My Journal

Friday, November 30, 2007

Miles: 68,891

This day could be the end of a road or the begining of a new one. We'll see, hope everything comes out to the greatest good to the greatest number.

Chiara had some great ideas yesterday and we'll just wait and see what happens. I'm very fourtunate to have such a great wife!

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Miles: 68,864

Had an awesome session yesterday! I hadn't had a cog like that in quite a while, it was AWESOME!!!

Chiara is also winning a lot on her course so I'm very happy.

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Miles: 68,851

Let's see how it goes here. Looks like the last week.

Chiara did an awesome job doing all this stuff to get her Bridge paid. I'm so proud of my piccolina!

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Miles: 68,768

Yesterday it was good. Went in session and had fun and we finished with all the preps, we'll start the actual Objectives tomorrow. WOOT!

My piccolina had a great idea of helping out la Tia Baby, she's so good!

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Miles: 68,747
MPG: 27.16

Good Monday. Chiara did a great dinner and it was nice to relax at home. Mille grazie Piccolina!

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Miles: 68,734

Lots of stuff this weekend. Lots of moving and lots of shopping. I think my Piccolina had fun.

Ti amo Chiara!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Miles: 68,636

Doing good, lots of work and getting things done. It should be nice to get off those 4 days for Thanksgiving.

Chiara is going back in session and she's excited! Brava piccolina, brava!

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Miles: 68,621

WOOHOO! I went in session yesterday! It was great and I'm really looking forward to continue with it.

Chiara is happy because it's her last day at MK, she's going back in session and she's very excited.

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Miles: 68,604

Good weekend.

I'm excited about going in session today! My piccolina has worked very hard so I can do this, it should be awesome!

Ti amo Chiara!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Miles: 68,484

Doing great! The customers are doing great and it's good to be back.

Chiara is doing great and I know that she is not super excited but I know that what she's doing is very helpful for my family, this is how much my piccolina loves me. I'm truly greatful for having a wife like her.

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Miles: 68,467
MPG: 29.54

Good trip to Denver. Glad to be back home, missed my bed and being there with my piccolina.

Ti amo Chiara!