My Journal

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Miles: 34,344

Well it was Wednesday.

We got our cable back I would say between 6 and 10pm. It wasn't so bad, we were out only for 2 days.

The Office is doing nice and so is the Org. I did a session and that was it, I worked on some cram that I have and I need to finish it. I realized that in 24 days I'm married so by this time next week there should be only one week left for my vacation. YAY!

Chiara and Piera have been doing a great job! They should have a show about our house. They should film it how it was before and then now that they are putting everything where we want it. Chiara showed me the colors and I think they are great, they will look very nicely in the house and the way we are decorating it.

Chiara and I stood up until who knows what time and talked about the things we are doing and stuff. It feels like I hadn't seen my Picollina in soooo long. I've missed her. But the best is when I come home and I see her and we get to go to bed and just talk and talk and talk.

Chiara Section


I'm very excited that you are doing all this stuff for the house and that you are doing it so it's all done before the wedding. You are doing such a big job with all the wedding stuff and the house, I'm very proud of you and if it means I get to eat sandwiches for a couple of weeks for dinner I'm fine with it, I know and see that you are very happy and that's what matters to me. You are my world and I love to live in you.

There is nothing that makes me happier than come from the Org and see you and get a kiss and hug from you. It fills me with love and is what I wait for all day long, to see my Pipistrella.

I can't wait to call you my wife because you'll be the greatest wife that ever lived.

Ti amo per sempre picollina and I'll be by your side always.


Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Miles: 34,286

Well it was Tuesday which meant cleaning night at the Org.

The Office went well. The Org too. Nothing new or anything exciting. I'm loving our new furniture, it looks and feels great!

I made the extra invitations so we can invite anyone which we might of missed in the original invitations. All these staff have been asking me when is it and where is my invitation and blah blah blah! Ahhhhhh! Driving me crazy. I just want to be with my Chiara and talk like we usually do. I don't know why but this is one of my most calming things to do. Just talk to my Piccolina before going to sleep.

Chiara Section

As the ray of light shone into my life it light up my whole life. For the first time I felt my whole life was light up by this beautiful light emanating from the greatest source of light there is; il cuore dil mio amore.

I'm so excited that in only 25 days we get to get married and celebrate it and then we get to get our own vacation. Nothing to worry about but Chiara and me. Just having all the fun we want and doing all the things we want to do. YAY!!! It's going to be fun! I can't wait, I just can't wait to see how beautiful everything will look with my Pipistrella all in white beautifly made up with her hair all beautiful and with a veil. Mama mia! Che bella! I can see it now, she'll be the brightest star in the whole universe and no body will shine as bright as she will that night.

Now I sing you a song.

You are my sunshine! My only Sunshine!
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know Dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my Sunshine away!!!

Ti amo per sempre Chiquita


Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Miles: 34,239

It was Monday and we received our new furniture. Ma che bella!!!! Chiara and Piera did a great job of putting everything together. It looks great!! I love how the chairs look with the table and the way they arranged the living room looks sooooo cool! I love to live in our house! YAY!!

The Org was fine. I did a short session and also some M4s and stuff. The Office was fine. I've been continueing to read my book on VBScript and it's going fine.

I can't wait to go home and look at it again and see how great it looks.

Chiara Section

Oooooh Soleeee mioooo!!!!

You are my sun. You are the light that shines in my heart every day and makes me the happiest man in the world. Without you there is nothing but darkness and it feels cold. With you there is never a dull moment always fun and games and lots and lots of love.

I've never been so happy and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you every day. Thinking of our wedding and how great it was and how much we had fun and the time we went to New York and we did this and the first time this and the first time that. I can't wait to share my memories with you and always have you by my side. Mi Piccolina.

You are the brightest flower in the garden of life and I'll always keep you in the highest regards.

Ti amo per sempre,

Ale, il tuo LOP


Monday, September 27, 2004

Miles: 34,192

Well, what a weekend.

Friday, I left the Org early to meet up with the DJ for the wedding. That went great. It was nice and easy.

On Saturday it was busy as hell. I worked at the Org and then we went to the Party. It was a bit boring since the music sucked and there wasn't much happening. Then we got our present for being Sait Hill size. It was a ring that says: "Tampa Org, Saint Hill Size, March 13 2004" It's pretty cool! Then I went right over to my house where my future brother in law and his wife were there for the evening since they had libs. I think it was so nice to be all together so we could meet up before the wedding and all. It was great!!! After that we took them to the Hacienda and then we watche a bit of Episode IV of Star Wars.

Sunday was different. It was like a deja vu with Frances but now with Jaenne. Lots and lots of wind and lots and lots of water. The house was alright except for some windows that the water was pushed in with all the air pressure. So then we went to a wedding in the Sandcastle and it served very nicely to see how it would be for our wedding. I had fun and it was relaxing.

Chiara and Piera also gave me the surprise that they bought the furniture for the living room. That was nice to know! So by today we are suppossed to get our new furniture.

Chiara Section


Quien quiere a mi chiquita? Quien es la piccolina piu bellissima di tutto il Universo? Mi piccolina. Mi Chiquita.

Well amore, I'm very happy to have found you and be with you. You feel the emptiness that used to exist in my heart.

There was nothing that light my heart. There was nothing that woke up my passion. Then you came along with that spark of yours it started a fire. Now it's blazing and buring everywhere like I always knew there would be.

I'm so glad that I get to be with you by my side forever. I couldn't chose a more appropiate partner of love.

You are truly special amore. Ti amo tantissimissimo!


Friday, September 24, 2004

Miles: 34,074

Well... IT'S FRIDAY!!!!

That means that I get to spend time with my Pipistrella and do some cycles for the wedding. I'm so glad the weekend is here. I'm very physically tired from all the exercise but I feel good that I've been doing it.

It's been nice to have Piera here. She's putting some order and helping us with it. I think it's great since we don't have much time to think or do those things.

The Org is fine. We'll have our party from 7pm to 10pm. I'll probably will go from 7 to 9 or something like that. I think it's cool we are celebrating something that we've never done in our whole track. Taken an Org to Saint Hill Size. I've been asking for this party since the weekend we went Saint Hill size. Anyways I think it should be fun to see all the people and just be us without having to produce.

The Office is good. I've been learning more programing and it seems easier to do and I'm finding better things to do now. I also have to teach Max how to do my post so he can act as me while I'm gone for the vacation. I'm so glad that everyone has approved on my CSW.

Chiara Section


There was once a planent or may be he wasn't a planet. He went along the universe looking for a sun to orbit. He found that there were many suns out there but none were like the one he knew he was looking for.

This planet went around the Universe some more and just before he lost hope he saw this Sun. It shined so bright and it was the right color and size and the heat was perfect and everything he'd ever wanted was there. He saw that the sun was looking for a planet. So the planet or may be he wasn't a planet, couldn't believe that there was a sun so perfect. This planed thought for many years if he should go and orbit around the beautiful sun. So one day he decided to go and orbit around this sun. The Planet was very happy to have found the sun to orbit and the Sun was very happy to have a planet like him orbit her.

The planet like the sun so much that he decided to make it his stable orbit and would never leave this beautiful star. They both decieded to keep that orbit for the infinite time and later on new planets and stars of their own grew from their love.

This is a love story dedicated to the woman I love the most in the whole wide Universe and beyond.

"Without you there is no sunshine. Without you there is no life. You are my inspiration to my day to day. My heart now lives in you." - Ale


Thursday, September 23, 2004

Miles: 34,026

Well it was an awesome Wednesday!

I went to work as usual and it was all great and dandy with some cycles to do but I always like randomity, it's better than nothing to do.

Then I didn't go to the Org since I went to pick up Piera at the Airport. She's so nice and was very happy to see Chiara. They hadn't seen each other for 2 years!

She brought so many gifts for us from Italy! So many letters to congratulate us from her friends and family. We got beautiful frames made out of silver! Ma che belli! And she brought me 5 shirts that are all so cool and nice! I mean they are from Italy!!

Chiara got her gifts too and they look great! She got so much stuff! I thought for a second this was Xmas! Lol

I can see that Chiara is very happy that her mom is here and I think that she'll be a great help with the wedding stuff. I'm not to knowledgable on certain areas and I can tell that Piera has some great ideas! I'm so glad that she's here to give us a hand.

Chiara Section


You are the most amazing woman in the world. I love you so much. Without you there is no tomorrow for me. You are the battery that keeps me going. You are the heart in my body, with out every pump I would die. You are the sun that light my flowers. You are the waterfall that purifies my river. My air that my lungs need to breathe.

I'm so fortunate to have you. I love everything about you and what you do about it. You are this great being that loves to play with me and pays attention and cares about me. I love that from you. You are such a cuty pie! You have the most amazing smile and the most beautiful eyes I've ever set my eyes on. Your curves are nothing short of an Italian Goddess, just like God intended for women to be. You laugh can make any tear stop. Your hugs can make all the pain go away. And being by my side you make all my problems go away.

Ti amo tantissimissimo. I love you from here to the farthest star and back 1,000,000,000,000 times!

You are my everything and I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart.



Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Miles: 33,978

Well today Piera arrives which means there is only about 1 month left. WOW! I'll be married in just about 32 days! I LOVE IT!

Everything is going good. The Org I got a couple of PC I can audit and well in the Office still learning programming and some other cool stuff while working. Got'aloveit!

Chiara's wedding band is ready for pick up so today after work we are going to the mall pick it up and then to see some other details for the wedding such as the glasses for me and Chiara, the flower baskets and the cutting utensils for the wedding.

Chiara Section


I just wanted to let you know how much I love you and how much I appreciate you. You are such a great person and such a lovely thetan. There is nothing more important than the fact that we'll be together forever.

You are a rare flower amongst a dead world. Where one thinks there is nothing but desert one finds and Oasis called Chiara. This piece of heaven on earth. God must of really love you and therefore sent you to earth. Earth is a better place because of you. You are nothing short of priceless. With you by my side I feel invincible and nothing can knock me down.

Te amo con todo mi corazon y sin ti no puedo vivir.

Te mando un besote en tus dulces labios.


Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Miles: 33,934

Well it's Tuesday and I've already good news. At 12am Chiara and I went to buy the Original Star Wars Trilogy in DVDs!!! Damn it's nice to have the DVDs I've always wanted. I got to thank Chiara mostly though because she wanted to come with me to Walmart at that time and buy it. It's those little detail that makes my piccolina so special to me. You are truly one in 6 billion amore.

Well I bought that and also a memory stick for the camera so when we go to New York we have enough memory to take lots of pics for the trip.

Chiara bought all this neat stuff for the wedding. The guessbook is awesome and so are all the ribons and tule for the confeti! She's so cute and creative, I love that about her. Grazie amore for doing all this for us. You'll see we'll find the right glasses and the right utenzils to cut the cake.

Well I'm very happy and excited. Piera arrives tomorrow and that means a lot of more stuff is going to move and happen about the wedding. I'm very glad that she's coming because it's another terminal to help us with the wedding. I can't wait!! I'm so excited!! I can't wait to be all in my tux waiting for Chiara and see her walk down the aisle with Vito and see her beautiful smile coming down the aisle for me. Man! I'm soooo excited!! YAY! I love you Chiara! I love you so much! You are the best! Wow! Ti amo! Quien la quiere a mi piccolina? Quien la adora a mi Pipistrellina? Quien es la chiquita mas bonita!? YAY! It's Chiara!!

Chiara Section


I can't explain how excited and happy I'm about the wedding. I can't wait to see you all in white and walking towards me. You are the person that makes me the happiest! Ti amo tanto and sensa di te no poso vivire.

Thanks amore so much for showing that you care about SW and my little obsetions with Cars and SW. There is trully one of you in this Universe and that makes you Priceless. With you by my side I'll go to new hights of happiness and acomplishments. I know you have all it takes to make me the happiest man in the world. I can't wait to say, My wife this and my wife that. I can't wait to be your husband and be there by your side no matter what and help you through anything just like you've helped me.

Un super bacione!


Monday, September 20, 2004

Miles: 33,879

Well it's monday again.

The weekend went fine. On Friday we had our own Auditor's Day graduation. So there I am sitting in the front because they told me I'm an auditor and I saw a couple of flowers and I'm all like ok, I'll get some flowers or something. Next thing you know we were all called up and told to receive a gift, the 1st Saint Hill ACC lectures!!! DAMN NICE!

On Stat I finished my course and Alex S. helped me alot. It was a good help too, he's done it before so he gave couple of pointers and stuff. Then I went home and I ate a great dinner by my Pipistrella the great Chef. We then went to see some things for the wedding, we went to see some shoes at some store, we didn't like them and we went to walmart. I bought a couple of things and we saw Doug whom I had not seen in a long time.

On Sunday I made breakfast and then we went to Burlington, then to Toy's R Us and then we went to pick up the two flower girls, we then headed to David's Bridal where they tried on dresses and finally found the one that we all liked. They seemed they had fun and they were very theta. We then went to look for shoes but found nothing. So then Chiara and I went to eat a little and then to the mall. We went to see if we could find some shoes for the girls and to resize Chiara's wedding band. So I went around and to the jewlers and saw some rings. Damn were they expensive! Some jewlery wanted to sell me a platinum band for $1,200! Anyways, so we went home and I went to wash the cars, Chiara helped me and we had fun, it took us like 2 hrs but we felt good to do so. Then we played UNO and lost every single time. So we were tired and went to sleep at 11pm, it was quite nice weekend.

Chiara Section

Ciao Chiara!!

Well I just wanted to tell you that I had a great time with you this weekend like always and that it's always a pleasure to be with you.

I loved that we did some cycles for the wedding. I loved that we went around and saw somethings that we needed. I really enjoyed doing all this cycles.

I loved that we washed the cars and that it was fun, no? Cugarina enjoyed it, she told me that she likes the attention we give to her.

Amore, I'm so excited that the wedding is coming and that we are going to have such a great time and that you and I will be infront of all our friends and family and be a husband and wife, I can't wait! We'll have so much fun! YAY!!!

For every star that shines in the night is an "I love you". For every time the sun comes up that's a "I'll be there for you" For every time you think of me I've already thought of you 25 times. Ti amo tantissimissimissimo!

Tuo per sempre