My Journal

Friday, April 28, 2006

Miles: 57,928

I love my wifey. She's so excited Vito is coming. I really enjoy having him on the house.

Ti amo Chiara!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Miles: 57,902

I love my wife. She works so hard and does so much by kicking ass at course and taking care of the house. Mile Grazie amore.

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Miles: 57,856

I love my piccolina. She'd doing great on course and I'm very proud.

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Miles: 57,789
MPG: 29.29

I love my wifey and I'm so glad that I have her as my wonderful wife.

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Miles: 57,733

I had a lovely weekend thanks to my wonderful wife and all she did to make my birthday special.

Ti amo Chiara, my heart belongs to you!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Miles: 57,648


Today is my 26th Birthday and my wife did a great job decorating the house for my birthday. She put all this ballons and all this ribons everywhere. I loved the card and most importantly how much she loves me.

Ti amo per sempre Chiara.

Today a year ago Hirotoshi San had 42,754 miles! That's 14,894 miles in a year!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Miles: 57,591

I love my wifey. I hope she gets some rest since Don Andres arrived lastnight.

Ti amo Chiara.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Miles: 57,542

I love my piccolina. She's doing sooo great on her course, I'm sure she'll be done in less than 3 weeks.

Ti amo Chiara!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Miles: 57,498
MPG: 27.52

I love my piccolina. She's the cutest. She's all excited Vito is coming. I'm glad Vito is coming, I like him.

Ti amo Chiara, you are doing a great job on your course.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Miles: 57,453

We had a very relaxing weekend. I enjoy being with my piccolina at the pool, it's like training to when we go to Mexico to vacation.

Ti amo Chiara!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Miles: 57,340

I love my piccolina. She stared her course yesterday and I think she's going to do it soooo fast. I'm so proud of her.

Ti amo Chiara.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Miles: 57,283

I love my piccolina. I know that it's hard to go back to work after you take your very much deserved vacation. I think she'll love the Level I and that she'll do great.

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Miles: 57,238
MPG: 27.92

I love my piccolina. We had so much fun yesterday on the IM. I just love how uptone and fun my wife is to be around.

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Miles: 57,194

My piccolina was very brave yesterday. She took three vaccine shots, what a woman!!

I also watched to 4 congresses yesterday. It was very confortable and very very educational. It never ceases to amaze me how much Ron knows.

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Miles: 57,190

Well, it was nice to be with my wife. I really enjoy being with her and all the stuff we do.

Ti amo Chiara!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Miles: 57,129

I can't wait to see my piccolina on stage today because she finished her course.


Thursday, April 06, 2006

Miles: 57,084

YAY!!! Mi piccolina became an auditor!!!! She just finished her Academy Level 0! Not only she did great but her pc was having Floating TA at exams! Che brava mi piccolina!

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Miles: 57,078

I'm sooooo proud of Chiara. She's doing great as an auditor. I'm very happy she's so keyed out and happy doing this. And of course I'll be there forever to back you up.

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Miles: 57,034

I love my piccolina. She's doing great and I'm having a great time with her.


Monday, April 03, 2006

Miles: 56,989
MPG: 30.32

Well I've changed Hirotoshi San's rear breaks and the window is fixed.

I had a good time with Chiara last night. It's always fun to be with her on the car and seeing her smiling and dancing. This are the moments I appreciate the most.

Ti amo Chiara.