My Journal

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Miles: 71,486

Yep, it's Wednesday.

Chiara and I had fun at dinner last night. She didn't want to watch any TV and she did, good girl! I know I couldn't do that :P

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Miles: 71,472

I think I need to take Hirotoshi San to the dealer to get the Oil Pressure indicator fixed. Everything seems to be working but it keeps coming on. I looked online and it costed like $6 so it shouldn't be that bad.

Chiara and I had a nice dinner last night and it was quite relaxing.

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Miles: 71,457

Very nice weekend! We went on the go-karts and I came in 5th place out of 6. Too bad, there's always next year.

Chiara and I had a relaxing day yesterday and it was nice.

Ti amo Chiara!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Miles: 71,376
MPG: 23.90

TGIF!!!! WOOT! It's Friday and tomorrow we have the gokarts!

Man, I paid $41 for gas for Hirotoshi San!!! Holy crap! That's a lot!

I got to go to course yesterday which is always nice. Chiara's cycle at MK had great, awesome wins!! She was very, very happy! I'm so proud of my Piccolina!

Ti amo Chiara!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Miles: 71,351
WOOT! Tomorrow is Friday!!!

I missed my Pipistrella yesterday when I got home. She wasn't there :( but she came after she was done with the guy she was helping and we enjoyed some time together.

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Miles: 71,337

It's the middle of the week and it's all going good. I had fun with my Pipistrella at the beach yesterday!

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Miles: 71,314 *Oil change done*

WOOT! I got a Ferrari t-shirt from Chiara, che bello! Also she did a great dinner, Cottollete e le patate! Mamma mia, che bella la mia donna!

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Miles: 71,284

28 years old today! Wow, it's been great! But to tell you the truth I don't feel 28, I feel like two fourteen year-olds. That's a good way to describe it. LOL

My wonderful Pipistrella got me a super nice Ferrari Backpack, man that thing is sweet! I can't wait until I have to go somewhere where I have to use it, it's gonna be awesome! Sharni and Andrea got me this beautiful LA Galaxy shirt, that shirt is nice! Man it's all blue and it has the beautiful yellow/gold accents, it makes me truly feel like Beckham, now all I need is the blond and blue eyes ;)

We had lots of fun on Saturday with my parents and Julie and Riccardo. As always my Piccolina excels as a host. On Sunday we relaxed at the pool and it was fun. The Lomabrdi kids had fun and so did I.

Ti amo Chiara! Thanks for being part of this wonderful lifetime and I can't wait to have many, many birthdays with you by my side.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Miles: 71,265
Whew! That was close this morning. I thought Hirotoshi San was in trouble because the Oil Pressure Indicator was on and I know it's bad. I finally put a lot more Oil in the car, like I should have done, and it's working great so I'm very happy! And of course going to session helps like 20 million times.

Yesterday was kind of weird and scarry but Chiara is doing good now and everything is fine. I'm glad that my Pipistrella is doing much better. I bet she'll have a great day.

Ti amo Chiara!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Miles: 71,243

Thursday is here so it means Friday is almost here!!! WOOT!

Unfortunatelly I didn't sleep to good since I woke up earlier that usual due to a phone call. Who calls at 6:30am? Don't know but it sure didn't help my sleep.

Chiara and I had some nice dinner last night with cuscus and some nice fish. Then my piccolina wanted to watch ANTM. Mamma mia che drama! But I know it's one our guilty pleasures so it's ok. I enjoy being with my Pipistrella for this kind of stuff.

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Miles: 71,229

Well, it's Wednesday and it's the middle of the week. Tom is back so stuff will be back to normal in the office, boy am I glad.

Chiara did a great dinner last night and afterwards we went for a walk which was great! The temperature was perfect to cuddle while walking.

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Miles: 71,215

Tuesday already. Man 7 more days and it's my Bday, WOOOT!

Chiara was very patient with me yesterday while I was here at the office waiting to finish some stuff and unfortunatetly I wasn't able to make it in time to eat together. But she made a delicious dinner. Mmmm-mmmh good!

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Miles: 71,200

Good weekend. My Piccolina and I got to hang out together and watch some Movies. We went to dinner on Saturday since my piccolina was very hungry and wanted some sushi. I love spending time with my Pipistrella.

Ti amo Chiara!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Miles: 71,185

Long night and early morning. I'm up and about so that's good. Got the License plate cycle finished.

Chiara was in a lot of pain but with the rubbing it got easier. I hope she's doing better later.

Ti amo Chiara!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Miles: 71,163

WOOT! Almost Friday!!!!!

I went to course last night, which was hard to get going but as always once there it was fine, and they gave us a picture of us in the Ballroom. That was awesome!

Chiara and I ate some quesadillas from the tortillas my Mom brought, they were great!

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Miles: 71,149

Wednesday is here, man I wished so bad that Friday was today. Oh well, two more days.

Chiara and I went to the beach last night to go out to eat. It was not very good but it was nice to be able to take my piccolina out since she wanted to go out.

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Miles: 71,125
It's really cool to find out so much about my self during the sessions. I've found some mechanisms that I've put there and that work for some of the things I go through. It's just funny to see them work in session.

Chiara is doing great, I can see that she's really enjoying her sessions and the Milestone One lectures that she's doing. I want to do those so bad. I need to hurry!

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Miles: 71,111
MPG: 27.34

Great Weekend! I got to relax and enjoy doing nothing, I was really looking for that this weekend.

Chiara and I had fun going to the Mall and making pizza and eating gelatto!

Ti amo Chiara!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Miles: 71,078

TGIF!!!! *Disco music plays*

Well, I'm glad that the week is over and I'm glad to just do nothing this weekend. Chiara and I were thinking of going to the beach, which should be nice.

We saw the season finale of Make me a Supermodel and Chiara was super happy that the model we were rooting for won, I loved being with my Pipistrella all excited!

Ti amo Chiara!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Miles: 71,055

Went back in session today and it was good. I had fun with my Piccolina last night and I had to go on course. It looks like I have to go there at least 1 a week so they can see me. So I have to go there tonight, che palle, I wanted to relax. I guess I'll do that tomorrow.

We ate some delicious spaghetti, it had been a while since we ate pasta. I really liked it.

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Miles: 71,041

I'm tired but must continue. The work on Sunday thing really messed me up. It was like I didn't have a weekend. Oh well, I guess I just need a good night sleep and I should be fine.

I've also noticed that I haven't worked out in about 1 week. That totally has to do with it too, but in the morning it's hard to wake up and do my excercises. I guess I should just go back to my pushup only routine. Then on the weekend or later at night I can do the other work outs, so as to not be so tired from them.

My Piccolina did some great rizzoto and some baked potatoes! Mmmmh, good!

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Miles: 71,013

Good session today.

I had fun with my Piccolina last night at home. It was quite relaxing and a great dinner as always.

Ti amo Chiara!