My Journal

Friday, October 15, 2004

Miles: 35,058

Well it's Friday!!! This is the last day, tomorrow starts my vacations so I'll be able to join in matrimony my beautiful Chiara.

Rodrigo arrived last night, he brought lots of gifts and lots of other goodies. I think he's going to like it here.

I brought Diego last night to the Org to handle my Liability as the effective blow and get it done. I also helped an auditor to get through some metering stuff. And filed like a mofo for Toni whose already 7 months pregnant!

Anyways, the best was coming home to my Chiara and just talk through the night and then to give her bacini and to love her. Ti amo chiquita.

Chiara Section


The world wouldn't be the same without you. You light it up wherever you go.

I love you because the way you are and how you are. I love how you are strong and don't get shit from anyone. I love how you are such a cutie in the morning when you yawn and when you are faciando la pipi. You are such a cutie and you light up my world.

If ever centimeter of the diameter of the moon were an I love you, it wouldn't be enough to tell you how much I love you.

Ti amo per sempre piccolina. Baci,


Thursday, October 14, 2004

Miles: 35,005

Well Wednesday went well.

At the Office another of those lets test this all together super fast type thing but it was done.

At the Org I thought I finished my program but I still need to do my Liability condition. It should be fast I guess, I already did my effective blow all I need are the amends.

Piera is getting auditing, that's great news! Chiara told me since the beginning that the wedding would be a great way to get her mom back on her Bridge.

My piccolina and I should be getting married in 10 days!!

Chiara Section


Like the sun I need your warmth. Like the air I need you to live. Like water I need to have you every day.

You are the goddess I've always dream of having. I love having you as my 2D because you are a big kid just like me and we get to play all the time.

Ti amo per sempre and I always have you in my heart.


Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Miles: 34,960

It was Tuesday, cleaning night at the Org.

The office was fine, some work to do before I leave on Friday.

The Org was fine too. I still need to finish my program so I can go on my LOA. I didn't get much done yesterday since I helped a whole bunch of people.

At the house Piera and Chiara have been buying this little items that are all over the house that go very well with it.

Chiara Section

At one time I dreamed I had a girl that loved me and took care of me. Once I dreamed that I would marry her and live happily ever after. I dreamed that she would be the woman of my dreams.

Today I have all this things and more. Not only I have the love of my life in my arms but I also have her love and her care. I love her like no one has ever loved anyone before. She is my dream girl made reality.

I remember I would dream of a room of all this girls in all ways and I would walk and find my perfect one. I did that one year and four months ago. I found the perfect girl and I was lucky enough to be responded.

I love you from here to the end of the universe and back one thousand times Piccolina.



Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Miles: 34,905

Well it was Monday. I was tired during the day eventhough I got enough sleep. Wierd.

At the Office I made the tool converter 3.0, it's pretty sweet and I like how I made it.

At the Org I'm doing my program from the KR Handeling. It's cool that I'm doing that.

I can't wait until there is nothing to take care but the wedding stuff and house stuff, it should be fun and different.

Chiara Section


I love my cuttie pie, she's so adorable I could nibble on her all day long. I love that I can be all cuddely and stuff with you. I don't do that with anyone else, I'm very lovable person but I love you the most.


Baci a mi Pipistrella.


Monday, October 11, 2004

Miles: 34,857

It was a nice weekend.

On Friday I left early the Org, I didn't go to graduation, so I could be sessionable.

On Saturday I went and got my LOA Sec Check, it was great now I have to do the KR handling. Then we rented a movie and after the great romantic dinner Chiara had made we saw the movie. It was really nice to be her and me and just be cuddly.

On Sunday I became blind, I mean I was the blind man. I installed 10 blinds in a course of 5 hrs. Not bad, 30 min per blind. It was fun and I felt that I was contributing to the house. Piera made a great dinner and my Parents and Julie came over for dinner. It was quite nice and I had lots of fun with my Piccolina afterwards.

Chiara Section

Mio Sole,

Today I woke up next to this beautiful lady in my bed. Wow is she beautiful. She has these eyes that could pierce to steel and yet they are as soft as a rose petal.

Her smile has the power to melt glaciers and with one kiss able to fire up a burning Forest.

With one command she's able to make armies move and with just a couple of words make me melt in my seat.

I have found the Dea Italiana. She's as beautiful as the brightest star and I have the honor to provide with her every need.

Ti amo chiquita. Baci.


Friday, October 08, 2004

Miles: 34,754

Well it was Thursday, Grandma day.

I went to say hi to my grandparents and they were very happy to see me as always. It's always nice to grant them their beingness and making sure that they get heard and communicate.

In the office is going good. I made a new program and I'm getting to understand a little bit more on those things.

At the Org I finished my last cramm and I will be going in session on Sat and Sun. I hope I'm done on Sat so I don't have to go on Sun.

Chiara Section


I thought it was very cute the way you were sleeping in the couch and then you began to smile. That smile of yours is very powerful. I can feel how much theta it radiates and it feels me with life.

I think the lamp looks great in the dining room. Everything is looking great.

I love you my sunshine and I will always be your planet.


Thursday, October 07, 2004

Miles: 34,707

Yesterday was OK. I had a lot to do in the Office later on in the day. It went by fast, that was nice.

The Org I audited JT and I think I should be going in session very soon. YAY!

Mi Chiquita and Piera keep amazing me on all the beautiful things they keep doing for the house. I will do some of the blinds this weekend, maybe even do them all. We'll see.

Chiara Section


I don't think there are enough words to describe how much I love you so I decided to write you a poem.

As the sun comes up I can feel the warmth.
Without it it's cold, no feeling.

You are my sun and wake me up every day,
your love is so warm and cozy.

Without you it's sad and not fun,
all I can do is but think of you.

You are the other half I was looking for,
you complete me in all meanings of the word.

I now have the fortune to live,
to live happily ever after with your love.

Ti amo per sempre amore.


Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Miles: 34,660

It was Tuesday and it wasn't too bad.

At the office I worked like usual. I went to get the money back from the Auto Zone for the old battery I changed yesterday.

At the Org no C/S for one PC and the other not sessionable so I went on to finish some cycles and help another intern. Then cleaning night. Oh well it's gone now.

I saw what Chiara is going to look like her veil, Mamma mia che bella!!!!!! She looks like a princess. I'M MARRYING A PRINCESS!!!! Ti amo tantissimo. Mi chiquita.

Chiara Section

I love all the cute and cuddly stuff you call me and when you say that you love me and hug me and have me in you arms. You are the best amore. I've never been so happy and I can't wait to be with you forever!!!! YAY!!!!!

The ray of light entered my life. It brightened it a million times more. Since there is light I don't see darkness but only hope. This ray of light is one of the greatest things that has happened to me in my life. I think it's the most important and one of the things I'll always be grateful. I love that the ray of light is there night and day and that no matter what day is it, it's always there.

Amore you are my ray of light onto my heart and for that I'll will be ever grateful.

Ti amo tantissimissimo.

Baci a mi Pipistrella.


Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Miles: 34,604

Well it was a Monday. I was tired as hell but I got through the day.

At the office I mostly was learning about programming and now I'm getting a new thing to test so I think that should be fun.

The Org was OK. I didn't audit since I had 2 crams to do and I finished them last night.

Chiara and Piera got the first couple of blinds for the house they look great on the house. I'm so happy they got those too since it will make the house much cooler and the A/C should be easier to keep.

Chiara and Julie did her make up and she looks amazing. I love her eyes and how beautiful she looks. Ti amo Piccolina.

Chiara Section

Every time we are not together my eye sheds a tear. It's a tear because my eyes cannot live with out your beautiful sight. I feel alone and the only thing that gets me through is the fact that I'll be with you later on.

You are such a beautiful being and I love the way you are. I love how playful and fun you are. I love that you are a hard worker and that you get things done. I love the fact that you make things happen. I love that you have goals and that you are going some where. This are some of the infinite reason why I love you. I could write it down but it would fill hard drives and hard drives of space to really say what I feel for you.

Ti amo tantissimo Pipistrella. Baci.


Monday, October 04, 2004

Miles: 34,556

Nice weekend.

Friday I went with Chiara to go around and take a drive to the beach just to extrovert a little.

On Sat I basically spent the whole day at the Org. From 10 - 6 auditing my PCs and then from 6 to 10 we did the whole David Pomeranz concert. I was security and it was cool. My legs super hurt because I was standing for 3 hrs and not really moving buy just standing there making sure didn't go through there. Then Chiara and I rented Mean Girls and it was cool, specially our little break we took from the movie.

On Sunday it was busy busy busy. We went to Sam's and bought the new TV. 32" baby!!! It's really nice and it was Andrea, Chiara's brother, who got it for us. Grazie fratello! Then we did the food shopping. After that we went and got it with Scott's truck because there was no was it would of fit in my car. After that we ate lunch and went to see the tuxedos. We went from Sacino's to the mall and back to Sacino's since I liked them better. Chiara and Piera stayed there at the mall meanwhile I was with my Parents at Sacino's looking at the Tux. We got them all separated and ready. It was nice. I think I'll look very good on it. Then we went home and I put together the new little closet for the bathroom. It's nice! Then we all went to dinner at Joto's, it was really nice, I liked it because it was a Welcome to Florida Piera dinner. It's the least I could do for all she's done for us. After that I watched Star Wars episode V. Love it!!!

I loved how we cuddled last night in our bed piccolina.

Chiara Section


Whenever I'm with out you it rains in my heart. When ever I don't have you close there is a feeling of a desert. You bring all the joy and happiness. It is you who makes me happy and that I love to love. I love you kiss you and hug you. I love to feel you near and to laugh and play. I love to have you in my arms and talk about everything.

You are truly a great friend and I love that we have a great comm between each other. I can't wait for us to be together forever. I can't wait to say in front of everyone how much you mean to me and that I want to be your husband and take care of you every single day.

Ti amo tantissimo piccolina. You are the light of my life. Without light I can't see and I'm very grateful to have you.