My Journal

Friday, October 13, 2006

Miles: 62,608

WOOT! Only 3 days baby!!! I'm very excited to go to Italy.

Chiara is getting everything ready and so am I. I'm ready to boogy at Julie's wedding and then go party. After that it's all about Italy baby!!!

Ti amo Chiara!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Miles: 62,589

WOOT! Only 4 more days until I go to Italy.

Chiara, the most wonderful woman in the world, called Ferrari today and found out we can't get a factory tour without knowing someone or owning a Ferrari. Oh well, I tried and I guess I'll have to do with just the Galleria Ferrari place to get my Ferrari Fix.

Chiara is such a cutie. I love it in the mornings when she's all up and about and gets all cutie.

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Miles: 62,564

Well it's only 5 days away until we go on Vacation WOOOT! I'm excited! We're going to have such a good time!

Chiara cleaned the garage and it looks great! She's such a great person in regards to that and I appreciated very, very much.

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Miles: 62,561

Well my piccolina is done with her Routing form and is officially on Vacation. Cool!

Italy here we come!

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Miles: 62,542
MPG: 23.31

We'll it was a nice weekend. It was tiring on Saturday since I washed both the cars and waxed Sportagina. Man it was rough on my back but I splept like a baby that night.

I also bought a cool new jacket for Italy. It's a reversible one that detaches the fleece part of it. Cool!

Chiara and I are almost ready to go! WOOT! Extactly in 1 week I'll be going to Philadelphia and then onto Milan! WOOT!!! I'm very excited!

Ti amo Chiara!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Miles: 62,468

Did good exercising yesterday but I was hurting all day long. My back had a pain everytime I would do certain movements. It's much better today I think I just needed rest.

I'm glad is Friday. I'll be doing somework for Lance that he wants me to do on the side for his laptop. I think it's good since I can use all the $ I can for the trip to Italy.

Chiara is doing good. I know it's hard to go through her grade and that on course they're giving her a hard time for leaving. She's tough and she'll do great!

Ti amo Chiara!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Miles: 62,466

Well this week is flying! It's already Thursday!

Chiara is doing great and it's only 11 days until we leave to Italy! WOOT!! I also bought my tickets to go see Milan vs Palermo!

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Miles: 62,451

It was a tuesday. Not bad. Had to do some work and it's getting done.

I finally got up and did some exercise. Since my membership expired for this month to go to the FH Fitness Center I decided I would get up in the morning and exercise. I hadn't done it and today I did. I ran about 2 miles. Not bad but my legs are shaking! LOL

Chiara is doing great on her course and I know she'll do fine.

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Miles: 62,444

Well, it was another monday. I did my work and whatnot but I was tired.

Chiara seems to be kicking ass on course and I know she'll keep doing it that way. Go bellissima!

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Miles: 62,439

Good weekend. We went to race go karts for Riccardo's bachelor party and it was fun. I got 3rd place and he got 2nd place so it was nice.

Chiara and I enjoyed the weekend at home and are very ready to go to Italy!

Ti amo Chiara!