My Journal

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Miles: 71,986
WOOT! I've attested my Obj and I'm super happy! What a great cycle and I'm finally moving up on the Bridge!

I'm a bit worried about my Piccolina that she's not super GI on what she's doing. I don't know if this is a reaction of the action she doing or if there's truly something going on, which would suck if it did. I hope it gets sorted out because it'll be more restimulative when I leave. I'm with you all the way Pipistrella!

Ti amo Chiara!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Miles: 71,887

WOOT! Tomorrow is Friday! That's exciting!

Today I get to go on course, nice! And I finally got the info for the vacation stuff from Tia Baby. WOOT!

Chiara and I will have some much fun!

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Miles: 71,865

Man, more Book and bottle. Today wasn't so bad, too bad tomorrow no session :( but I get course :)

Chaira and I had fun walking and seeing Carolina and Benedeto's house.

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Miles: 71,850

Well it's going good on the book and bottle. Man I'll have to do some of this stuff to run out everything, but I'm very happy I'm doing this!

Chiara and I had a great quiet dinner last night and I really enjoyed it.

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Miles: 71,836
It's Monday.

I started Book and bottle so it's exciting!

Chiara and I had some nice dinner last night but we were dead tired after the Fashion Show we went to.

Ti amo Chiara!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Miles: 71,727

TGIF!!!!! I finished the Obj I was on so now we're onto the mother load... Book and bottle!

Today we get to go see Tío Pedro on stage for having finished VII. It's going to be excititng!

I went on course last night but no study, oh well, today I'll study some.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Miles: 71,705
MPG: 31.60

Man, today after session and having to give up one day of my auditing is pissing me off A LOT! I don't know why, I just want to go in session man! I've been freaking training for 14 years but no auditing now I have to go to course and lose a day! That's BS.

Anyways, that's the end of my vent.

Congrats to Tio Pedro for finishing VII, he'll be here to do VIII so we're very happy.

Chiara and I went to eat dinner last night to Benningan's and it was ok. Nothing super special, the food was ok, the best part is to be with my wife.

Ti amo Chiara!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Miles: 71,681
Good session! I love going in session. Today I realized I hadn't had my foot pain in a long time! Man, what an awesome cognition. It's like finding a $20 bill in your pocket after not wearing it for a long time.

Chiara and I ate some great dinner and we enjoyed talking. I love my Pipistrella!

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Miles: 71,667
Tusday is here. Chiara and I had fun eating pizza and watching for all this old italian and mexican videos. It's always fun with my Pipistrella.

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Miles: 71,644
Nice weekend. I enjoyed it with my Piccolina!

Ti amo Chiara!

Friday, May 09, 2008

Miles: 71,627

WOOT! TGIF!!! We're going to the event tonight so it should be fun.

Chiara and I bought my Clear package at Mexico's ODD Org and I'm super excited!!! I get to go up the Bridge, that's is totally awesome! I couldn't have done it without my Piccolinas help and her Tone 40. She made it go right and it all happen within 48hrs, those guys at ODD got a big surprise when we called them.

Ti amo Chiara!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Miles: 71,590
WOOT! Almost Friday. That's what is all about!

Chiara wasn't feeling too good yesterday so I did dinner and I know she enjoyed that.

Ti amo Chiara!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Miles: 71,558

Another day, another dollar. Ready for Tuesday!

Chaira and I have some good stuff being worked out with Mexico so I can get my auditing over there. It should be very sweet to do this as it will greatly boost me up the Bridge. I'm very happy!!!!! Mille grazie amore, you > * (You are greater than anything)

Ti amo Chiara!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Miles: 71,544
It's a Monday, what can I say. It was hard to get up this morning.

Went to the dentist and I had my cleaning done and it's great! The good news is that I had them clean, the bad is that I need a deep clean and a filling, not too bad I guess. I just have to wait for the estimate.

I had to rotate my tires on Saturday as well as washing Hirotoshi San. Man that kicked my ass! My lowerback was so sore but I got it all done and I managed to buy my mechanix gloves that had wanted for a while.

On Sunday we got to go to the Mall and enjoy buying stuff without actually spending money. Gift cards FTW!!!! Riccardo came over for dinner and unfortunatelly we watch Smokin' Aces. Man what a crapy movie! As always Chiara was a great hostess and did a great job with the food and everything.

Ti amo Chiara!

Friday, May 02, 2008

Miles: 71,528

TGIF!! Man, this week has been very tiring.

Chiara and I had fun last night and I had so much fun yesterday night I forgot to do something for work, d'oh! We were dancing and singing which was very cool.

Ti amo Chiara!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Miles: 71,505
It's Thursday which means it's almost Friday! WOOOT!

I should get back on my pushups otherwise it's going to be harder to do later. I should do 2 sets EVERYDAY! Screw this every other day 3 sets, that's just not gonna happen. I need to keep it constant so it's a standard thing to do when I wake up.

Chiara and I enjoyed our dinner at Caramba's last night. It had been a while since we've been there and we really enjoyed it.

Ti amo Chiara!