the day. I'm having fun with all this! YAY!!!

In the Org Pookie is back and I was happy! We all missed her, Mary McDonald is good but is no Pookie. Also I think I'll get off Saturday to move which I think it's a great help.

Last night was Vito's last night here in CW. I'll miss him, he became my friend and I learned alot from him. I'm very grateful for all he's done for Chiara and I.

Chiara Section


I love you. This weekend starts one of our many adventures to come while living together. I know we'll have tons of fun and we'll enjoy it all.

I can't wait to start to mock up the house the way we want it. A table here, a lamp there, a new this and a new that. We'll mock it up so beautifuly that it will glow of theta for miles and miles. YAY!! Chiarita and Laurita!!!!

Ti amo tanto amore. You hold the key to my heart and now it's open to you and only you.

Ti amo per sempre e la eternita.


Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Miles: 32,612

Monday. It's one of those days that you don't want it to arrive. It means get back in the routine. I don't mind my jobs, it's just to get back in that routine it tires me out.

The Office is doing good, still programming and it's going really nice. I need to do more drills and get stuff to work better.

The Org I'm like sucking ass, but I'll fix it today and tomorrow. Having no PCs sucks.

Vito was there when they installed the Internet at Laurita, so the phone should be good to go when we get the modem.

Chiara Section


You are such a cuttie. I love you so much and I can't wait to have moved in Laurita, it'll be much fun and you and me together will be lot's of fun! YAY!!!
I think together in Laurita we'll have so much fun mocking it up and putting it together. We'll bring so much theta to the whole thing that it'll be alive and flowing with only good vives.

The sky was never brighter as soon as you got into my life. Now I know that there'll be always a sunny day in my life as long as I'm with you.

Ti amo tantissimissimo amore!


Monday, August 23, 2004

Miles: 32,562

Well it was a nice weekend. On Friday we went to walmart to buy somethings that we wanted. It was nice.

On Saturday we went to dinner, Gil's & Locatelli's to as a Good Trip dinner for Vito who is leaving on Wednesday. It was nice and very cool to see the families together, I always enjoy it. Then we went to Laurita to show my parents what was going on and they could see what was new.

On Sunday we went to Laurita and kicked ass in doing projects. Then we bought the phone for the house and also some things for Vito and Piera. Then we ate dinner at home, pizza, and watched Hidalgo.

I liked the weekend, very productive.

Chiara Section


I'm so glad that we are moving together this weekend. This shoulde be awesome!!! Can you imagine? We are going to be living together! YAY!!!!! It's going to be lovely. You and me and Laurita, we can go swiming, we can take a bath together! YAY! I can't wait!

I love you so much amore. I know that some not so pleasent things are coming and by that I mean the move, but I think it will be so much fun, you and me together. It will be tons of fun! We'll start to mock up the stuff we want to and how we want to! I think we'll have a great time!

I can't wai to have you in my arms again chiquita. Ti amo per sempre e la eternita!


Friday, August 20, 2004

Miles: 32,4XX

OK,so I dropped off Hirotoshi San to the Dealer to get some warranty work done before I run out it at 36,000.

The day was ok. The Office we got a talk on what they want us to do and what are we doing so we are learning about programming and probably will program to automate our testing.

The Org is doing very good, the GI was way up and it was uptone.

I had a great time last night with Chiara. I love talking when we are in bed and just cuddling.

Chiara Section

Chiarita, the owner of Laurita.

You are my star. If I'm lost all I have to do is look up in the sky and find that bright star that tells me where to go and I know everything will be fine.

Ti amo tanto amore, I'm so happy that we are doing the house things and that we are setting up a good space for us, I love the mock up we are putting there. So next weekend we'll have a new home and a new place to grow together.

I love you amore from here to Pluto and back times 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. I can't live without you and I can't think of my life with greater happiness than with you.

Bacci Pipistrellina Piccolina,

Ale il tuo LOP


Thursday, August 19, 2004

Miles: 32,385

Well it was a crazy day.

In the Office I've been learning a lot of programing. It's really cool and I like it since it's all in a gradient and with the Study Tech is a very easy way to learn and be able to apply.

In the Org I just sucked ass. I'm in the like a super danger condition. I need to make sure that I'm doing good. I need to really line up my PCs and just audit. If I had the line up I can just do the auditing it's just hard to get that stuff.

I've also got phone thing handled and the internet too. It feels good, I can't wait to be creating on that in our home.

Bad news is that Vito is leaving to Italy next wednesday :( That sucks, we'll miss him, it's been lots of fun spending time together.

Chiara Section


I know it's been crazy but we have to keep going at it and continue so the bullbait from life can kiss our ass. I know that it's been hard recently and the toughest is not gone yet. We still got some ways to go but if we keep going hard at it we'll make it no problem. The way out is the way through.

I love you very much amore, I love you because you are a great person. Everytime I'm with you it's very nice to have you. I love to cuddle and be with you.

I also realized that our ruds are not totally in. We have been sleeping a little less than usual and that always messes us up.

I LOVE YOU AMOR SOOOO MUCH!! You mean everything to me. You are the sun in my day, you are the stars in the sky that make everything so beautiful.

Ti amo per sempre amore. You are the greatest piccolina.


Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Miles: 32,337

Tuesday, I don't like them too much because there is always the White Glove more afectionately known as "Cleaning Night" I did all the freaking cleaning in Qual and I mean ALL!!

The Office is great, we should be moving to our new office, a bigger one on the same block, by next month. It looks great! I've also been told by Paul that we are going to learn programming and I'm going to do it. I'm buying some books so I can start on that ASAP and be a very good programer. I know HTML but now I want to learn VBScript. YAY!

I also did the electicity for Laurita so now it will be under my name and everything. Cool uh? Also I'm trying to figure out about the phone and how to set it up. Vito also bought a new cordless drill to be used to clean the floor, it's soooo cool!!! When Chiara told me I couldn't believe it and then it hit me, I'm going to have a cordless Drill!!!! We tried it yesterday and it's sooooooo cool!

Chiara Section

Yesterday while I was going to sleep it all hit me. I'm getting married to this wonderful and beautiful being. I'm going to move to a new house with her that we are now building a new family. Soon we'll have everything we want to mock up, I think this is one of the most fun games I've ever played and I have the greatest partner for this, mi Pipistrellina.

I love you very much amore and I think we are playing something beautiful and that all is going to be great. We have much to learn but we'll do it fast and enjoy the ride. I think it's very important that we do.

Ti amo con tutto il mio cuore.