My Journal

Friday, September 29, 2006

Miles: 62,394
Weight: 186.3

I only worked out 2 days this week but I lost 2lbs! Great! My Metabolism is increasing. I like it! But I realize that I'm eating less too. I'm not eating to the full maximum point of exlosion like I used to.

Chiara and I went to shop some stuff in Wal-Mart yesterday and I just realized that NO gum, except for the cinamon, has sugar! They all have Aspertame! What a rip off! Those Aspertame people really want to screw us up!!!

Anyways, my piccolina is worried about not finishing the course. I know how it feels. All I know is that that they'll let her go because they have no choice. She's going to be great and she'll finish, if not done by the time we leave, when we come back.

Ti amo Chiara!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Miles: 62,368

Good day. Very productive and lots of things to do as always.

My piccolina is puting together a party for Julie and it's coming along great! Che brava!!!! She's truyly the greatest.

Yesterday I realized that I've married my best friend. Chiara is the best friend I could ever ask. We are so made for each other. I can't wait to see how the Piccolini will come out.

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Miles: 62,342

Busy day. I've been very busy in this last week. Lots to do and get done.

Unfortunatetly I haven't gone to the gym. It's been hard to get up in the morning. I know I just need to do it but it's hard to do. Anyways...

I just saw the final show of that 70's show. Man I'm going to miss it. I was nice that I was able to watch it though, I laughed a whole bunch of times with the last few episodes.

Chiara went to the Dentist yesterday and did great. I love my piccolina!

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Miles: 62,337

Good day. It's a Monday but it was ok. Lot's of work to do.

I'm very happy my Piccolina is doing GREAT!! She just passed TR4/8Q-1 That's freaking awesome! You're the best wife in the world!

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Miles: 62,311
MPG: 24.74

Good weekend. Went to Ami's party and it was nice to go see my parents and we all ate burgers.

Sunday I washed and waxed my car which I hadn't done in over 3 years. It was very nice to do it my self and he's very smooth now.

Chiara and I had a good weekend. I was able to help my piccolina with some drills and I know she's going to do great on her course today!

Ti amo Chiara!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Miles: 62,280
Weight: 188.3

Hard day yesterday. It was tough at the office lots of admin and stuff to do. But I talked it over with Chiara and the BPC went away. It was nice. I love to have my Piccolina as my terminal. She's the best.

Chiara cooked some good pasta yesterday. I was glad we didn't completely finished it, we ate until we were satisfied and that's great!

Ti amo Chiara!!!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Miles: 62,262

Well it was a good day. I worked out and went to work and I think I fixed the squeaky clutch pedal I had. That's always goog news.

We also went to my parents house and they offered us dinner and we stayed and talked. Chiara is doing a great job at arranging all the stuff for the Wedding shower.

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Miles: 62,243

Well with the good news that Vito started the FRU. That's awesome! He's finaly doing what he wanted and he seems very happy.

Chiara is doing great on her course and on her auditing. I'm very excited for my Piccolina. She's a tough cookie and she's moving along great. Nothing gets in her way. I love that about her.

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Miles: 62,237

Well it was nice to go see my Paretns. They are doing good.

Chiara is starting to plan the bridal shower for Julie and I'm starting to put it together for Riccardo.

Chiara just called me and told me that Vito's CSW to start in the SO has been approved! YAY! So now he'll be in the Sandcastle as a D of P. That's so good!

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Miles: 62,221

Nice weekend. Went to the event and it was nice to just hang out.

On Saturday we watched the Illusionist, cool movie. Sunday we just chilled at home.

Ti amo Chiara!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Miles: 62,210
Weight: 189.4

Well it's been all good. I've been really enjoying the course I'm taking for the System Administrator stuff. It's really teaching me new stuff and stuff that it's useful to me.

This week I actually gained weight. But I've obvserved that a) I only worked out on from Wed, Thurs and Fri. Before I had been woking out at least 4 days a week. The goal is to work out 5 days a week and do it good. Also I've noticed I'm getting bigger. My arms are getting strong and I'm looking strong. Now is just a matter to loose the fat. I think if I go to running 2 mi a day a should be good. I tried to run it today but I was very tired, more than usual. Then I realized that some dumbass left the threadmill on an incline so it was harder than usual. I think if I run at a pace of 5.5 or 5.7 mi/hr I would be better to do my 2mi instead of the usual 6.2 or 6.4 I usually do for the 1.5mi.

Anyways, yesterday it was nice to go to the Pool with Chiara and enjoy some extroversion. We cleaned the frogs from the filter. That was interesting. I really enjoy spending time with my piccolina.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Miles: 62,194

YAY! Chiara finished her Grade I!!!!! I'm so happy my Piccolina is moving up the Bridge! She's very happy and I'm so proud of my Pipistrella. She's now on Level III and starting Grade II and since she's trained I know she'll do great!!!

We went to Joto's to celebrate last night. And since I ate a lot I worked out extra hard this morning. Feels good.

Ti amo Chiara!!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Miles: 62,176

Well it was different yesterday night. We went to the mall with Julie and Riccardo to go see a dress for Chiara for Julie's wedding and a suit for Riccardo. Chiara found this beautiful dress that goes oh so great with her eyes. Riccardo didn't seem to really like the suits so we left. Dinner was fine and had fun.

My favorite time is when my piccolina just laughs and laughs. I enjoy being with her so so so much.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Miles: 62,162

Good day yesterday. Did a couple of things and I'm planning to get tickets to a soccer match in Italy; should be interesting.

Today Star Wars Episodes IV, V & VI come out along with Goal! So I'll go to check them out.

I need to start waking up at 6:50am so I can work out. I haven't and it sucks. I really want to loose weight for Julie's wedding and to go to Italy.

I really enjoyed dinner with my piccolina yesterday. You are such a cutie pecutie.
Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Miles: 62,116

I had a good weekend. Finally Chiara and I bought our tickets to Italy!!! WOOT!! I'm very excited since I've never been there and it's been a couple of years we have been meaning to go but couldn't until now!

Ti amo Chiara!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Miles: 62,111
Weight: 188.2

Well, the week went fine. It was a short week but it sure went by fast. At the office I'm focusing on hiring people right now since we need some people. So I'll just focus on that.

Chiara is doing great, she's half ways through her Meter drills. Man that woman is a warrior! No mercy! Duro y a la cabeza!

Ti amo Chiara!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Miles: 62,088
MPG: 24.21

It was nice yesterday. Chiara and I made dinner and went for a walk. That made a difference instead of eating and sitting down to watch TV.

I've had some trouble to get up in the morning this week to go to the gym. Weird. I guess I worked out a lot on Monday and Tuesday and I'm sore in the arms, so when it's time to get up I feel tired but it's just that I'm sore. I'm make it in tomorrow and I'll make sure I get the dicipline to get up in the morning this coming week.

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Miles: 62,069


I'm so happy!!! My Piccolina just got her Green Card just in time for everything. This is a finished cycle of after 2 years of waiting and filling out forms.

Ti amo per sempre Pipistrella!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Miles: 62,062

Cool long weekend. We got to enjoy it a lot. Chiara and I went to the mall where she found the shoes she wanted. It was nice different thing to do. We also went to the beach and swam and such and had fun.

I love being with my Piccolina!

Ti amo Chiara!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Miles: 61,939
Weight: 188.4

Good week overall. I finished some very important cycles and I was able to get some Training time in and also fixed some stuff here at Fortis. Now I have some good stuff coming with HR and I will be putting my attention on it and get it done and maybe get some commission.

Chiara is doing great. She's practically cleaned the whole house. She's awesome! She's getting ready for her Level III and I know she'll enjoy it.

Ti amo Chiara!