My Journal

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Miles: 61,919

It was nice yesterday. I got some IT cycles that I had been meaning to do and got done. Now all I have to do is do the Hat Write Up so I can send it to everyone and they can do this on their own and get better service out of our email.

Chiara and I had fun yesterday. I went to the gym and she did a whole lot of cleaning at the house. We later ate some good tortellini with bacon that were delicious! And as always we relaxed watching some TV.

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Miles: 61,910

YAY! I washed my car yesterday in the first time since a long time ago; probably months. I vaccumed and I cleaned the inside. And yes, even the unthinkable, all the crap that was on the side of my door. All those papers are gone!

Chiara did great with her PC and she is very happy. Now she deserves some happy days at home doing what evershe feels like doing. She deserves it!

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Miles: 61,907

Well, it's over. It's finally done. My contract ended and I did all I needed to do to get it finished. Good cycle, I left without any remorse or any other bad vibe. I guess doing the Sec Check did that.

Anyways, yesterday I uninstalled my front Sway bar and it was a pain in the ass to take off. Now I'm a bit afraid if I need to put it back on. I guess I'll manage. I'll see how I like it for now.

My Piccolina is doing a major cleaning in the house. She's so good at that!

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Miles: 61,861
MPG: 27.75

Well, it was a nice weekend to be with my Piccolina. My Piccolina is on a one week break from Course and I want her to enjoy it.

He had fun on Saturday. We went to see my parents since on Thursday they had their 27th Wedding Anniversary. Cool. We took some pictures and we all went to get some wedding stuff for Julie and Riccardo's wedding. We also went to Julie and Riccardo's place and we watched a movie. It was nice.

On Sunday we just crashed at my house. My piccoline is such a cutie. I always have fun with her. I want to take her somewhere special, like Cocoa Beach or Miami. I think she'll like it.

Ti amo Chiara!!!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Miles: 61,825
Weight: 189.6

Well it was a good day. Lot's of testing the new server I'll be installing today. It should go smoothly.

Anyways, my Piccolina did great. She's going in session and now she can get some time off. She deserves it.

Ti amo Chiara!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Miles: 61,822

WOOOO HOOOO!!!!! My Piccolina got her green card!!!!!!! I'm so very happy!!!! It was a long wait and the interview looked all good but they didn't just let us go like that. They asked us questions about our bills and our Morgage. Wheeew! I'm glad it's over. She'll get her Green Card in about 30 days and we'll have to reapply in 2 years (the lady told us to do it in 1 year 9 months). This means my Piccolina can work wherever she wants and we can travel all we want. WOOOO HOOOO!!!!

Also my Piccolina finished her Level II course and she did great! I'm very happy, she's going to III soon. Damn that woman goes fast!!!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Miles: 61,706

Good day yesterday. I went to the Org twice to finish a progam I had to do. It went well. It's amazing how good one feels when one does the right thing.

Chiara finished her course!!!! I'm so proud of my Pipistrella. She did great during her Confessional and I'm very happy my Piccolina is moving along great!!!

Ti amo Chiara!!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Miles: 61,625
MPG: 27.81

Cool weekend. I had a fail purpose on Saturday but I decided to take the time off and enjoy it. I'll finish today what I needed to finish so no problem.

I enjoy time with my Piccolina. She's a cutie. I love how happy she gets and how much we just play around. I'm a very fortunate man.

Ti amo Chiara!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Miles: 61,533
Weight: 189.6

Not a bad week. I got my new phone all tricked out with the MP3 ringers I wanted. I got my Spoon muffler and I lost some weight!

I got to finish some cycles still at the Org but it's very likely that it'll be done this weekend.

Chiara and I have to go to the Green Card Interview on Wednesday. This should be good, it's a great step towards my Pipistrella's Green Card. I don't know if they'll give it to her just like that or what but I hope everything looks good.

Ti amo Chiara!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Miles: 61,530

Interesting day. I spent most of the day at the Org thinking it was a small cycle to do but it turned out to be much longer and that I had to return in the evening. Since that was to happen I couldn't just go back to work for 2 hrs and then comeback. So I decided to tackle down the job that I had for the weekend and I figured it would get my mind off the Org and the Office for a while.

So I went to change my new muffler that just arrived the day before. I changed clothes and I put the car in the jack stands. At this point I'm thinking I need a better Jack since it only rises the car to the minimum of the jack stands and it's just about 1 foot. So I go on underneath, which I bearly fit but I went a long and I did it. It took 1:40 mins. I took out the tools and started taking the back of the exhaust and it was a pain. I didn't have the right size for the nut but I had the one for the bolt. I had to hold the nut somehow so I could remove the bolt. I went at it for 15 mins, it was hard and finally after using a cresent wrench that I found I was able to do it. Whew! Then I went to do the other 3 botls that are hooked to the Catalytic converter. It wasn't that bad until I got to the top one. Man it was hard to do. Once I saw what my problem was I did it no problem.

The Old midpipe hooked up no problem. The new Muffler hooked up no problem either. It was all nice. (One of the things I really liked about my muffler was that it came with a silencer, not that I'll use it much but I think it was a great part of the deal that I got with my muffler) I wiped my hands and I went to turn it on. I was scared at first since the car was on top of the jack stands so I went to it carefully. The Engine turned and started to purr. Perfect. Then I turn it off and I removed the silencer and I went at it again. It was a little louder but nothing that made me think I should run with the silencer. Put everything away and went to take a shower.

Later that evening I went back to the Org. It was nice to see a few faces I hadn't seen in a while and most importantly to finish my cyle. As I drove over there I got to feel the car. It feels great and it sounds wonderful!!! I'm happy with it and I think it was worth the wait for it.

I also got to talk to my Pipistrella that was a bit annoyed that had no one to take in for her to be able to finish her course. I listened and it was nice to see her. We ate dinner and it was great just to be with my Piccolina.

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Miles: 61,409

WOOT!!! I finally got my muffler!! I ordered it in April and until now I got it. I think it was worth the wait since when I got it, it also included the silencer which is important if you want to keep it more quiet. NICE!!!!

I've been playing with my new Phone. I got a Motorola V195. It rocks! I have MP3 ringers which I've always wanted and more importantly I can mod it!! WOOT WOOT! Just like my car. I'm glad Chiara looked into it first because I was going towards a Samsung that just looks nice but with this one I can do a whole bunch of stuff. I'm mean it's basically a RAZR without the camera which to me has always been the biggest rip off in the world since they are usually sucky cameras.

Chiara and I had fun yesterday. I'm happy that I help her around the House. It's nice because this way my piccolina doesn't have all this pressure and can do what she really wants to do and more importantly get it done. I have to thank my Mom for making me wash all those thousands of dishes over the years but now I know how to do it and I can help my Piccolina inmensley.

Ti amo Chiara!!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Miles: 61,379

Yesterday wasn't so bad. It was a Monday but not so bad. I didn't go work out but I went this morning and now I'm thinking I should of gone yesterday too.

I had fun with my Picollina. We made dinner and it was fun to do so. We went to visit my parents also and they were very happy to see her. They love her so much. I so lucky to have such a wonderful woman in my life.

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Miles: 61,374
MPG: 27.80

Good weekend. Chiara and I had fun. Got new Cell Phones, spent like a whole day trying to figure out how to get MP3 on it without getting charged and finally did it so I'm happy!

Chiara and I went out to Julie's and Riccardo's house. It was nice to eat pizza and watch movies. On Sunday we also had fun at the Pool and we got to visit my Parents.

Ti amo Chiara!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Miles: 61,311
Weight: 191.0

Well, it was a good week. I worked out 4 days out of the week which is an improvement. I gained a pound which means I ate more than I exercised. So I've decided to not eat dessert to start with, no Panchoc or any cream cheese and jelly sandwiches. No more potato chips and stuff like that. Oh well if I want to looose some I have to eat less. Period.

Chiara and I had fun last night. She made Pesto and pasta. It was very good and I enjoyed it. We also saw the Emeril show and she seemed to be intrested in it. It's always fun, he's up tone and funny and you learn a lot.

Ti amo Chiara!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Miles: 61,294

Well it went well yesterday. I would of liked to have finished the stuff I was doing for the Org but one person couldn't show up and whatnot. Oh well.

I had with my Pipistrella. We cooked together and she learned something new, she really seemed to enjoy it so to me that's a win.

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Miles: 61,242

It was cool to give a hand to the Org. They needed someone to do the usual checks and I did. Cool.

I had fun with my Pipistrella. She's almost done with her course! She's so good!!!

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Miles: 61,197

Well, interesting day yesterday. There was a huge thunderstorm here at the Office; so great the whole place went dark when a couple of lightning strikes stroke too close. Well I was here until 8pm fixing the stuff with no AC or lights. But in the end I made it work and that's what counts!

It was a short evening with Chiara but she made a great dinner and we made together a pretty good salsa. It was hot as hell!

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Miles: 61,189
MPG: 26.42

Pretty good weekend. It's never sufficinet enough but that's how it works.

It was relaxing and pretty good overall.

I had fun with my Piccolina on Saturday and we got to chill on Sunday.

Ti amo Chiara!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Miles: 61,097
Weight: 190.0lbs

WOOT! I lost almost 2 lbs!! It was nice to go to the gym. I put in my new CD and the guy that always comes with his headphones actually took them off and started to listen to the music. Cool. Also the old guy that usually just walks when I came in he told me I was late. LOL.

Chiara is doing much better and I'm glad she's going to course. That'll give her some theta and she'll be much much better.

Ti amo Chiara!!!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Miles: 61,077

Well my piccolina got sick so we didn't go to the gym. It was ok, I'm just glad her fever is gone and that she is feeling much much better.

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Miles: 61,072

Good work out yesterday. My arms are sore.

It was good overall. I wish I would of helped my piccolina instead of the guy I helped at Flag but it's all good. I should get done with my program soon.

Great dinner with the most wonderful woman in the world!

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Miles: 61,062

Well it was nice to study at Flag. I did it and it was fast to and from work. Cool!

Chiara and I are doing great at the Gym. It was harder to get up this morning but I'm feeling great! I look so much younger now with the sleep I'm getting!

Ti amo Chiara!