My Journal

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Miles: 65,497

Lots of work to get done. We're on the last strech and we're going for it. GO GO GO!!!

Chiara is now on her Internship and I know it's hard but I know she'll do great. I'm so happy that she's getting all this training.

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Miles: 65,483

Everything has been going good. Chiara started her Intership and I'm very excited because she'll get so much out of it and will learn a lot.

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Miles: 65,470
MPG: 28.98

Very nice evening yesterday. Chiara and I had a long walk and I really enjoyed it. My piccolina did a great dinner and I devoured it too.

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Miles: 65,452

Great weekend it was my birthday and my piccolina did a great job, it was very very special. She's the best! I got an iPod, 2 great tshirts, the book I've been meaning to buy and a model Ferrari to be put together. Man I love my piccolina!! She's simply the best!

Ti amo Chiara!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Miles: 65,342

Great week! I've had lots of fun and my piccolina has made it very special. Tomorrow is my birthday, WOOOT!! We'll be going out to the Go Kart place and race, that should be lots of fun.

Chiara and I went to eat with the RTW people to say goodbye to Jahaziel and it was fun, we also went to the movies, which I know my piccolina went with me because she loves me very very much. I'm the luckiest guy in the world!

Ti amo Chiara!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Miles: 65,296
Everything has been so cool. I'm very happy that my bday will be on Saturday and I can't wait to get together with the whole family and my Chiarina has been taking care of me all week long with delicious food. I'm so lucky. Just having her as my wife is gift for eternity.

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Miles: 65,281

Good day, I've been doing good. I'm having lots of fun here at the office and the briefing yesterday was a great way for the group to know where we are headed and how is it that we are doing it.

Chiara did a fantastic dinner yesterday. The pasta was delicious! It was truly delicious! And the phylo dough pastry that she made, mmmmh, very cheesy! All I know is that my piccolina really loves me and for that I'm forever grateful!

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Miles: 65,257

Everything is good, another Monday but doing good and getting better and better.

Chiara and I went to my parents house yesterday and had fun with them talking and all, it was very enjoyable.

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Miles: 65,228
MPG: 31.02

WOW! I had a great weekend. I went with a couple of friends and Chiara to an expedition. We went looking for this place in Plant City that had Tacos al Pastor. Man o' man was it good! I ate about 15 of those tacos and it took me back, way back in time! I also ate tacos de tripitas that had been at least 6 years that I hadn't eaten there. It reminded me of very nice times with my parents! I'm very glad that Jahziel showed me where this place was, I owe him big time!

Chiara and I had a good weekend. It was very relaxing on Sunday but on Saturday we did lots, we got a great new mattress that I'm loving it! Chiara got Don Andres but we still had fun, when the lights were out in the morning we went for a coffee in Starbucks and then we chilled at home. Later we went to eat pizza for dinner. This was a lot of fun and as always I have the love of my life with me and that makes it 3x better.

Ti amo Chiara!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Miles: 65,076

Well, one month here at RTW and I'm feeling great! I'm really enjoying being here and I feel I contribute a lot and there's more to contribute and learn. I'm really enjoying it.

Chiara and I had fun last night, it was a chill at home type a thing but it was nice. She made an Italian Easter egg and it was very good. I tasted like a mediterranean pastry, mmmmh, delicious!

Ti amo Chiara!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Miles: 65,054

Man, I love that everything is going great! I'm continuing to learn alot at work and I'm really having fun!

Chiara is such a cutie! I love being with my wife. I loved yesterday that I was watching the TV and we were both together. Che bella!!!

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Miles: 65,036

Everything good, lots of production and getting lots of stuff done. I like it.

My piccolina looks ever so cute when we go out and such. She's my favorite person in the whole world. I like when I cuddle her, makes me love her even more. Well done on getting %100 on your LIV test!

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Miles: 65,010

Everything going great. Learning lots and more importantly becoming useful to everyone.

Chiara did an experiment with a sauce and it was good, my piccolina didn't think so but I thought it was. I was thinking today as I was walking in the morning of how great she's with me, it sometimes amazes me how great she is to me and how much love there is. All I want to do is make my piccolina happy and love her every day more, and she makes that very easy.

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Miles: 64,997
MPG: 28.24

Good weekend. I've changed my tires and gotten an alignment that was very needed for my car. I'm happy with it.

Chiara and I had fun this weekend with all the family on Andre's Birthday. I enojoy seeing them all and being with my piccolina.

Ti amo Chiara!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Miles: 64,942

I'm very happy, my piccolina finished her Grade 2!!!! YAY!!!! Che brava mi piccolina! I'm so happy! She looks so radiant and happy.

Ti amo Chiara!!!!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Miles: 64,921

Good day yesterday; I felt I did get some stuff done at the office and I'm getting more efficient. I'm very happy that I'm using the Tech and I'm using BPs and stuff. It helps alot!

Chiara and I went to dinner yesterday and it was quite nice, a lot of food but nice. I love my piccolina and I really enjoy being with her. I'm so lucky!

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Miles: 64,908

Everything good, just another Tuesday. Learning lots here in the office so I'm very happy and productive.

I had fun with Chiara last night when we went outside and we were talking to the neighbors. I think we are very lucky to have such a nice are and great neighbors.

My piccolina tried a new recepie yesterday and it was great! She was a little disgusted when she was cooking it but it was great!

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Miles: 64,894

Well I survived another Monday. It was quite busy and lots of things to do. I like that I'm always busy and I'm doing something. It keeps my morale up since I'm producing.

Chiara as always she outdones her self. She made a delicious dinner with some stuffed peppers, mmmmh, so good! I love my piccolina. I really enojoy the little walk we took last night.

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Miles: 64,881

Nice weekend. We got lots of things done and we had fun. It was different and yet we got to rest and relax.

Chiara and I had fun at the pool, first time this year so it was very nice. We got to eat a very simple and nice dinner and since Chiara bought all this ingredients to make great food, I can't wait!

Ti amo Chiara!