Miles: 71,284
28 years old today! Wow, it's been great! But to tell you the truth I don't feel 28, I feel like two fourteen year-olds. That's a good way to describe it. LOL
My wonderful Pipistrella got me a super nice Ferrari Backpack, man that thing is sweet! I can't wait until I have to go somewhere where I have to use it, it's gonna be awesome! Sharni and Andrea got me this beautiful LA Galaxy shirt, that shirt is nice! Man it's all blue and it has the beautiful yellow/gold accents, it makes me truly feel like Beckham, now all I need is the blond and blue eyes ;)
We had lots of fun on Saturday with my parents and Julie and Riccardo. As always my Piccolina excels as a host. On Sunday we relaxed at the pool and it was fun. The Lomabrdi kids had fun and so did I.
Ti amo Chiara! Thanks for being part of this wonderful lifetime and I can't wait to have many, many birthdays with you by my side.